Contents Franz Kobler
"The Vision Was There"
Brit-Am Note

Franz Kobler
"The Vision Was There.
A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine"

London, 1956
Brit-Am Note

Britain, Zionism,
and the Creation
of the State of Israel


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"The Vision Was There"

by Franz Kobler

available in .html or .pdf format.

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Brit-Am Note:

Brit-Am Movement of the Ten Tribes has proven that the Lost Ten Tribes are to be found in the British Isles and Western Europe and in Overseas regions (North America, Australia, New Zealand, etc) that emerged from them.
Descendants of Israelite who lost knowledge of their ancestry may also be found in other areas but these are the regions wherein the Ten Tribes were destined to give expression to their Israelite identity.
We have been able to approximately equate certain  regions with specific Tribal Groups. This has been facilitated from indications in Biblical Prophecy, ancient Tribal names, and Tribal characteristics alongside other factors.

The British Isles and related areas are the domain of Joseph.

Joseph helped Judah re-instate himself as a recognized polity on the national scene.

The State of Israel owes its existence to Britain and the USA despite attempts by retrograde elements in both Britain and America to harm Israel.

Helping the State of Israel come into existence  was part of the task of Joseph and what in overall terms Joseph did.

The work by Franz Kobler, "The Vision Was There.
A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine"
London, 1956 was originally published by the World Jewish Congress.

This book shows the ideological trends in British Thought that gave rise to the Restoration Movement and resulted in  the British Mandate over Palestine from which emerged the State of Israel.

This is an extremely important aspect of British History.
It is also part of Jewish History.
And it is connected to Brit-Am beliefs, researches, and research findings.
The world deserves to know about it.

"The Vision Was There" by Franz Kobler is possibly the best book ever written on the subject.
It is now out of print and seems to be virtually unobtainable apart from a few copies in major libraries.

We have therefore reproduced it as it was written and are making it freely available.

We hope as many people as possible will take advantage of this offer.

 Contents Franz Kobler
"The Vision Was There"
Brit-Am Note

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