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Various Traditions no.1

Adapted from "Lost Israelite Identity"
(1996) by Yair Davidiy, chapter sixteen:


Excerpt from "The Irish Rebellion", p.2 written by William Temple ca.1646:

"It may very well be conjectured (for infallible records I find none) that as the Eastern parts of Ireland, bordering upon England were first planted by the old Britains:  *Toole, Birne, & Cauvenagh the ancient Septs, and still inhabitants of that part of the Country, being old British words. And as the Northern parts of Ireland were first inhabited by the Scythians, from whom it was called * * Scytenland, or Scotland: So the Southern and more Western parts thereof were peopled from the Maritime parts of Spain, being the next continent, not by the now Spanish nation, who are strangely compounded of a different admixture of several people: But as I said, peradventure by the Gaules, who anciently inhabited all the Sea coasts of Spain, the Syrians, or some other of those more Eastern Nations, who intermixing with the natural Inhabitants of that Country, made a transmigration into Ireland, and so settled some colonies there.          "The whole Kingdom of Ireland was divided into divers petty principalities..."

   "* * Ireland is often called Scotia major among ancient writers"#.

         The following account of Celtic (mainly Irish) Mythology concerns the origins of the Celtic nations of Ireland and Britain. This account is culled largely from the original works (or translations of them) and from several secondary sources that are available in most large public libraries. The described traditions were mostly transcribed at a late date having previously existed through oral transmission. Even so, extraneous factors tend to affirm the assumption that the various accounts given here have a factual basis. On major matters the sources correspond with each other and also with archaeological and epigraphic findings. This mythology is derived mainly from Ireland yet concerns not only the Irish but also the Scottish whose ancestors came from Ireland as did Celtic settlers on the west coast of England and many of the Welsh Tribes which in turn reflects again on the English since one third of the English either came from Wales or their immediate forefathers did.  In addition what applies to the ancient Irish often also is relevant concerning the Celtic British whom it is now claimed (possibly wrongly) really formed the overwhelming mass of the "Anglo-Saxon" people. It is claimed that the Celtic masses of England were conquered by the Anglo-Saxons and company and culturally Anglicized. The Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavian Vikings both of whom conquered and assimilated the British Celts also themselves contained "Celtic" elements, had intermixed with "Celts", and had similar origins to them. Most of the French and many of the Belgians, and Swiss are also of Celtic descent. Even the Dutch contained may once have been predominately Celtic. Sources from the British Isles (especially from Ireland) are almost the only Celtic ones that remain since elsewhere the Celts adopted the language, customs, and even identity of those who conquered them. An examination of records based on Celtic tradition from the British Isles taken at face value suggests that the Celts from somewhere in the Middle East came westward and arrived in Ireland and the British Isles after (according to several versions) sojourning in Spain. This impression conforms with archaeological and other studies AS WELL AS WITH THE BIBLE. The observant reader will notice a strong overlapping parallelism between conclusions already reached in this work and the accounts given in Celtic Mythology.

We now hold that the Celts in the West came in two major waves:

1. One from Israel by way of the Sea via (in part) Spain.

  2. Another came overland from the outskirts of the Assyrian Empire and
was also of Israelite origin.

The traditions confirm these statements.
Fomorians and Nemedians

Various Celtic Traditions
List of Contents.

See also:
A list of Articles on similar themes:
Western Hebrew-Celtic Culture.
