Dan was the fifth son.
His mother was Bilhah, maidservant of Rachel.
The precious stones of the Breastplate are listed in Exodus chapters 28 and 39.
Each stone represented a tribe. There are differences of
opinion concerning which order the stones are listed whether by birth, mothers, etc.
There are also different views as to what the stones cactually were.
In the future we hope to examine this subject more closely.
The fifth stone is called "Leshem" in Hebrew and we identify this as the stone of Dan since the Midrash Rabah does.

Leshem is the fifth stone and Dan was the fifth son in order of birth.
Leshem was also the name of a city the Danites conquered and renamed Dan after their forefather.
Some say "Leshem" was an opal but other suggestions have been made and for the time being we have adopted the opinion that it was a jacinth of orange type color.
The Midrash Rabah says that the color of the standard of Dan was like that of a stone called "sapir" but "sapir" is the stone of Issachar. We are therefore seeking something like unto a sapphire yet noticeably different.
We also assume that the color of each tribe was reflected in the precious stone that represented them.