Brit-Am Secular Proofs
This list is intended to be a companion piece to the
List of 110 Brit-Am Biblical Proofs
[As for the Biblical Evidence so too for this List of Secular Proofs the potency of the evidence quoted must be viewed as part of a whole interlocking body proving our point.]
For more see below:
Brit-Am Evidence of Israelite Ancestry from Scripture and Researches
List of Brit-Am
Secular Proofs
Proofs in Simplified Outline
Old and Modern English along with other Northern Languages show evidence
of Hebrew component.
Gaelic (Irish and Scottish) as well as Welsh has proven Semitic substratum along with
other characteristics consistent with the original tongue having been Hebrew.
Proofs in Expanded Format
Brit-Am Answers to Queries: Linguistics
"The Hebrew Sources of Northern Tongues" by Terry Marvin Blodgett
"Hebrew Linguistic Traits in Welsh"
For more details and references see The Tribes"