

Summary of the Joseph Aspects


Biblical Locations
of the Lost Ten Tribes

  Scriptural Proof 

 The Joseph Aspect 

  by Yair Davidiy 

 Biblical Evidence: The Joseph Aspect

The descendants of Joseph were destinned to "rule the waves" and dominate the Oceans of the World. They were supposed to become the formemost military power in the world as well as the dominant entity in economic and other terms. They were to prove themselves capable of defeated the "Edomite" powers of Europe and the world. India, Egypt, and the Suez Canal were to be controled by them and Africans transported overseas in chains to serve them. Ephraim exemplified "aristocratic" social-political arrangments whereas Manasseh emphasized responsible representation and the principle of Capitalism. They were to be known as "Aegel" or as "Angle" and as "John Bull" and to be represented by a lion and unicorn. All these and more are signs of identification mentioned in the Hebrew Bible that North America and Britain and the offshoots of Britain have fulfilled. These are proofs and they need to be taken into consideration as one whole together with the examples of Geographic evidence of the previous section and of Israelite attributes as explained in the following notes.




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