![]() Chapter Seven ISRAEL IN EUROPE MAJOR MIGRATORY MOVEMENTS First Scythian Movements to Europe Ca. 550 BCE: The movement of Scythians from the Middle East to north of the Caucasus began in earnest with the penetration of Scythia. Offshoots from this movement reached into Western Europe where they adopted Celtic culture. The Retention of Israelite Clan Names In the Books of Genesis (chapter 46) and Numbers (chapter 26) and elsewhere in Scripture are recalled the names of clans amongst the Israelite Tribes. These clans often became entities in their own right. The Scythian and Celtic groups bore tribal names that are frequently similar to those of the Israelite clans and they are grouped together in ways that recall the original tribal formations. Groups bearing the names of clans belonging to particular Israelite tribes tended to converge on the same areas even though they had forgotten all ancestral connection with each other. This phenomenon is recorded in Scythia, in Europe, and in Britain. When these peoples moved westward the occurrence repeated itself. The process can be traced by comparing the records of archaeology, ancient geographers (such as Ptolemy), Classical historians, and legends. “The Tribes” by Yair David(i)y describes these movements and identifications in some detail. Royal Scythians Move Westward Climate changes in Scythia caused “Sarmatian” groups to push the Royal Scyths westward in the period 300-100 BCE. They re-settled at first in the area of Bulgaria, then after renewed pressure continued north, ultimately to reach Scandinavia. Royal Scythians to Scandinavia The Turkish Huns emerging from the Far East after 200-160 BCE attacked the Aseir (Wusun), Goths, and Sacae who also began to war amongst themselves. These events were followed by a climate change which, after 120 BCE, resulted in the desolation of Chorasmia (east of the Caspian Sea) which previously had been heavily populated. Goths and Sacae began to move westward. These movements caused a chain reaction and migrations to Scandinavia included Royal Scythians moving northward from the Balkan area. Scandinavia was re-populated in the period 100 BCE-100 CE. The Baltic coast was also heavily settled in this time, and from there more tribes were to move westward. The Belgae After 200 BCE the Belgae from the East began occupying northern Gaul. They were associated with a group ultimately hailing from the Middle East and Syria and known linguistically as “The Northwest Block.” They arrived in Europe via Anatolia and the Crimean region of southwest Scythia. Culturally these peoples became Celtic-Galatian. The Belgae also occupied parts of Britain and Ireland. Eastern Scythians Move West From eastern Scythia, in the decades 70-50 BCE, the Western Sienbi and the Northern Hun group of Hugie, Dingling, and Gienkun moved westward. The Northern Hun group in Scythia had encompassed several smaller tribes at least some of which began to re-appear from 50 BCE in the Rhine area of Western Europe and within a hundred years had taken over the region. Archaeological evidence shows that in the time of Caesar the area of “Germany” east of the Rhine had had a type of culture (termed the “La-Tene”) similar to that of the Belgae and Treveri in northern Gaul. Within a hundred years (i.e. by 50 CE) this culture had been completely destroyed and the region resettled by peoples bearing previously unknown names such as the Chatti, Chasuarri, Angrivarri, Ampsivarri, etc. The following examples of peoples who migrated from Scythia to Europe have the name by which they were known in the west followed in brackets by that which they had previously been called in Scythia: The Chauki (in Scythia “Cachage Scythae“), the Tubantes (Tabiene), Bructeri (Bactria), Chatti (Chatae Scythae), and the associated groups of Varni (Varini), Tigorini (Taguri), Angiloi (Augali-Aegeli,), Jutes (Iatii), Sasons (Sasones) and Scoti, Esci (Ascotacae), as well as Alans (Alans), Tectosaces (Tectosace Scythae), As (Asi), and quite a few others listed elsewhere. The area of Germany, like Scandinavia, received Tribes coming from Scythia and about to continue westward into Gaul and Britain. [“Gaul” is a term generally inclusive of modern France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Holland]. Suebi and Saxons Move Westward From 150-350 CE continuous warfare instigated by the Huns in East Scythia caused many more peoples to move westward amongst whom were the eastern branch of Sienbi in ca. 170 CE [The western branch of Sienbi had previously gone to Europe in about 60 BCE]. In Europe the Sienbi were generally referred to as Suebi. This movement out of Scythia to the West caused the existing peoples in Germany in the period 200-300 CE (and in some cases somewhat before that time) to be replaced by bigger groups who absorbed them. The larger groups included the Saxons, Franks, Alemani, and so on and the Suebi. The Suebi appear to be the only major body remaining as an independent entity. They had acted as precursors to the newer arrivals. They were to be closely associated with the Saxons and Alamans who settled Alsace and Switzerland. Many of the peoples arriving in the west came via Scandinavia or had had components in the Scandinavian region. This explains why some traditions attribute a Scandinavian origin to some of these groups. The Scandinavians themselves believed that they came from (or via) Scythia. The Huns Push Saxons, Franks, and Others Westward In the years 350-450 CE the Huns moved en-masse out of “Scythia“ (Eurasia) into Europe forcing most of the peoples in Scythia to accompany them or else to flee for their lives. As a result of the Hun invasions the Saxons, Franks, and Alamans received a large augmentation of manpower with the addition of new clans which (in the case of the Saxons) included those identified as Huns proper. In response to Hun pressure these greatly increased bodies overran the Western Roman Empire and settled Gaul and Britain. Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, and others also conquered formerly Roman countries. In most cases however, the conquerors were numerically insignificant when compared to the native populations. The whole process of movement, on the whole, was to continue till about 500 CE with an invasion by the “Vikings” some time later. In this period the white peoples of the East, described by the Chinese, were to disappear almost entirely and re-appear in Europe. The Danites and Nephtalites Move to Scandinavia In the very far east of Scythia in what is now eastern Siberia and western China a good portion of the Naphtalite horde had remained. In the 450-500 CE period the Naphtalites began to move west eventually entering Scandinavia in the 500's and 600's CE. The Naphtalites themselves settled mainly in Norway. Sweden was populated by Goths and by Suiones descendants of Shuni (pronounceable as “Su-oni”) son of Gad (Genesis 46:16). The Naphtalites had been accompanied by Danites who ultimately moved into Denmark parts of which had previously been populated by Angles, Jutes, and other Danites. There was a tradition that the Jutes descended from Judah and the Danes from Dan. The Viking Invasions The continued migrations to Scandinavia resulted in over-population, the pushing outwards of coastal populations, and subsequent overseas colonization. The Scandinavians overseas were known as the Vikings. The Normans The Vikings settled in England, Ireland, Normandy (France), and elsewhere. In Normandy the Vikings accepted French Culture and were called Normans. From Normandy they invaded England in 1066. The Picts and Khazars Some groups of Sacae-related Israelites including bands of Goths and Naphtali remained in the Caucasus region and adjoining areas of Scythia. These were eventually to amalgamate with the Agathyrsi and form the KHAZAR nation which converted to Judaism. Some (but not necessarily many) of their descendants are to be found today amongst the modern Jews. The real core of the Khazar nation federation was centered on the Akatziri or “Agathyrsy” as the Greeks called them. The Agathyrsi had had at one stage a section on the Baltic coast and another in Pontus by the Caucasus. At some time between 50 BCE-300 CE (more likely closer to the latter date) the Agathyrsi sent a contingent across the sea to Scotland where it became identified with the PICTS (Servius on Aenid 4.v.146). The Picts were to act more as accomplices than as opponents to the Anglo-Saxon invasion. The Picts were formidable warriors and seriously perturbed all who stood against them. Similarly, the Agathyrsi (Akatziri) in Europe were described by Jordanes (the Gothic historian) as being an extremely brave people. The Khazars, who came from the Agathyrsi, were to convert to Judaism and had their own belief in having once been part of the Israelite nation. The Khazars were centered in Southern Russia but a small colony also existed in Sweden. The Khazars in Sweden had connections to the Anglo-Saxon colony of Hedeby in North Germany before the Angles and Saxons moved to Britain. The Khazars and the Goths in early Medieval times were identified by Chroniclers with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Similarly, the Historian Gildas in Britain (500s CE) speaks of the Celtic inhabitants of Britain as Israelites. The Anglo-Saxon historian, Bede, identified the English as the Chosen People. The Franks and Visigoths in the 7th century had similar notions. Historically many of the peoples who came westward were considered Gothic though the Goths-proper settled in Sweden. Traditions located Israelite Tribes in areas of Sacae and Gothic habitation and the different Tribal names correspond with those of Israelite entities. The Scyths, Goths, Cimmerians and related groups of Scythia were all one people, from one original stock, which was Israelite. From these nations emerged those of Western Europe.The “Barbarian” nations who invaded Europe derived from forces of the Scyths and Goths, who in turn had once been together with the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians had previously gone west and become part of the “Celtic” peoples whom the “Barbarians” were now conquering. From Germany to North America The Roman historian Tacitus reported the tradition that the Germans were descended from “Mannus”, i.e. from Manasseh of Israel! The Germans, who Tacitus spoke of, in large part moved westward to Britain, France, Holland, and Belgium. Others remained, especially in the west, but were numerically overwhelmed by newcomers from the east. Nevertheless, many people of Israelite descent remained in Germany, especially in the west, until around the 1800s when there was a massive migration to the USA. The migrants from Germany to America were different physically, sociologically, and ideologically from those who stayed behind. They were on the whole, less anti-Semitic or not anti-Semitic at all; more liberal and independently minded, often of non-conventional, more fundamental religious persuasion and of a different physical type. In Germany they had belonged to groups and social classes that never actually really belonged to the mainstream of historical German society. Similarly, in Britain, the migrants to America either came mostly from the west and north or they belonged to socially distinct elements that had formed a separate grouping alongside the feudal stratifications that had previously existed. In the case of Germany we have descendants of Israelites separating themselves from their non-Israelite neighbors and moving out: Often one village would remain and all inhabitants of the community next door emigrate to America. In Britain, the case is one of descendants of the tribe of Manasseh separating themselves from their Ephraimite brothers. What applies to Britain and Germany has been studied and documented but the same phenomenon appears to have taken place throughout Europe wherever people of Hebrew origin were to be found. <<FOR, LO, I WILL COMMAND, AND I WILL SIFT THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AMONG ALL NATIONS, LIKE AS CORN IS SIFTED IN A SIEVE, YET SHALL NOT THE LEAST GRAIN FALL UPON THE EARTH>> [Amos 9:9]. EVIDENCE OF SCYTHIAN ORIGINS It may be shown that the “Barbarians” emerged from Scythia from several viewpoints: Demographically, Germany at that time could not have supported the millions of people in the Barbarian forces. The archaeological and historical evidence indicates that most of Germany was relatively unpopulated, uncultivated, and not amenable to large groups of settled (non-nomadic) peoples. The same applied for the rest of northern Europe. In east Scythia there had existed settlements of numerous civilized peoples of so-called “Nordic” appearance who disappeared shortly before the Barbarians were first recorded in Western Europe. The “Barbarians” had traditions that they came from Scythia and their artistic styles are actually identical to those known from the Scythian areas. They had similar “Shamanistic” Scythian religious beliefs and customs; they wore the same armor, and fought with the same tactics, and they had the same tribal names in the same formations relative to each other as they would later have in the west. The Scythian peoples were destined to disappear from Scythia in the period between 300 BCE to ca. 600 CE. Just as the Scythians were leaving Scythia, they began to appear in the west as “Barbarians” largely after passing through Scandinavia, Pannonia (Hungary), and Germany. The Romans who encountered the “Barbarians“ on their borders, fought against them whilst at the same time enlisting them in their armies, and wrote about them, had essentially correct information concerning their origins. They considered the Goths to be Scyths and the Scyths of Scythia to have become, under different names, the Barbarian nations of the west who were pushing against the Roman frontiers which they often reached via Germany. In Germany, the Barbarians conquered and/or adjoined Indo-European “natives” with whom they forbade intermarriage though they interacted linguistically and culturally. After the Scythian Barbarians left “Germany”, going to France, Holland, Britain, Switzerland, and elsewhere, the native “Germans” re-asserted themselves. Meanwhile hordes of Slavonic and other peoples swept into Germany in the 500's CE to fill the vacuum left by the evacuating Scythian Israelites. These peoples were “Germanized” through colonies of German natives settling amongst them, pressures by German Rulers, and the policies of the Catholic Church. The process of Germanizing the Slavonic peoples in Germany, including those of Bavaria, continued into the twentieth century. The invaders of Britain after 400 CE were headed by the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons. Parallelisms exist between Anglo-Saxon culture and that of Scythia. The Scythian-Gothic nations had emerged from Scythia. In east Scythia, -at least in the area east of the Caspian Sea whence the Sacae (Anglo-Saxons) were once centered, Aramaic was spoken. Aramaic is closely related to Hebrew. Some of the Israelite Tribes had spoken Aramaic while others used a type of Hebrew influenced by Aramaic, or Aramaic influenced by Hebrew. Aramaic was one of the official languages of the Assyrian Empire. The Old Anglo-Saxon English language is a composite dialect and contains many Hebrew words. Linguistically, the west Barbarians may originally have spoken Hebrew or a related Semitic dialect. There is nothing to obviate such a possibility since new languages were sometimes learnt and old ones forgotten in historical experience. The Normans, for instance, came from Scandinavia and settled en-masse in Normandy, France, but within two generations they had forgotten their parent language and knew only French! Language The Germanic languages probably did not exist before 500 BCE. They first appeared in Northern Germany and then spread outwards through conquest and cultural assimilation. It is generally agreed that approximately one-third of all early Germanic vocabulary is of an unknown (non-Indo-European) origin. These languages experienced changes in sounds and grammatical points that are symptomatic of Semitic tongues. Terry Blodgett proved that this additional element was Hebrew1. Hebrew speakers must have been part of, or absorbed into, whatever originated the Germanic languages. The people in question had little or no relationship with the present day inhabitants of Germany other than a linguistic connection dating from the time when one group ruled over the other. FROM THE RECIPIENT VIEW-POINT The earliest inhabitants of the British Isles were few and primitive. Then came the megalithic stone monument builders. This period relates to the time shortly after the Assyrian Conquest of Northern Israel when bands of Israelites first reached British shores. Stone Henge and similar constructions are similar structures to what once existed in Ancient Israel and can still be seen on the Golan Heights. The dolmens, finds in Britain of Egyptian beads, Egyptian ships, Assyrian type weapons, decorations, and Phoenician remains all relate to this time. After that came the “Celts” (ca. 500 BCE-300 BCE) who reflect mixed groups of people some of whom were Hebrews being pushed out of Spain. Other “Celtic” settlers were dislocated invaders from the Continent. The Belgae and others moved over from Gaul after ca. 200 BCE. Amongst the invaders of Britain were also groups who came directly from Scythia including the Agathyrsi who settled amongst the Picts. The Agathyrsi were also known as Acatziri and as Khazars. They were descended from Israel. Then (after ca. 450 CE) came the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes and a host of other peoples who joined their ranks. They encompassed Vandals, Danes, Getae, and Dacians, and numerous others. A preponderant proportion of the invaders were from the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. This Tribal identification with descendants of Joseph also applies to the “Celtic” (Iberi-Hebrew) peoples they were conquering. After that (in the 700s CE) came the Vikings from Scandinavia, then the Normans, then various groups including Flemings and Walloons, Jews from Judah, and numerous others. Most of these peoples were of Israelite descent. BRIT-AM HOME ORIGIN TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER EIGHT |