The US Dollar and its Israelite Significance.
Symbolism Identifies the USA with Israel, with Joseph, and with the Tribe of Manasseh
Biblical Locations of the Lost Ten Tribes
The Dollar Bill depicts the Great Seal (official emblem) of the USA. This encompasses images representing the Tribes of Israel especially those of Joseph and within Joseph of Manasseh.
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1. Introduction.
2. The Dollar Sign of Tarshish.
3. The Eye of Joseph on the US Great Seal
4. The Number 13 is the Number of Manasseh!
5. Why the USA Represents Manasseh
6. The US Eagle and the Exiles of Israel
7. Glenn Beck and the Pillar of Cloud
The USA contains amongst its citizens a large number who are descended from Israelites. The Tribe of Joseph is especially eminent and in the USA it is the Manasseh half of Joseph that has prevailed qualitatively. This is reflected in symbolism found on the Dollar Bill.
2. The Dollar Sign of Tarshish.
In a separate article we showed how the Dollar Sign represents the Straits of Gilbraltar and the entrance to the Atlantic Ocean area. Tarshish came to stand both for an historical kingdom and the Atlantic Ocean in general. Isaiah 60:8-9 predicted that from the Atlantic Ocean area the Israelite Exiles will return by airplane and by ships.
On the dollar bill we find depicted the Great Seal (or official emblem) of the USA.
One side shows a pyramid with an eye over it.
The Midrash says that a picture of Egypt was the symbol of Joseph. One when looks at a pyramid, Egypt comes to mind.
The eye represents the Eye of Divine Providence.
This may alternatively be rendered:
Genesis 49:22
Ben Porat [son of fertility] Yoseph; ben porat [son of power], under the Eye; the daughters marched as one towards [for the sake of] the bull
God is the Shepherd of Israel. The Blessings of Jacob to Joseph Re-examined. Genesis 49:22-26 Retranslated
4. The Number 13 is the Number of Manasseh!
Passing over to the other half on the same side of the dollar bill,
we come to the picture of an eagle.
Above the eagle we have 13 stars in the shape of a Magen David i.e. the Star of David sign which traditionally represents the Jewish People.
The number 13 appears several times on the Great Seal. The pyramid has 13 steps on it. The eagle is clutching 13 arrows in one talon and an olive branch with 13 leaves in the other. The number 13 was probably emp[loyed because originally the USA was formed when 13 former British colonies united. These became the first 13 states of the USA.
The number 13 may also symbolize the Tribe of Manasseh!
Mansseh and Ephraim were the sons of Joseph.
Joseph was one of the 12 sons of Jacob who was re-named Israel.
These 12 sons were destined to become 12 tribes of Israel.
Joseph was divided into 2 tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh. There were actually therefore 13 Tribes.
In Biblical Terminology however the number 12 is maintained by either counting Ephraim and Manasseh as the Tribe of Joseph.
By counting Ephraim and Manasseh but not counting Levi who was to be scattered amongst the other tribes.
By counting Ephraim and Manasseh but not counting Simeon who in some respects was to be included with Judah.
Ephraim and Manasseh were two sons of Joseph. Manasseh was the firstborn but he was replaced by Ephraim.
Ephraim took the rights of the firstborn and succeeded Joseph.
Manasseh was therefore the 12th Tribe, and Manasseh the 13th.
The number 13 therefore should have importance to Manasseh.
5. Why the USA Represents Manasseh
We identify the USA with Manasseh.
America is named after Machir the firstborn of Manasseh. Early settlers of the USA came from areas within the British Isles in which elements from Manasseh had been prominent. The USA has the Tribal characteristics of Manasseh.
6. The US Eagle and the Exiles of Israel
The eagle is representative of both the enemies of Israel and in some cases of Israel itself.
Rabbinical Traditions also link the Eagle with Israel and the Return of the Israelite Countries from the north.
The US EAGLE and Ends of the Earth
7. Glenn Beck and the Pillar of Cloud
Above the head of the eagle we have the 13 stars which may represent the 13 heavenly bodies (the sun, moon, and 11 stars) that Joseph dreamed would bow down to him.
There are 13 horizontal stripes on the shield in front of the eagle. These 13 stripes are placed over 10 vertical lines. The 10 lines could represent the 10 Tribes in the Northern Kingdom of Israel who separated from Judah.
The stars are arranged in the form of a Star of David symbol of Judah from whom came King David and from whom will emerge the future Messiah.
Around the stars we see the shape of a cloud.
The well-known American Commentator on Contemporary Affairs, Glenn Beck, in a program identified the USA with the Ten Tribes of Israel. He says that the cloud represents the Pillar of Cloud that led the Israelites in the Wilderness.
Beck says that Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams originally wanted the Great Seal to depict Moses leading the Israelites through the Red Sea on their way to Liberty.
The proposed picture included a depiction of the Pillar of Cloud going before them. When this idea was discarded the image of the Pillar of Cloud was retained. This is the circle of clouds we now see surrounding the 13 stars.
Between the two sides of the Great Seal on the dollar bill we see the words, "IN GOD WE TRUST".
We see that the Dollar Bill embodies much that reflects the Israelite origins of the USA.
The closer and truer we stay to the Biblical principles behind these origins the better of we will be, so will the dollar.
See Also:
The US Dollar. A Symbol Identifying the USA with the Exiles of Israel from the Ten Tribes
The US EAGLE and Ends of the Earth