Brit-Am You Tube Video Clips

Continued from Page 4.


The Promises to Jacob.avi

Duration: 29.48 minutes

The Forefathers of Israel were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Each received their own blessings. These became part of the whole body of Prophecied Promises destined to be fulfilled in their descendants. Jacob was renamed Israel. Israel (Jacob) was promised that his descendants would be extremely numerous and occupy regions to the north, south, east, and west of the Land of Israel. They would be a world power, possessing vast agricultural and mineral resources and rule over other countries. They would overawe foreign peoples including descendants of Ishmael and Esau. Only West European nations and their offshoots especially those emanating from the British Isles (i.e. English-speaking peoples such as the USA etc) have fulfilled these predictions.

For accompanying article see:
"My Biblical Fathers: Proof from Jacob".

The USA is Manasseh. Part One.

Duration: 26.49 minutes

The Ten Tribes are now to be found amongst Western peoples. The early settlers of the USA came mostly from specific areas in Britain and Europe where Tribal Names and other factors indicate origin from clans of Manasseh. Jacob blessed Joseph concerning his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Rabbinical analysis of these blessings showed that Ephraim was to be come a great and numerous nation and group of nations before the emergence of Manasseh in the full sense. Manasseh was to become the worldwide pre-eminent power after the hey-day of Ephraim. Historically, Ephraim dominated the British Isles. Britain and the British Empire achieved the peak of their power and influence before the USA ascended to its present eminence. The very name "Manasseh" in Hebrew connotes Responsible Representation which form of government was the reason the USA came into being.

For accompanying article see:
Why the USA is Manasseh. A Summation.

The USA is Manasseh. Part Two.

Duration: 18.17 minutes

The very name "Manasseh" in Hebrew connotes Responsible Representation which form of government was the reason the USA came into being. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci who in turn was named after a Jewish noble named Americo or Americus which name is a Medieval Latinized version of the Hebrew Machir or "HaMacheiri" meaning "belonging to Machir". Machir was the firstborn son of Manasseh. The name Machir in Hebrew connotes Free Enterprise and Capitalism. This is a fundamental concomitant principle for the American mode of existence. "Yank" is a nickname for American. It is short for Jack or Jacob i.e. Israel. It also reflects the direct contact between Jacob and Manassaeh as opposed to that between Joseph and Ephraim. In Biblical Times monarchs of the northern Kingdom of Israel appointed from Manasseh or associated with Manasseh (as distinct from Ephraim) were more like Constitutional Presidents than absolute rulers. Their terms of offices were similar to those of US Presidents today.

For accompanying article see:
Why the USA is Manasseh. A Summation.

The USA is Manasseh. Part Three. A Summation.

Duration: 17.35 minutes

A very significant proportion of US citizens are descended from the Ten Tribes of Israel. The Israelites in America are dominated by the Tribe of Manasseh. We know that the USA is Manasseh for seven main reasons:

1. Demographically an overwhelming proportion of the early founding settlers of what became the USA came from areas in the British Isles and Western Europe that pertain to Manasseh. This is proven by Tribal names and other factors.

2. Manasseh was to become great AFTER Ephraim! This was shown by the blessing of Jacob to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh.

3. Manasseh in Hebrew connotes Responsible Representation. The struggle for Responsible Representation in Government brought the USA into being! 4. America is Named after Machir, first-born son of Manasseh.

5. The Principle of Capitalism and Free Enterprise is Encapsulated in the Hebrew meaning of the name Machir.

6. Yank means "Jack" or "Jacob" which means American! The personality of Jacob (i.e. the Patriarch Israel) was attached to Manasseh.

7. The Presidential System is part of the US Constitution and essence of the US National Character. Those early kings of the northern Kingdom of Israel of the Ten Tribes who pertained to Manasseh were appointed on Presidential-type conditions.

For accompanying article see:
Why the USA is Manasseh. A Summation.

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  George Washington

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