Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. They are the Lost Ten Tribes. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields.
In the notes below we bring news, queries, and updates related to these issues.This is a service provided by Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
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(a) Stages of Exile.
Duration: 19 minutes.
The Ten Tribes were exiled from the Land of Israel in Stages. The Tribes east of
the Jordan were taken, then those in the north of the Galilee, then those in
Samaria. Most were taken overland by foot or in wagons but a portion were
transported in ships across the sea.
The Stages of Exile.
(b) Completeness of the Exile
Duration: 28 minutes.
The Ten Tribes were Exiled and lost consciousness of their ancestry. There are
those who claim, against the Bible, that only a small portion were really
exiled. We prove that the overwhelming majoirty were indeed taken away by the
The Completeness of the Exile.
2. Brian Weston: Poor response may be a
sign that the end is very, very near.
I have not known you long enough to comment much on the Google Gaggle. I
did read your most recent report on visits, including your You Tube visits and
it is most discouraging. I personally enjoy your You Tube entries though my wife
does find your delivery rather tedious and monotone. Of course she says the same
things of me too!! Nevertheless, there may be something to this. Personally I
see another activity occurring.
I think that because you are not getting a lot of response is a sign that the
end is very, very near. No one wants to hear or study the Truth any more. They
want to hear the comfortable lies. We know from Scripture that this type of
indifference always precedes change. Only those of us who are unwittingly
preparing our souls for redemption and glory will have any idea of what really
is coming down. I know I must sound like a thousand other sages that have said
the very same things, but I really think we are closing in on what is spoken of
in Isaiah 11: 10-16. The flip side is that when the time comes we will achieve a
more receptive audience. The bad news is that we will be running and jumping
like deer as our understanding makes us skip about as calves of the stall.
3. Melvin: Many Jewish Surnames in
Dear Sir, I find your website very interesting, please make a search on google
for Jews in Malta.You will find that many surnames there are Jewish.
4. Sarah: Comments re Yair on YouTube.
"Dear Yair,
"&& positive you are on you-tube"
you look all-right but I wondered if there is a picture on which you 'smile'? ..
humor sometimes would be nice although this can' be perceived as being
compulsory I only wish you are inspired with a small smile"
5. Chronicles of Eri
Chronicles of Eri: being the history of the Gaal Sciot Iber: or, the Irish
people (1822).
Roger O'Connor, 1762-1834.
Chronicles of Eri
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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All truth passes through three
stages: First it is ridiculed. |
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