Brit-Am Now no.1894
Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. They are the Lost Ten Tribes. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields.
In the notes below we bring news, queries, and updates related to these issues.This is a service provided by Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
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2. Rabbi Avraham Feld: Effusive
Platitudes for Yair and The Tribes.
(a) Extract from R. B. Wein re the
Needed Unity of all Israel.
A Typical Rabbinic Torah !
(b) Praise of The Tribes and Yair.
Now for your new edition of The Tribes so full of much light and warmth.
Yair Davidiy is a world- renowned, prolific author and activist in the deepest
Tanach studies. The new edition of The Tribes is full of new data, explanations
and revelations. His work speaks to both academicians, lay people, Jews,
non-Jews, and returning 10 Israel!
In brief, he created a wonderful source book that most certainly will be the
world closer to redemption!
No Pain No Gain:
Yair Davidy has given and suffered a great deal on a personal level to produce
these brilliant works of love and wisdom. He could have easily been the head of
some successful business enterprise if he had devoted himself to it instead of
the unsung cause of the Lost Tribes.
.Everything is in accordance to the amount of labor, the amount of labor
determines the reward, explains the Mishnah. In music, sport, ballet, math,
computers, art, etc.! . You are successful partly due to the hard painful long
hours of work.
One percent inspiration 99% perspiration and as Rabbi Dr. Yosef Soloveichik has
said we need to have imagination in Torah and Halacha. Yair Davidy has it all.
The 99% rigorous labor intensive analysis, inspiration and imagination.
You want to turn fat into muscle, well fast, diet etc.; all painful and extreme
exercise ,healthy but painful .All our fasts involve a certain measure of old
fashion suffering i.e. no drink or food ,losing blood , flesh, all of this is a
bit painful . Pain in the proper context is good It is a tool crucial to the
redemption process. If Yair Davidy was in sports; he'd be Mr. Universe and a
Gold medalist according to the quantity and quality of his work out, he does
every day for 12 Israel!.
To remove the pure oil from the olive and get the wine \grape juice from the
grape they both must submit to pressure, same mit de diamond. This is in the
nature of the way the Creator created this funny old world. It is healthy &
Yair Davidiy puts himself through a crucible of suffering in terms of his
superhuman devotion to the cause of the12 Tribes reunited. Through his constant,
steady, balanced, mesirat nefesh (personal self -sacrifice) he brings out pure,
refined olive oil that shines brightly. He creates rare and tasty Torah like
wine. With this incredible pressure that he is under he comes up with diamonds
and gems of Torah revelations. Original insights and depth. are common place to
his studies!
The only whole heart is a broken one; HaShem is our only one, only One .We'll
never die of a broken heart.
In fact the heart is the best part of a grand Hebrew boy.
Also even though you bring fantastic rational explanations that all line up with
Torah there still is plenty of emotion and heart! Yair's holy document is online
with the Torah.
3. Harte Joseph: Some Druids became Rabbis.
Their may indeed be Scythians that were with the tribes during the exodus but
they where not the only race that was a big mixed bunch.
You know some Druids even became Rabbis just to learn the Hebrew lore and
tradition but they did that with every race all good knowledge was good
Harte Joseph is a scholar, despite his
erratic approach. If he says something like the above, chances are he has taken
it from old Irish sources.
All truth passes through three
stages: First it is ridiculed. |
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