Brit-Am Now no.1876 Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. They are the Lost Ten Tribes. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields. In the notes below we bring news, queries, and updates related to these issues. This is a service provided by Brit-Am, Movement of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel. SCROLL DOWN! |
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Brit-Am Now no. 1876: Ten Tribes Studies.
14 May 2012, 22 Iyar 5772
1. S. in Arizona: Very Pleased with
2. The Message they want you not to Know!
3. Atlas Laster: Brit-Am Fulfills Need for Jewish Input.
4. Towa (in Japan): Google Marks Brit-Am E-Mail Message as Spam!
5. Duncan Long: BAC on Proverbs A Real Inspiration!
6. Nelson Thall: Very nice article on Mr. Armstrong.
7. New Article. Cimmerians, Celts, and Hebrews.
Other Possibilities Refuted.
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1. S. in Arizona: Very Pleased with
Dear Yair, ...I very much am pleased with your site! I love it! ... Very
grateful to You! The past few months Brit-Am has brought me encouragement and
renewed hope.. I have an increasing love for Israel and the Jewish people
because of your work and G_D working within me..My life has changed as i feel
more and more consumed with all that concerns Israel ...... I pray for the LORDS
S. in Arizona
2. The Message they want you not to
In the interests of the Truth, of Letting others Know what they should, and of
Free Speech
Please Read this message and then forward it onwards.
The Message they want you not to Know!
How Google Gaggled.
In the recent past if you placed certain key word (such as Lost Ten Tribes,
Khazars, Hebrew Pictures, Tribe of Dan etc) in the Google Search Engine then the
Brit-Am Web Site
would appear at the top of the first page, or near it. It still does on Yahoo
and other search Engines.
On Google however you will not find us [as posted 11 May, 2012], not on the
first page, nor the 2nd, nor hardly at all.
Our site has been all but deleted from the Google Results. Others are still
there but we are not.
This happened suddenly (after years of enjoying prominent placing) and was due
Google was NOT responsible. Others did it but Google has not yet put matters
back in place.
The technical cyber space sabotage has been rectified.
The Google Information Gather (Crawler) has taken note of this but Google has
(so far) not corrected the placements.
Leave the details for another time.
It appears that,
Some-body was out to get us. They have threatened us in the past and taken
action against us in other ways.
Now and again they make a lucky hit and this was one of them.
Brit-Am is fighting for its life while reprobates fight to take it!
Brit-Am has a message THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO HEAR!
They consider us dangerous!
I know this sounds funny but they said as much themselves.
Our enemies take many forms.
Usually they hate Jews and the State of Israel. They hate the Bible and
Bible-Believers. They hate Anglos. They probably hate you too!
Brit-Am says that:
The most important book in world history is the Bible, i.e. the Book. The People
of the Book are the Jews.
Through their learning, scholarship, scientific and other achievements and also
by the State of Israel the Jews have proven their ability and potential in
numerous fields.
Parallel to the Jews are the nations of Western Europe especially those of the
British Isles and their offshoots in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
and South Africa. These peoples have made their mark in world history more than
any other group. In effect they are those primarily responsible for Western
Civilization and its values.
Today both the Jews and the West are faced with common enemies and the same
threat to their existence.
A mutual bond exists between the Jews and the West. This may be partially
explained by the influence the Bible has had (and still has) on both parties.
There is an additional factor. This is Ancestry. The Western Nations were
founded by peoples who came from Israel but had lost their identity.
They are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. This is proven by Scripture, Rabbinical
Sources, Archaeology, History, and every other field that is pertinent to the
Do not dismiss this information. It may be vital to our national existence. It
is also of importance and interest on the individual level.
Brit-Am has Proof!
The Prophets spoke of this.
The articles and sources on the Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes web-site
prove it!
Brit-Am explains, proves, and discusses these issues in detail.
The evidence exists and, taken as a whole, is irrefutable!
Go to our site and read for yourselves.
Then if you think we are worth hearing pass the information on.
Join the fight for truth and freedom from falsehood.
The Cause of Brit-Am is Your Cause!
3. Atlas Laster: Brit-Am Fulfills Need
for Jewish Input.
Re Barriers to Christians?
Re Brit-Am Now no. 1876
#3. Does Brit-Am Inadvertently Put Up Barriers to Christians?
Shabbat shalom, Yair, as we prepare to disconnect from the world's "busi-ness"
for 24 hours.
The main and primary criticism that Christians hurled toward the great Henry
Ainsworth (1570-1623), an early English Separatist, was that he relied too much
on his knowledge of Rabbinic Judaism in his commentaries on the five books of
Moses (Torah), the Psalms, and the Song of Solomon.
Ainsworth was the official Teacher of the English Separatists when they fled
England to live for a time in Holland, in order to escape severe persecution
from the Church of England. Many of the Separatists later left Holland on the
little Mayflower ship in 1620 and 1621 - during the North Atlantic Ocean's
stormy season on the first voyage - and settled in "New England."
While in Amsterdam, Henry Ainsworth refined his knowledge of Hebrew, and his
understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures, by studying with Jewish Rabbis who had
settled in Amsterdam. It has been said that Ainsworth's writings may have been
withheld from spiritually famished (Amos 8:11) Christians because of their
"Jewish" flavor.
Atlas Laster
4. Towa: Google Marks Brit-Am E-Mail
Message as Spam!
Re: The Message they want you not to Know!
Dear Yair Davidiy,
This mail below was in spam mail box.
The reason they say is google found some similar words as other spam
mails or something.
5. Duncan Long: BAC on Proverbs A Real
Re: The Power of Words. Proverbs 10:18-21.
Just a note to say how much I enjoy your commentary/insights on Proverbs and
other scriptures. They've been a real inspiration to me. --Duncan
6. Nelson Thall: Very nice article on
Mr. Armstrong.
Re Brit-Am and Herbert Armstong.
Very nice article on Mr. Armstrong.
Nelson Thall
7. New Article.
Cimmerians, Celts, and Hebrews.
Other Possibilities Refuted.
Part 2 of
Is Longtom a Shortjohn?
The criticisms include the alleged unlikelihood of the Cimmerians having been
Israelites. LT says the Celts were not similar to the Ancient Hebrews but they
were comparable to the Aryans of India. This is not correct. We explain why.
The Tribes - 4th Edition Full Cover Spread.
All truth passes through three
stages: First it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860).
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