Biblical Names-19: Oklahoma

State: Oklahoma

(a) List of Names whose Biblical Origin was confirmed by Moshe Davis:

Gideon, Cherokee

Jonah, Garfield

Kedron, Cherokee

Lebanon, Marshall

Nebo, Murray

Sharon, Woodward

(a) Tribal Associations of Above Names for Oklahoma

Gideon, - Ephraim

Jonah: Jonah according to the Talmud (Yerushalmi, Succah 5:1) belonged to
either the Tribe of Asher or of Zebulon and there is an opinion that his
mother was from Asher and his father from Zebulon.

Kedron, the name of a brook in Jerusalem capital of ALL Israel

Lebanon, belonging to the Tribe of Asher but associated with Ephraim (as

Nebo: Reuben

Sharon, the Sharon plain was near the coast and overlapped the territories
of Ephraim and Manasseh

(b) Oklahoma: Additional Names (Biblical names chosen regardless of reason)

Albion = Lebanon Asher, Ephraim

Amorita Amorites- Israel

Asher Israelite Tribe of Asher

Bethel Benjamin, Ephraim (there were two Biblical settlements named Beth-el
besides each other, one in the territory of Benjamin, the other in Ephraim).

Bethel Acres Benjamin, Ephraim

Davidson David Judah but future king of ALL Israel

Davis David Judah but future king of ALL Israel

Hugo Haggi (Chaggi) of Gad

Pharoah Egypt, associated with Joseph

Conclusion.  Based on names studied only: Up until now nearly all the
States studied showed a strong preponderance of Joseph nearly always
somewhat in favor of Manasseh though in some cases with a lot also of
Ephraim. Sometimes one or other of the other tribes also showed a strong
local favor. In the case of Oklahoma no one tribe really seems to be
preponderant but you could say that Ephraim has a lead, followed by
Manasseh, and Asher.

According to the TIME Almanac the name Oklahoma means, The Red People.

Biblical Names in America