Zebulon was the brother of Issachar and the two were to be associated with each other. Zebulon was to be a seafarer and to contribute to the support of Issachar who would be engaged in learning the Torah and intellectual pursuits.
Their mother was Leah, sister of Rachel.
The color of the standard of Zebulon was "levanah" i.e. "white" or "whiteish".
The stone of Zebulon was a "yahalom" meaning diamond. The standard of Zebulon depicted a ship.
Zebulon was to be important in the Netherlands though elements from Zebulon were to be found elsewhere.
The stone of Zebulon was a diamond and diamond merchandising and processing is important in Belgium.
Many diamonds come from South Africa and the economy of South Africa historically owed much to the extraction of diamonds. The Africaaner (Boer)
inhabitants of South Africa descend from German, French Hugeonot, and Dutch ancestors. It may be that an element from Zebulon was important amongst them.
