REUBEN The Birth and Early Days of Reuben ![]() <<LEAH WAS HATED>>: Not actually "hated" in the sense of enmity but rather loved less. [Genesis 29:32] AND LEAH CONCEIVED, AND BARE A SON, AND SHE CALLED HIS NAME REUBEN: FOR SHE SAID, SURELY THE LORD HATH LOOKED UPON MY AFFLICTION; NOW THEREFORE MY HUSBAND WILL LOVE ME. "REUBEN" in Hebrew connotes: "See-ason" i.e. REU (pronounced "roo") - BEN. Reuben became prominent amongst the French who were dominated by the Ribuari and Rubi Franks and other groups named after clans of Reuben. "See-a-son": The very name of Reuben denotes pride and a demand for personal honor. At the same time Reuben was born as compensation to his mother from God for the relative disrespect (or lesser love) shown her by her husband. Leah and Rachel were sisters. Both were married to Jacob. Leah resented her sister Rachel. We could expect Reuben to grow up absorbing some of this resentment especially since he too was to be replaced in his father's affections by Joseph, the son of Rachel. We do not find this. Just the opposite. On the one hand, we do not find that Reuben has the same leadership qualities as Joseph and Judah who both replaced him. On the other hand we do find a genuine nobility of character with Reuben. He likes honor. He tries to assert himself and be a leader. When things do not work out as he may have wanted, Reuben accepts it. He accepts the limitations reality has placed upon him and works within them. The Sages pointed out the difference between Esau and Reuben. Esau has an eternal resentment against Jacob because Jacob took away his birthright. Reuben also lost his birthright to Joseph but he has no resentment but rather attempts to rescue Joseph from the resentment of his other brothers. [Genesis 30:14] AND REUBEN WENT IN THE DAYS OF WHEAT HARVEST, AND FOUND MANDRAKES IN THE FIELD, AND BROUGHT THEM UNTO HIS MOTHER LEAH. THEN RACHEL SAID TO LEAH, GIVE ME, I PRAY THEE, OF THY SON'S MANDRAKES. [Genesis 30:15] AND SHE SAID UNTO HER, IS IT A SMALL MATTER THAT THOU HAST TAKEN MY HUSBAND? AND WOULDEST THOU TAKE AWAY MY SON'S MANDRAKES ALSO? AND RACHEL SAID, THEREFORE HE SHALL LIE WITH THEE TO NIGHT FOR THY SON'S MANDRAKES. Reuben brought the mandrakes to his mother. According to some opinions, mandrakes were highly prized because they had aphrodisiacal or fertility-enhancing properties. Reuben became dominant in France. The French have an international reputation (deserved or not) for being "romantic". In the above case we see that Reuben, even as a child and with no such intention, got himself involved in an altercation amongst women involving feminine desires. His Father's Concubine [Genesis 35:22] AND IT CAME TO PASS, WHEN ISRAEL DWELT IN THAT LAND, THAT REUBEN WENT AND LAY WITH BILHAH HIS FATHER'S CONCUBINE: AND ISRAEL HEARD IT. NOW THE SONS OF JACOB WERE TWELVE: <<REUBEN WENT AND LAY WITH BILHAH HIS FATHER'S CONCUBINE>>: This action was understood by the Zohar (a spiritual work of great value) to symbolize a future action of the descendants of Reuben who will try to take Jerusalem and fight in the Land of Israel. The implication is that when Reuben does this the time will not be right and Jerusalem will not rightly belong to him. It would be as if he is taking something not his own but pertaining to the rest of his family symbolized by his father's wife. Brit-Am identifies Reuben with France due to tribal namesakes, geographical location, national characteristics, and historical sources. The French were the primary instigators (along with Normans, Germans, and later Norman-English assistance and the participation of others) of the Crusades. They massacred Jews in Germany and France, conquered Jerusalem and other parts of the Holy Land and after, a few hundred years of ups and downs, moved out. We made the identification of Reuben with France without connection to the Zohar's passage linking Reuben with an attempt to take Jerusalem and fight in the Land of Israel: But it fits better than any other solution. It may also be that in the future descendants of Reuben will participate in an attempted internationalization of Jerusalem or something similar. Some say that Reuben did not actually sleep with Bilhah, but he did something else that was imputed to him as if he had. Whatever the case, Reuben was not put out of the Tribal Quorum. The very verse that speaks of his offence goes on to as if to emphasize this point: <<NOW THE SONS OF JACOB WERE TWELVE>>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben-2 Joseph told the brothers that next time they came to Egypt they must bring Benjamin with them. The brothers returned to their homes and, after a time, they began once more to run out of grain. They would have to return to Egypt. Reuben was the first to make the request of Jacob to allow Benjamin to go down to Egypt with them but Jacob refused: [Genesis 42:36] AND JACOB THEIR FATHER SAID UNTO THEM, ME HAVE YE BEREAVED OF MY CHILDREN: JOSEPH IS NOT, AND SIMEON IS NOT, AND YE WILL TAKE BENJAMIN AWAY: ALL THESE THINGS ARE AGAINST ME. [Genesis 42:37] AND REUBEN SPAKE UNTO HIS FATHER, SAYING, SLAY MY TWO SONS, IF I BRING HIM NOT TO THEE: DELIVER HIM INTO MY HAND, AND I WILL BRING HIM TO THEE AGAIN. [Genesis 42:38] AND HE SAID, MY SON SHALL NOT GO DOWN WITH YOU; FOR HIS BROTHER IS DEAD, AND HE IS LEFT ALONE: IF MISCHIEF BEFALL HIM BY THE WAY IN THE WHICH YE GO, THEN SHALL YE BRING DOWN MY GRAY HAIRS WITH SORROW TO THE GRAVE. Notice how Reuben, the natural firstborn, was the first to make the request yet it was refused. Reuben attempted to fulfil his natural role as the leading son he should have been but it did not work. The very formulation of the request by Reuben ("SLAY MY TWO SONS") reflects a certain degree of exaggeration and theatricality. [Deuteronomy 33:6] LET REUBEN LIVE, AND NOT DIE; AND LET NOT HIS MEN BE FEW. Reuben, we identify with groups that settled primarily in France and greatly influenced the French national character: They have the characteristics of being passionate, sensitive, unstable, cultured, refined, seekers of justice, daring, etc. The French believe in ceremonial. They also hold to rigidity of rights, e.g. people who pass certain examinations, who are born into certain families, etc, have automatic rights to positions of governmental service and the like. There is less allowance for a free flow of enterprise and talent. They have the characteristics of a dispossessed first-born son of basically good nature but who can never quite reconcile himself with what he has lost. In an article on the French national character ("Pride of A Nation -- A Cultural Profile of the French People") Bob Riel raised the following points: <<In terms of power and authority, the French have traditionally placed significant power in the hands of one individual.Authority is nearly always concentrated in the hands of a single individual.. <<In business, a person's ability and accomplishments are not always the means to attaining position. In a self-perpetuating "old-boy" network, many of the top managers in the country come from the upper social classes and attended the better schools and universities. The French, more than most, rely on their status and labels to propel them to the top rather than their individual drive and ability... <<In France, "individuality" describes a person who has a distinctive character; someone who sets him or herself apart through unique and interesting opinions or style. <<The French are born into societal classes and don't usually have the same individual opportunities as Americans who exhibit drive and ambition. <<French was once considered the primary international language and today France resists the incursion of English, even to the point of barring new English words (such as in the computer field) from the French language. >> We can see in these aspects of the French character the qualities of a first-born son who is conscious of the innate rights he should receive and feels that the rest of the world should be governed along the same principles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben-3 Note: before we begin: The French have been noted for sexual licence and we have connected this to the character of Reuben. This impression may be exaggerated. An unconfirmed report (given in an Israeli newspaper which we unfortunately lost!) claimed that, contrary to expectations, statistically the women of France are among those least likely in Western Europe to betray their husbands. Extracts from: The French - Speaking Peoples In Prophecy By Dibar Apartian Pasadena, California 1961, 1967 Translated from the French By Carol Kalin 1975 The Character and Personality of Reuben According to Biblical chronology, Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, was born about 1771 B.C. Of character ardent, impetuous, generous, and intelligent, this firstborn of Jacob played a predominant role in the history of the Israelites, as the Gauls played a role in the foreground of that of the Celtic peoples. Reuben was also guilty with his brothers when the ruin of Joseph was plotted; but the plan he made to preserve the life of their young brother, proves the courage and the intelligence of Reuben. As a compromise, he succeeded in convincing his other brothers to throw Joseph into a dry cistern in the desert (Genesis 37:22), instead of shedding blood. Reuben loved his own and others; this was easily shown when he volunteered to assume, according to the promise he made to his father (Genesis 42:37), the load of responsibility to restore Benjamin to him. Of course, as all men, Reuben also had his weaknesses and faults. Above all, he lacked modesty, the Bible tells us! The impetuosity of his character and the lightness of his moral conduct caused him to lose his birthright (I Chronicles 5:1), because he "went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine," Genesis 35:22. In spite of the considerable consequences which resulted, the loss of the birthright did not forever involve the total retraction of blessings that Jacob had given to his oldest son: "Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defilest thou it: he went up to my couch," Genesis 49:3-4. Thus the descendants of Reuben, conforming to this prophecy, lost their pre-eminence in the course of history, but kept even so and have kept through the ages their superiority in dignity and power. As for their principal occupation, the sons of Reuben, all made excellent soldiers, and were good in agriculture. They had a considerable quantity of flocks (Numbers 32:1) and lived in a territory rich in pastures, east of the Jordan. Of independent and imaginative spirit (this trait of character was moreover quite pronounced among the Gauls!), they were hard workers, ready to fight for their rights, even when they were wrong! Concerned about the comforts of life, the Reubenites possessed both a goodly amount of foresight and of vanity, as we see in the ensemble of the historic pieces of the Bible concerning the Reubenites. There again, we can't help but compare them to the French whose character, as says Jean de la Bruyers, "takes itself seriously" (Encyclopedie des Citations, No. 105). All things considered, conforming to the predictions of Jacob, the Reubenites were, among the other tribes of Israel, a group superior in dignity and superior in power. The Collective Personality and Character of the French It is very difficult to make a judgment on the collective character of a large and an old nation, such as France. Not less than other nations, the French did not keep the purity of their race. This resulted through incessant wars through the ages, or from the fact of invasions and crossbreedings with the natives and immigrants of different races. The French nation today is composed, as are all nations, of a society more or less cosmopolitan. Nevertheless, France retains a remarkable homogeneity. In spite of the infiltration of diverse elements, greatly complicated and amalgamated, we state that France, from an ethnological point of view, is divided primarily in two distinct parts: those of the north and south in other words, the Celts and the Greeks (La Gaule et les Gaulois, Zeller, p. 10). The Celts, in coming from the east and the northeast, emigrated to the country around 600 B.C., and descended little by little toward the area of Marseille, where Greek colonies were established. We will try now to outline, very briefly, some of the collective traits of character of the French, such as the ethnologists and historians present to us, to establish a base of comparison between the collective character of the French and Reubenites which we have just examined. However, instead of referring to the various works published on the subject, we will use only excerpts from the "Nouvelle Geography Universelle," the monumental work of Elisee Reclus, in which the celebrated French geographer summarizes marvelously even the principal ideas of diverse authors. Before the rapid industrial development which characterizes our Twentieth Century, and which is totally changing the aspect of France, the majority of the population was composed of agriculturists and craftsmen. The French represent a hard-working and ingenious people. "In spite of . . . the extreme difficulties," writes Elisee Reclus, "the peasant owner of his field has made the country one of the most productive on the earth" (Book II, Article: "France"). The famous geographer states that the French can express their sentiments and ideas better than other peoples: "The French . . . have the special virtue of sociability . . . a natural sentiment of benevolence toward their fellow men, a spirit of equity guides them in their relations with all; they charm by their thoughtfulness. . . . They like to please by dress and manners. . . . They excel in the art of good conversation, and makes his point without discrediting others" (op. cit.). These traits of character are specific to the Gauls and, before them, to the Israelites, especially to the descendants of Reuben, as we have seen at the first of this chapter. As for the faults and weaknesses of the French, there again they find their echo in the Reubenites. In fact, the description of their character and personality could easily apply to Reuben. Here is what Elisee Reclus says on the subject of the faults and weaknesses of the French: "Able to be sociable 'par excellence,' he often tries to be 'everything to everyone' and thus loses his own value . . . . Talking easily with everyone, he risks being superficial in his judgments . . . . Respectful to sentiment in general . . . man of society or diversion, he doesn't always have the courage to remain himself" (op. cit.). One must recognize, in these traits of character, the affable Reuben, intelligent and impetuous, who lost his birthright because of his lightness of sentiment and his love of gaity. Of course, if the French culture has kept its superiority, the French must not attribute it to their own merits alone. Even if they have been "the arbiters of literature, and in certain domains of art, their superiority remains uncontested" (op. Cit.), the merit is not due to their own talents: they could not be otherwise, since divine prophecy, pronounced from the mouth of the patriarch Jacob, must come to pass. Reuben must retain his "superiority in dignity and power." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben-4 The article below has points in it that I disagree with but it is worth reading anyway. ORIGIN OF FRANCE AND ITS PEOPLES David James Skelly The Question is, what is the future of France in Bible prophecy? In the main France is descended from the Israelite tribe of Reuben. In France there are also minorities from the tribes of Simeon and Gad. This is well documented in the book "The Tribes" by Yair Davidiy". To have an understanding of France prophetically it is necessary to understand Reuben. Reuben was the firstborn son of Jacob through Leah. Jacob had two wives Leah and Rachel. But Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. "And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren. And Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me" (Genesis 29:31, 32). Reuben means 'see a son'. It was in the environment when Leah felt unloved by her husband and as a consequence was afflicted that Reuben was born. Reuben was born in the environment of Leah's emotional turmoil. As a consequence Reuben became an unstable person. According to Genesis 49:4 Reuben is 'unstable as water'. After Rachel Jacob's second wife was buried "Israel (Jacob) journeyed, and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar. And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine: and Israel heard it" (Gen 35:21, 22). This was an abomination before the LORD. This failure by Reuben as the eldest son to properly look after and protect all the remaining members of Jacob's family while he was away but instead fornicated with his father's concubine was to later disqualify him from the birthright. However Reuben was not all bad. Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other sons. Joseph's brothers including Reuben however hated him and could not speak peaceably with him. While Joseph was journeying to Dothan to meet his brothers, his brothers who saw him afar off plotted against him. With the exception of Reuben Joseph's brothers said "Behold, this dreamer cometh. Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams" (Gen 37:19b, 20). But "Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again; and said, Let us not kill him. And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him" (37:21, 22). Reuben was instrumental in stopping the slaying of Joseph. He intended to return Joseph to Jacob their father. Nevertheless while Reuben was absent his other brothers sold Joseph into slavery. Despite his turbulent emotions Reuben did have some leadership qualities. Reuben had four sons 1) Hanoch (Heb initiated, dedicated), 2) Pallu (Heb separated, distinguished), 3) Hezron (Heb enclosed, surrounded by a wall) and 4) Carmi (Heb vinedresser) (Gen 46:9). It was well after Reuben had begotten his children that his future was declared to him by Jacob. "And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days. Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father. Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch" (Gen 49:1-4). Before Jacob spoke to Reuben, Reuben exercised his leadership as the firstborn son of Jacob. He was the beginning of Jacob's strength and the excellency of power. He saved Joseph from death. He had four sons. But the trouble was that he did a most disgraceful act when he fornicated with his father's concubine. Because Reuben defiled his father's bed, his birthright was taken away and given to the sons of Joseph (1 Chron 5:1). The birthright involved the possession of the best blessings. The history and future of Reuben's descendants in Europe parallels the life of Reuben. The Reubenite Franks and Gauls were the beginning of Jacob's strength in Europe after the death of Christ. Even before the death of Christ the Gauls of the Reubenite line were a powerful people. The Franks that settled France came from Reuben. The Franks that settled parts of Germany came from Dedan. The kingdom of the Franks became the most powerful kingdom in Europe. France became a very powerful nation before England did. In 476 BC Augustulus the last Roman emperor was deposed. Later in 486 Clovis the pagan leader of the Salian Franks became very powerful in Gaul. In 496 he became a convert to Roman Catholic church. Clovis became the first king of the Merovingian dynasty. During his reign Clovis eventually ruled most of what is today France and large parts of Germany etc. Let their be no doubt Reuben was then the strongest Israelite tribe in Europe. After Clovis died his kingdom was divided between his 4 sons (comp Gen 46:9). During the time of the Merovingian dynasty the Western Franks began to assimilate the Gallic latin based language while the Eastern Franks continued to speak their native Germanic language. Eventually the land dominated by the Western Franks became what is today known as France while the Eastern Franks became part of what is today known as Germany. The financial capital of Germany is today Frankfurt a city named after the Eastern Franks. Most of the Western Franks were Reubenites while most of the Eastern Franks were Dedanites. In about 751 AD Pepin the powerful Mayor of the Palace deposed the last king of the Merovingian dynasty and became the king himself. He assumed the kingship with the blessing of the Pope. Pepin began the Carolingian dynasty of kings. In 768 AD Pepin's son Charlemagne became the king of the powerful Frankish kingdom. During his reign Charlemagne conquered a large part of Continental Europe and forcibly converted many people to Roman Catholicism. His empire included most of the German lands and France. In reward for his services, the Pope crowned Charlemagne as the Emperor of the Romans in 800 AD. This began the Holy Roman empire which lasted from 800 to 1806. Charlemagne made Aachen now in Germany his capital. It appeared that Charlemagne had more rapport with the Dedanite Eastern Franks. Charlemagne died in 814. His successor Louis I was an inept ruler. After Louis died in 840 the empire was divided up between his 3 sons. For a few years the 3 sons could not agree to how the empire should be divided. These 3 sons fought each other for 3 years. The treaty of Verdun later put an end to the conflict. By the terms of this treaty, Charles the Bald received a region which approximates to modern France, Louis II received a region which roughly approximates to modern Germany, and Lothair I received a region between the other two regions and received the title of Holy Roman emperor. Afterwards all the Holy Roman Emperors with the exception of Wenceslaus (Bohemia 1378-1400) came from Continental European Germanic States like Saxony, Austria, Luxembourg etc. None afterwards ever came from France. Eventually the Western Franks in France lost the use of their of their native Frankish tongue and spoke the Celtic Gallic tongue and absorbed many Gallic customs. The Western Reubenite Franks intermingled and intermarried with the Reubenite Gauls. The name France is derived from the Franks. The other Franks kept their Germanic speech. The divisions between the French Reubenite Franks and the Dedanite Franks of Germany became permanent. In 987 the French nobles rejected the rightful Carolingian claimant to the French crown and gave the crown to Hugh Capet, the Duke of France who founded the Capetian dynasty. Later the Capetian kings made Paris the capital of France. This is significant because there is a parallel between Reuben's history and the story of Paris the Trojan. When Troy was said to be a powerful kingdom in ancient Asia Minor, Paris a Trojan prince took Helen the wife of Menelaus the king of Sparta away from Greece to Troy. Paris committed fornication with Helen Menelaus's wife. This was a disgraceful thing. Just as Paris fornicated with someone else's wife and Troy was later destroyed Reuben fornicated with his father's concubine and lost his birthright. Later there were also other dynasties. The kingdom of France through the centuries waxed and waned a number of times. Through the centuries there was quite a bit of contention between France and England. After Reuben lost his birthright, the descendants of Reuben became jealous of the descendants of Joseph who received the birthright in Reuben's place. From about 1690 to 1760 there was hostile rivalry between France and Britain over who would colonise and control North America. From 1690 to 1760 Great Britain and France fought each other many times in Eastern Canada. In 1759 Quebec surrendered to the British. In 1760 the British captured Montreal. By the treaty of Paris, France ceded North America to Great Britain in 1763. Because God gave the birthright to the sons of Joseph Great Britain rather than France became the pre-eminent Israelite colonial power. The French revolution began in 1789 and lasted until 1799. Many people lost their lives during this blood thirsty revolution. During the revolution the French National Assembly made the declaration of the rights of Man. This is summarised by the popular slogan Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood. From the ideals of the French revolution came the godless ideals of secular humanism. Before the French revolution there was at least a widespread vague general belief in God. But after the revolution the ideals of humanism and godless philosophies became widespread. The French revolution was the forerunner of the even more blood thirsty communist revolution. Reuben has a number of symbols. On an Israeli postage stamp the symbol of Reuben was a mandrake flower (p340 Davidiy) (comp Gen 30:14-18). The Mandrake flower was known to be either purple or white. This flower may have been what was behind the use of the fleur de lis (white lily) symbol by the French monarchy in the past. In the book of Numbers the tribes of Israel were divided into four camps. The first camp was the camp of Judah in the east which included the tribes of Judah, Zebulon and Issachar. The symbol of this camp was the lion. The second camp was the camp of Reuben in the south which included the tribes of Reuben, Simeon and Gad. The symbol of this camp was a man. The third camp was the camp of Ephraim in the west which included the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. The symbol of this camp was the bull/calf. The fourth camp was the camp of Dan in the north which included the tribes of Dan, Asher and Naphtali. The symbol of this camp was the eagle (Num 2:1-34, Ez 1:10, 10:14, Rev 4:6-9). The 4 camps have reference to the distribution and location of the tribes of Israel in Europe. The camp of Reuben refers to modern France dominated by the tribe of Reuben. The standard for the camp of Reuben (France) is a man or a man's face. Reuben means see a son. Reuben's man standard is strongly liked to the humanism (manism) that came out of the French revolution. Humanism is the worship of man and of man's capabilities instead of God. The man standard of Reuben is also heavily linked to the revolutionary declaration of the rights of man. The Godless ideals of the French revolution have had a very strong influence on world history and have spread to many nations. After the French revolution, Napolean became the dictator of France. In !801 Napolean was formally crowned as the emperor by the Pope. This came about after Napolean had restored some of the privileges of the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the changes that came out of the French revolution were formalised by the Code of Napolean which became the basis of modern France's legal system. As is well known much of Continental Europe was conquered by Napolean including the Germanic states. At this point Reuben was at the peak of his power. Nevertheless this was not to last. As far as God is concerned Ephraim is his firstborn not Reuben. A coalition of the four major powers Great Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria in 1815 put an end to Napoleon's imperialistic dreams once and for all. The British forces were particularly prominent in defeating Napolean in the battle of Waterloo in 1815. After this time France was never to become pre-eminent ever again. France (Reuben) will never ever become pre-eminent again. From this time the descendants of Joseph (England, North America etc) exercised the pre-eminence of the birthright blessing among the 12 tribes of Israel. Just as Reuben was told that he would lose his pre-eminence after he had begotten his four sons and had become advanced in years, France lost her pre-eminence after she had begotten some of her spiritual sons during the French revolution and became advanced in years (many centuries old). France is jealous of the English speaking world's birthright blessing. The French want this birthright for themselves. English is the most important language in the world today. Many Reubenite French would love to see the French language displace English from it's world dominance. After World War II France was jealous of America's pre-eminence. France displayed her bitter jealousy when she withdrew from the military structure of NATO in 1966. Instead of making the fostering of further links with the other Israelite European powers her priority, France is making her partnership with Germany her priority. This is very foolish. Just as iron does not mix with brittle baked clay the German-French partnership shall not last in Europe (see Daniel 2:42, 43). In the last days French will even take a lead in the future Yankee go home movement in Europe. France's jealous anti American attitude will be instrumental in getting US troops sent home from Europe. This will hasten the rise of an anti God United States of Europe. France will pay dearly for her sins. I believe that in future Germany shall be involved in smashing brittle baked clay France with instruments of iron (comp II Kings 8:7-15; 10:32, 33; Amos 1:3). Just as Bismarck the German chancellor was called the iron chancellor in the 19th century, a German iron chancellor shall arise who shall oppress France. Bismarck the iron chancellor quickly defeated France in 1871. Adolf Hitler quickly defeated France in 1940. Hitler thought that the humiliation of France was one of the greatest moments of his life. Hitler even danced in jubilation. O France O France why do you pursue such stupid policies? Don't you know that these policies will lead you to ruin? You must except that the birthright was given to the sons of Joseph. Repent from your sins and turn to God. Co-operate with the Jews and the English speaking world. Then God would bless you bountifully. Otherwise there will be terrifyingly devastating judgement. God through Jacob said to Reuben "thou shall not excel". The Hebrew behind this phrase can also be translated as "thou shall not remain". France shall be just nothing. Reuben shall be in dire straights. Moses prayed "Let Reuben live, and not die and let his men be few" (Deut 33:6 KJV amended). Reuben as a people shall be in danger of being wiped out in the last days. God got Moses to pray the above prayer so that Reuben would not be wiped out and that atleast a small remnant shall survive. The Terrifying beast of Daniel 7 with bronze claws and large iron teeth shall rip Reuben to shreds. The human little horn shall uproot three of the ten horns on the head of the beast and make them low (Daniel 7:8, 24). Who will these three people be? The precedents have been set in 1) II Kings 16:5-9, 2) 1 Chron 5:6 and 3) II Kings 17:1-4. I believe that the future beast dictator shall uproot the ruler of Reuben (France) by the roots and make him low. He will be the second of the three horns to be uprooted. Sometimes some ancient Assyrian kings talked about how they uprooted people and sent them into captivity. Israelites of Europe! be warned ! The terrifying Assyrian beast shall bring back the ancient practice of ripping people up by the roots and deporting them into captivity. Many Reubenites shall die. Others shall be deported. Some will survive as a small remnant. So why is France pursuing a partnership with Germany in Europe? Why does France pursue a policy of military strength in Europe? France is a proud nation with a proud history. She likes to have power and prestige on the world stage. She was deeply wounded and humiliated in 1871 when Prussia quickly crushed France and imposed on her a large indemnity. Her pride and feelings were so hurt that she wanted revenge against Germany at all costs. After Germany was defeated in World War I France got her revenge when she got harsh treaty terms imposed on Germany. In 1940 Nazi Germany quickly defeated France. France was humiliated again. After World War II France was determined at all costs to be strong and never be humiliated again. In late 1995 and early 1996 France did a number of nuclear tests in the south Pacific which have provoked outrage in a number of nations worldwide. Behind the French nuclear testing program is the subconscious determination that France must be strong at all costs; that she shall never be humiliated again like in 1871 and 1940. At the moment France is one of the most heavily armed nations in Western Europe. The French partnership with Germany is a throw back to the Charlemagne era when Charlemagne ruled both the French and the German lands in Europe; when the Franks of France were one with the Franks in Germany. The French people are fond of looking back to the past. After World War II France had two alternatives; one to pursue links with Britain, the US and other Israelite countries and two to pursue links with the continental powers including Germany. She pursued the second option because Reuben's friction with Joseph over the birthright is more deep rooted than France's humiliation at the hands of Germany. Reuben's friction with Joseph over the birthright has lasted for thousands of years. Reuben has more bitterness at losing his birthright than he had when he was defeated and humiliated by Germany. At one time France even tried to stop Britain from joining the European Common market. France is pursuing a partnership from a position of military strength. Germany may have superior economic might but at the moment France has the military strength. Jasques Delors the previous French president of the European Commission got the Maastricht treaty approved by the member nations of the European Union which stipulates European economic integration including a timetable for the adoption of a single European currency. Many French think that if Germany gets fully integrated into a united Europe and loses much of her national sovereignty in the process, Germany will no longer pose a threat to France. But things will not turn out as she would wish. For one thing I do not believe that the French proposal for a single currency will succeed. I believe that only the beast's proposal for a single currency will succeed. Already there are doubts whether many Western European nations will satisfy the strict economic criteria for a single currency. There are signs of cracks in the Franco-German relationship. There were many German people who did not like French nuclear testing in the pacific. For France to make the single currency deadline she must drastically cut her deficit and keep the French franc stable against the stable Deutsch mark. In December 1995 many tens of thousands of French citizen's protested by strikes and street marches against the proposed cuts in France's spending. After turbulent massive strikes of over two weeks long the government was forced to come up with a compromise solution to France's deficit problem. If France is unable to reign in her large fiscal deficits she will not be able to qualify for the French Maastricht treaty program for a single European currency. France may be militarily strong now but this shall not continue to be the case. France and Germany will split and go their separate ways. France will experience massive economic decline. Islamic terrorists will cause havoc in France. There will come a time when France will be forced to cut back on her military spending. French leaders shall arise who will emphasize social spending over military spending. European alliance agreements will compromise French security. After a great economic downturn France will end up being in a similar mood as she was in, just after the Great Depression just prior to World War II. Just before World War II France had a fearful fortress mentality. The meaning of the name Hezron Reuben's third son is "enclosure, enclosed court, surrounded by a wall". France has always had strong protectionist tendencies. She likes to have tariff barriers. French stubbornness at free trade and tariff GATT talks has often been a sticking point. Just before World War II there were fatal divisions among French politicians which only added to the lack of French morale at the time. Sometimes there was even paralysis in government decision making. The building of the Maginot line to protect France is a testimony to the French fortress mentality of that time. Before World War II the Maginot line was only mostly completed. There were areas not covered by the Maginot line. During World War II the Germans were able to quickly invade and defeat France by going through areas not covered by the Maginot line. Because Reuben is as turbulent and unstable as the waters, turbulent internal events will make France nearly impossible to govern. There will be many massive outpourings of internal dissent amongst the French population. Reuben's turbulence shall be one of his worst enemies. When Deborah and Barak were leading Israelite soldiers against the Canaanite oppressors oppressing Israel the tribe of Reuben rendered no assistance. The song of Deborah and Barak says "For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart. Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the folds? For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart" (Judges 5:15b, 16). Just before World War II the French people were divided. While Hitler invaded the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland one after the other, there were great searchings of heart in France but no action. From France there was no action until it was too late. And it shall be so again. In future France shall be divided and have great searchings of heart but no decisive action. France shall be paralysed from within. France's enemies shall know this and take advantage of it. When Hitler invaded Austria etc he knew that France would do nothing. As to exactely how France shall be broken by judgement, time will tell. It is possible to understand each of Reuben's sons as a period in Reuben's history. Hanoch Reuben's 1st son mean initiated or educated. In the 5th and 6th centuries AD the Reubenite Franks became converts to the Roman Catholic religion. The Franks were initiated and educated in Roman Catholicism. Clovis I (496 AD-) and other later Frankish kings became champions of the Roman Catholic Church. Pallu Reuben's 2nd son means separated and distinguished. After Charlemagne the Reubenite Franks through linguistic and other differences were separated from the Dedanite German Franks. Later France became a distinguished exalted Reubenite nation in Europe. She was at the peak of her influence during the Napoleanic era. Hezron Reuben's 3rd son means enclosure, enclosed court, enclosed by a wall. The Pallu era finished about 1871 after the fall of Napolean III. Later France was dominated by a Defensive mentality one way or other. Her security concerns dominated her thinking. At the moment France is in the Hezron protectionist era. During this era her enemies will perceive her unwillingness to act and exploit it. France shall be broken from within and without. Carmi Reuben's fourth and last son means vinedresser. This refers to a period when Reuben receives his lot with the other eleven tribes in the future Millennial kingdom of Israel in the Middle East. At that time the Messiah shall rule the earth with a rod of iron and peace shall prevail. Reuben will be able to enjoy the fruit of his labours in peace. There will be no more crying or tears. Reuben shall be redeemed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben- 5 Extract from "The Tribes" REUBEN AND THE "RIBUARI"- FRANKS " And these are the names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Reuben, Jacob's firstborn. "And the sons of Reuben: HANOCH, and PHALU:, and HEZRON, and CARMI". Genesis 46; 8-9. REUBEN [Genesis 46:9] AND THE SONS OF REUBEN; HANOCH, AND PHALLU, AND HEZRON, AND CARMI. Reuben inherited part of Israel adjoining the Euphrates River. Descendants of Reuben were referred to as "Rabeans" in the Mari correspondence from northern Syria. Reuben was also recalled in Northeast "Syria", in the Geography of Ptolemy (based on Ancient Sources) as the Rahabbanai. After being exiled a portion of the tribe of Reuben was recorded as the Rhabbanai in East Scythia, and later as the Ribuari (Franks) in Gaul. "Ribuari" means Reubeni. They were also known as the Rubi. CLANS OF REUBEN: Chanoch (Hanoch) became the Chauci, who were also known as the Hugo in both Scythia and the west. They became part of the Franks and Saxons. Palui (Phalu) is recalled in the region of Falia (Phalia in Germany) whence the Franks invaded Gaul. Chetsroni (Hezron) became the Chassuari and Istaevones (Sicambri). These peoples all were part of the Franks, who gave their name to France. Carmi: after being exiled was recalled in Carmania in southern Iran, in the Crimea of Scythia, and in the Carini Franks in Gaul. Gog (a clan of Reuben, 1-Chronicles 5:4) gave his name to Gogarene (a region of Iberia in the Caucasus), in the Land of Gog in Scythia north of Tibet, and in the name of the Goths and of the Lost Ten Tribes in popular traditions. Gog was also the name given to the head of a non-Israelite people (Ezekiel 38:2), so some confusion results. A symbol of the Gauls was a cock and later France was represented by the sun. This is also a symbol of Reuben. The fleur-de-lis symbol of France is similar to the flower of the mandrake another symbol of Reuben. The exiled Israelites became Scythians or at least part of the Scythians were Israelite and these in turn invaded Western Europe as "Barbarians". One of the major Barbarian confederacies was that of the Franks. The Franks were an alliance of several groups or rather a federation of several smaller combinations of tribes classified as Frankish and sharing some type of commonality. They seem to have been first reported about 256 c.e.1 when a group of them invaded Gaul, then passed into Spain and from there went to North Africa. Other Frankish-groups soon emerged from the northern Rhine region and began to expand in influence until they succeeded in subjugating the whole of Gaul that was then later called "France" in their honor, i.e. Land of the Franks. A song2 in Gaul dated from about 350 c.e. or earlier equated the Franks with the Persians and Sarmatians. Persians and Sarmatians had indeed neighbored the Scythians in Scythia. Other reports (such as that of Nicholas Vignier ca. 1630)3 also said that the Franks were originally Scyths or Sarmatians. The Franks appear to have gone at first to the mouth of the Rhine and from there began to move southwards. Old accounts4 say that the Franks had come from the former Saxon area of Maurunganie in North Germany below the place of the Normans. One version ("Geography of Ravenna", ca. 700's c.e.). states that the Franks had been in southern Denmark. Another source describes the Franks as, "A people whose name of old was the Deni [i.e. Danes]. The Frankish people is sprung from them, so the legend relates" (Ermoldus Nigellus 826)5. This suggests that a part of the early Frankish leadership may once have been in Scandinavia. Other very strong and consistent traditions6 connected the Franks (who were also called Frakkar and "Frygges") with Phrygia in the western portion of present day Turkey, with Troy (near Phrygia in Anatolia), and with Pannonia. Pannonia, in Roman times, referred to the area of Hungary but later usage7 applied the term to an extended area including the north and west. Whatever areas of temporary sojourn the Frankish peoples may have been in, their primary source of origin is to be sought in Scythia east of the Caspian. The Franks are traceable to the Hugie of the Scythian steppes and the Tectosaces and company who were there. The Vistula River-Pannonia path was one of the major routes into Europe from the steppe area and that was probably the route (or one of the routes) the Franks followed. The Franks were destined to conquer Celtic peoples including Galatians and settle in France. The Celts were then concentrated in Gaul (France) and Britain but had once been spread throughout much of Europe. Even before conquering Gaul the Franks had a proven ability to absorb other peoples, especially those of Celtic connection. The Franks moved from east to west and it is thus possible that on their way west they gathered in pockets of Cimmerians and Galatians known to have formerly been scattered in the southeast European area. There were early French historians who tried to find an ancestral connection between Franks and Galatians. The Franks eventually conquered Gaul the northern part of which was populated by the Galatians and some French writers said that the Franks were themselves mainly of Galatian origin. The Galatians or Galati were also known as Galadi and in French this is a form of the Hebrew name "Gilead". The Tribe of Reuben had originally settled east of the Jordan in the land of Gilead (Joshua 22;9). The". The Franks in northern Europe had first been known as "Huga"8 and this name is one of the indications linking them with the Hugie of Scythia. Amongst the Hugie of Scythia Tribal names (such as "Gali") associated with the Galatians existed. A Galatian connection could explain the Troy and Phrygian legendary associations of the Franks since a small but famous group of Galatians had returned from the west to the east, attacked Greece, crossed over from Europe into Asia Minor and then settled in Phrygia (near Troy) in Anatolia. Some Galatians had also (at another stage) gone further eastward into Scythia and these too may have linked up with the Hugie. The Galatians were descended from part of the ancient Cimmerians9 a portion of whom had previously (before moving into Europe) also sojourned for about 160 years in Phrygia. The Franks were to eventually settle in Holland, Belgium, and north France. They are mainly descended from the Tribe of Reuben though included contingents of other Israelites. Before the exile, the Tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half-Menasseh had together been settled in GILEAD and Bashan on the eastern banks of the Jordan in the Land of Israel. Later part of the Tribe of Simeon also settled there (1-Chronicles 4;42). This pattern of settlement was to be paralleled later by descendants of these same tribes in Scythia. There were some Galatian groups (such as the Tectosaces and Gala) in the Hugie federation of Scythia though most of the Galatians had reached Gaul, Britain, and the west much earlier and remained there. In Scythia the Hugie (of Reuben) were adjacent to the Goths of Gad and to the Amyrgian-Sakae descendants of Machir who had been the leading element in half-Menasseh, east of Jordan, in Israel. "GILEAD" was a name given to a good portion of the Land of Israel east of Jordan including that in which the Tribe of Reuben dwelt. Gilead was also the name of a son of Machir (son of Menasseh). The Galaadi or Galatians received their name either from the Israelite region of Gilead or from the Israelite clan of Gilead son of Menasseh who dwelt in part of Gilead. This is worth emphasizing since it can cause confusion: "Gilead" was an important clan in the Tribe of Menasseh east of the Jordan but the name "Gilead" could also be applied to the whole Israelite area east of the Jordan in which settled Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Menasseh. The clan of Gilead comprised most of the Menasseh group that had been east of the Jordan in the Land of Israel and had neighbored Reuben who in turn had adjoined Simeon in the south. In Scythia the Samnitae of Simeon also neighbored the Hugie area. The name Hugie is derivable from that of Hagi, son of Gad, though most of the Hugie-Franks appear to have come from Reuben. The first son of Reuben was Hanoch (i.e. "Chanoch":çðåê, Genesis 48;9) and since "n" in both Hebrew and the Steppe dialects of Scythia appears to have been occasionally inserted and/or omitted for euphonic reasons in nomenclature maybe Hanoch and Hagi, though originally independent entities, became confused with each other due to familial connexion, geographical proximity and historical community. A Scythian people, the Heniochi (cf. Hanochi of Reuben), had been reported of in the Caucasus region. To the east of Scythia (in "Serica") the RHABBANAEI10 of Reuben had bordered the Garinaei who are identifiable with Eri: or "Geri" (òøé) of Gad, the Damnae whose name elsewhere was pronounced like that of Dan, and the Aspacarae whose name is a form (as explained later) of Joseph. In the Land of ISRAEL, the tribe of REUBEN is called "Rahabbanai" on Ptolemy's map of "Arabia". Reuben in the Land of Israel east of the Jordan had adjoined half-Menasseh of Joseph and Gad. This is the same pattern as we later find in Serica east of Scythia. In west Europe the Franks were divided into several groups of whom the main ones are assumed to have been the Ripuarian Franks, the Salian Franks, and the Chatti or Hessians11. The Ripuarian Franks were allegedly so called by the Romans since they were first known to them on the banks of the Rhine [In Latin "ripa" means river bank]. The name is also given as Ribuari and this name in Hebrew is another form for Reubeni. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben-6 The ancient Greeks and Romans (as well as the Hebrews), when they came across a foreign name, were wont to interpret its meaning according to a similar sounding word in their own language. This was especially so when the word in question was descriptively pertinent, as it was in the case of the "River-bank" (i.e. "Ripuari") Franks on the Rhine. "Ribuari" however is how the name is sometimes rendered and appears to have been the Franks own name for themselves. "Ribuari" therefore means sons of Reuben which was the name of their ancestor. Reuben in Hebrew could also be rendered REUBAR! A shortened form of Reuben is "Rubi" and a people by that name were situated at one stage on the banks of the Rhine. They appear to have also been Ribuari Franks. In 276 c.e.12 the Franks were reported as encroaching on the borders of Roman Gaul together with the Alamans. They were pushed back to their bases on the Rhine after which they began a process of peaceful infiltration receiving lands from the Romans in return for military services. Apart from the RIBUARI, the Franks included the Salian Franks and the Hessians. In the region of Holland, Salian Franks intermixed with Sigambri13. The Sigambri and Ambri (under the very same names) had encountered Alexander the Great east of the Caspian14 in Scythia and had also been reported besides Nysia on the Indus15. The name Sigambri was another form used in Europe for Sicambrian and were represented (by Ptolemy) as the Scymbi-Scyths in the Hugie area of Scythia. They are associated with Secem, a clan of Menasseh. Part of the Sigambri in Scythia neighbored the Salei, who according to Pliny had been east of the Caspian on the Jaxartes River banks16. The Salei in Europe became the Salian Franks and these intermixed with the Sicambri and became identified with them. In Scythia they had also been associated with each other. The Salians17 after merging with the Sicambri in Europe were henceforth altogether also known as Sicambri. These, due to Hun pressure in the early 400s c.e., overran Belgium and Northern France. At about the same time more Ripuarian Franks with Alamans entered Gaul from east of the Rhine where they had been centered in Westphalia. The Franks sojourned in East- and in West- Phalia. The name "PHALIA"18 wherein the Franks had been sojourning is derived from that of the PHALUI, descendants of the second son of Reuben (Numbers 26;5). The Phalui or Falhi19 (Franks) in Eastphalhia were known also as Cheruski and were absorbed by the Saxons. There were Saxons contingents who later settled in Gaul alongside the Franks. The Phalian Franks descended from Phalui while the "Hugo" Franks (Chauci) came from both Gad (Hagi) and Hanoch of Reuben. Hanoch was recalled earlier in the Heniochoi who had been in the Scythian area of the Caucasus on the eastern coast of the Black Sea (Pliny, N.H. 6; 26). The third son of Reuben, Hetsroni (Chetsroni), is recalled in the ISTAEVONES who were a division of the Germanic peoples enumerated by Tacitus and Pliny. They were said to comprise several tribes (Tacitus: "Germania" 2) but the only one identified for sure were the SICAMBRI who amalgamated with the Salian Franks20. The name Hetsron was to be connected to that of the Hessuari (Chattuari) who, together with the Chamavi, Bructeri, Amsivarians, and Sicambri, were in the northern sphere which the Franks later occupied and whose people became the HESSIAN Franks or Chatti21. The name HESSE may be derived from HUSHIM (Hus-im) son of Dan (Genesis 46; 23) and at first the Franks were attributed a DANISH origin or association. The fourth son of Reuben, Carmi:, is recalled in the CHARINI. The Charini are included in the Vandili group by Pliny22 together with Vandili, Burgundians, and Gutones. [The Gutones were Goths descendants of Gad and past associates of Reuben]. Groups of Vandili were to settle in France. Carmi: is also a name associated with the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians for a time were based in southern Russia in the Crimea, which was named after them: The Crimea is known locally as "KRIM". In addition Carmi: gave his name to Carmania in southern Iran wherein and besides which several other groups from both Gad (Gadophydres, Pasar-gadae, Gadrosia) and Reuben (Carmania, Parthia, the Astaveni from Hetsroni) were noticeable in earlier times. In Scythia the HUGIE (Franks) appeared in the area associated with the eastern Goths who were also called Tokharians or Togar. A similar name occurred in east Serica where the RHABBANAEI were neighboured by the Taguri and Thogara. The said names recall the THORINGI who were the main tribe of the RIBUARIAN Franks in Europe. The Ribuarian or "Ripuarian" Franks (of whom the primary tribe were the Thoringi) were known as RIBUARI23 which word in Hebrew would have had the same meaning as Reuben just like the Rhabbanei of Serica were named after Reuben. The names for the sons of Reuben parallel those of important Frankish groups; Hanoch=Hugo; Phalui=Falhi; and Hetsron (Chetsron)=Istaevone & Hessuari (Chattuari), with the fourth son Carmi: being represented by the Charini. All these groups were amongst the settlers of France. An important descendant of Reuben and apparently the founder of a clan (1-Chronicles 5;3) was called GOG. "GOG" is a name applicable to part of the Tribe of Reuben as well as being the name of a foreign northern king, "the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal"; "Gog, land of Magog" (Ezekiel 38;2-3). The Tribe of Reuben was intertwined to some extent with that of Gad which name in Hebrew could be pronounced like the name for GOTH. Maybe the Reubenite clan of Gog in the Caucasian province of Gogarene (Iberia) and its Gothic-connection caused later authors to confuse the Goths and Scyths with Gog and Magog? In Tibetan literature the area of Serica (once populated by the Rhabbanei and other groups) was at a time referred to as "Gog". Both Gog and Magog and the GOTHS were identified in folklore with the Ten Tribes of Israel24. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben-7 Extracted from "The Tribes" by Yair Davidiy REUBEN . "Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (for he was the firstborn; but forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright..... (1-Chronicles 5; 1). "The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel were, Hanoch, and Phalu, Hezron:, and Carmi. "The sons of Joel; Shemaiah his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son, "Micah his son, Reaia his son, Baal: his son, "Beerah his son, whom Tiglathpilneser king of Assyria carried away: he was prince of the Reubenites. , (1-Chronicles 5; 3-6). According to a Midrash25 the symbol of Reuben was Mandrakes. Reuben had found mandrakes in the field (Genesis 30; 14) and brought them to his mother Leah. Leah used these mandrakes to "hire" the attentions of her husband away from Rachel. Mandrakes, traditionally, had aphrodisiac qualities and Reuben (Genesis 35; 22) is recalled as once having acted irregularly with Bilhah, his father's concubine. Rightly or wrongly the French historically have had an international reputation for romantic proclivities. The Mandrake is described as having a purple or white flower, perhaps this gave rise to the white lily (Fleur-de-lis) traditional symbol of the French monarchy whose precedent is to be found on Judaean coins26 of ca. 130 b.c.e. The first Frankish kings, the Merovingians, had a sun cult27 and the French king Louis XIV (considered the apotheosis of French Royalty) was known as "The Sun King". The rising sun is also a symbol associated with Reuben, according to popular traditional Jewish28 sources. In Jewish synagogues the symbols of the twelve tribes serve as a frequently employed theme of decoration. More often than not Reuben is accorded the rising sun symbol. Each Israelite tribe was represented by an animal29 in addition to some other symbol. The symbols of different tribes were also interchangeable30 under certain circumstances and one tribe could use (on occasion) the sign normally reserved for the other. The animal symbol of Reuben is unknown to the author but the Merovingian Franks did have a BEAR cult31. The Parthians32 too are compared to "BEARS" in the Talmud. The Parthians in eastern Scythia took control of Persia, they are known to have been connected to the Goths and to have been of Israelite origin to a significant degree. Part of the Tribe of Reuben had been important amongst them. France prior to the Franks was known as Gaul or Galia and its inhabitants were called Galli, which in popular Latin also means "rooster". The French later used a rooster or "cock" as their national animal representation and a crowing-cock in Jewish and General folklore is connected with the sunrise which conforms with the "Sun" or "Rising-sun" symbol of Reuben. So far, Reuben and the clans of Reuben have been traced to entities who eventually settled mainly in France, such as the Ribuari Franks (also known as the "Rubi") and their kin. Even so, the prevailing modern opinion is that most of the French are descended from the ancient Gauls, Celts, Aquitaners, and others of Celtic culture. Only a small minority (it is claimed -maybe wrongly) actually come from the Franks, Goths, Vandals, Normans, Alamans, and the like. It is these latter bodies who, from Scythia, invaded the west via Scandinavia and Germany. The Celtic-associated populace (who, it is said, fathered most of the French) was composed of indigenous tribes together with others, such as the Cimmerian-Galatae, who arrived from the east. "GALATAE" is the name applied to the Gauls in Greek writings while the same people were called "Galli" by the Romans. Both "Galatae" and "Galli" are Hebrew nominations. "Galli" connotes both "Exiles" (as noted by Apartian) and "Galilaean". The name "Galatae" is rendered "Galadi" in some accounts and is a form of the Hebrew name "Gilead". In French translations of the Bible "Gilead" is written as "Galaad". "Gilead" was the name of an area in Israel east of the Jordan as well as being the name of the son of Machir, son of Menasseh, (Numbers 26;29) and an important clan-name encompassing most of half Menasseh east of the Jordan. It is uncertain whether the area of "Gilead" (or "Galaad") was so named in honor of Gilead son of Machir or vice versa, Gilead having been named after the land his descendants were destined to inherit -at least, in part. After having exiled the Ten Tribes of Israel, the Assyrians re-formed the former area of Gilead together with parts of the lands of Reuben and Gad into the Province of "Galazu" which is their version of "Gilead". Similarly, the later Seleucian-Syrian Greek monarchs named approximately the same region "Galaaditis". In the Book of Joshua it says that the Reubenites and Gadites and the half-tribe of Menasseh went unto the land of Gilead: "And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half-Tribe of Menasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto the country of Gilead, to the land of their possession, whereof they were possessed..." (Joshua 22; 9). It follows from the above passage as well as from the Assyrian term "GALAZU" and the Seleucid "Galaaditis" that the name "Gilead" and its derivatives could be used to encompass all the lands of Reuben and Gad as well as that of "Gilead" proper within Menasseh. This inference is confirmed by existence until recently of a town in northern Syria south of the Euphrates named "Galaad", i.e. the name "Galaad" was found within the former territory of Reuben. The appellation "Galaadi" or "Gileadi" or "Galatae" would therefore also be applicable to the former inhabitants of the "Gilead" area in its more general sense, which included descendants of Reuben. Since Frankish and other entities who settled in France bore names recalling Clans of Reuben and the character and positioning of France is applicable to Reuben, the GALATAE of France were also most likely derived from that portion of GILEAD belonging to REUBEN. A similar line of reasoning connects the Caledonians and Galedon of Britain to Gilead of Menasseh. Some points of interest are that: The sons of Reuben were destined (Zohar, VaYechi, 551, Sulam Edition) to wage war in the LAND OF ISRAEL against (or for) Jerusalem. It was the French "Franks" who led the Crusaders of Europe (1069-1270) in their attempts to conquer the Holy Land and Jerusalem. The French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799 offered to restore Palestine to the Jews. Whether Bonaparte had been genuine in his intention or not, it was the French together with the British who created the political climate which made possible the Balfour Declaration and ultimately the State of Israel. French Gentile volunteers fought on the Jewish side in Israel's War of Independence (1948 -1949). The French for a short period ruled over the country of Syria (1920-1928) and Syria is within the territorial expanse once belonging to the Tribe of Reuben. According to the Book of Ezekiel (48;7) Reuben is destined to inherit its Tribal portion between Judah in the south and Ephraim in the north, i.e. in territory between the descendants of the Jews and of the British. The name Reuben in Hebrew primarily means "See-a-son" (Rue-ben) though it also has connotations of increase ("Ribui") and plenitude. Of the sons of Reuben, "Hanoch" means "Inauguration", or "Education"; "Phalu" means "Distinction"; "Hetzron" denotes "Dweller-of -the-Courtyard"; and "Carmi:" is derivable from "Cerem" meaning "Vineyard". All of the above names acquire an additional significance when considered in the light of French history and culture. The French tend to emphasize high-quality educational requirements and are big on ceremonial: both characteristics being represented by the Hebrew name "Hanoch". They prefer quality to quantity and in some fields really are the best in their area, i.e. "Phallu" = Distinction. The French are famous both for their aristocrats and for their peasants and both types are implied in the Hebrew name "Hetsron" meaning courtyard-dweller. France is known for its good wines and expert wine-makers and "Carmi:" (i.e. "My Vineyard") was a son of Reuben. PEOPLES OF REUBEN Rahabbanai in northeast "Syrian" Israel according to Ptolemy's Map; Rhabbanai (east Scythia). Ribuari (Franks), Rubi (Franks), CLANS OF REUBEN: Chanoch = Chauci, Hugo (Franks, Saxons). Palui (Phalui) = Falia (Phalia in Germany whence the Franks invaded Gaul) Chetsroni = Chassuari (Franks), Istaevones (Sicambri-Franks). Carmi: = Carmania (in southern Iran), Crimea (Scythia), Carini (Franks in Gaul). Gog (a clan of Reuben) = Gogarene (Iberia in Caucasus), Gog (state in Scythia north of Tibet), name of Goths and of the Lost Ten Tribes in popular traditions. Nemuel - Nemetes of Gaul (?) An Israeli stamp depicts the mandrake symbol of Reuben. Below: Weapon adornment pertaining to Frankish or Saxon settlers in Northern France. Note the Star of David symbol. REUBEN = FRANCE The official emblem of France is its tri-color flag. Previously the symbol used was the fleur-de-lis, which had been a royal emblem since the Dark Ages. The above emblem was adopted in the Third Republic as a "quasi-official" one. The motto means, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", and these qualities (for both good and bad) were exemplified in the figure of Reuben whose Tribe dominates the Israelite element in France. LIBERTY: Reuben acted with lack of propriety towards his father's concubine (Gen.37; 22) which was taking "liberty" too far, at the expense of others. REUBEN intended to set Joseph free and in effect saved his life (Gen.37; 22) which is an application of the principles of both LIBERTY and FRATERNITY. At the same time Reuben was the first-born and should have acted with more authority; i.e. EQUALITY was misapplied. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribal Identification: Reuben-8 The following might be of interest. The sources used are not appreciated by everyone but in this case, at least, I think the message is worth reading. The obligation and opportunity always exists to channel your urges and passions in good directions. taken from Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh's teachings on the Hebrew Letters. Kabbalah and Modern Life - Living with the Times The Month of Tamuz Reuben. he name Reuben comes from the root "to see," the sense of Tamuz. The precious stone of Reuben in the breast-plate of the high priest is the odem, the ruby (from Reuben), which due to its brilliant red color (odem means red) is the most sensually visible of the stones. Red is the most seductive of all colors, implying either the fall of man (in Hebrew odem [red] has the same spelling as adam [man]), as in the sin of the golden calf, or the ultimate rise and rectification of man, with the coming of Mashiach. The summer (the period of Tamuz) is the "holiday" of the eyes. It is the time that one must "guard" his eyes to see only that which is good (in the world in general and in his fellow man in particular) and modest. The ability to guard and focus one's eyesight correctly is the rectified "sense" of sight. At the end of Moses' blessing Israel he said (Deuteronomy 33:28): "betach badad ein Yaacov--sure, alone, is the eye of Jacob." The word betach, "sure," is an acronym for three words: bracha tov chayim, blessing good and life. These are the three focus-points of rectified eyesight, as is said (Deuteronomy 11:26): "See, I give before you today blessing and curse. The blessing...," and subsequently (Deuteronomy 30:15-19): "See, I have given before you today life and good, and death and evil...and you shall chose life." In relation to these three one must train one's eyes (both spiritual and physical) to see only the inner positive dimension of reality and not to focus upon reality's outer, negative "shell." This is the meaning of "sure, alone, is the eye of Jacob." The sense of the Jewish eye ("the eye of Jacob") is to only ("alone") see that which is "sure"--G-d's blessing, good and life. The right hand, in general, and its index finger, in particular, serves to direct and focus one's eyesight. When reading the Torah scroll, it is a custom to point at every word with a silver "finger." It is also a custom to use the right hand to make signs to indicate the cantillation nuances for the reader of the Torah. The wedding ring is placed by the groom on the index finger of the bride's right hand. This elevates the couple to the level of "my dove" (Song of Songs 5:2), the intense expression of love transmitted by the never ceasing gaze of the eyes one to the other (turning the eyes as red as a ruby)--"your eyes are as doves," (Song of Songs 5:12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER FOUR: REFERENCES 1. R. Grand p.410. 2. R. Grand p.410. 3. R. Grand p.12. 4. R. Grand p.1. 5. R. Grand p.1; Starcke p.83. 6. Grand p.38; Borchardt p.198ff. p.165. 7. H.M. Chadwick p.91 n.2. 8. Grand p.146. 9. Diodorus Siculus 16; 32 . 10. Ptolemy. 11. Diesner p.135 " 12. Grand p.58. 13. Grand p.33. 14. Justin Bk.xii;ix 15. McCrindle p.110. 16. R. Cole 17. Grand p.58. 18. Genesis 26; 9 . 19. Priebsch p.43. 20. Grand p.58. 21. Grand p.38ff. 22. N.H. 4;4 . 23. Altheim, "GDH", vol.I p.54 . 24. Ortellius, "Tartaria". Anderson p.72ff;. Neubauer 2 in .JQR; John Mandeville ch.xxix . 25. Numbers Rabah 2;5 . 26. BLL 27. BLL 28. Popular Jewish representations of the Tribal Symbols in some cases represent Reuben by a symbol representing the sun, or the sunrise. The present author has as yet not ascertained the source for this tradition. A possible source is that in Hebrew and Aramaic a root meaning SEE ("HAMA" çîà) and a root for the sun (HAMA:çîä ) are in effect identical The name Reuben also contains a root meaning "SEE" and therefore the association of Reuben whose name connotes "See-a-Son" with the sun whose name in Aramaic also means "SEE" maybe based upon linguistic connotations. 29. Song of Songs Rabah 4;7 . 30. Song of Songs Rabah 4;7 . 31. BLL p.238ff. 32. Megilla 11a , home tribal index |