State: Minnesota
Aaron (lake), Douglas
Bethel, Anoka
Eden, Dodge
Hebron, Aitkin
Jordan, Fillmore
Jordan, Scot
Kedron Brook, Fillmore
Mamre, Kandiyohi
Mizpah, Kochiching
Moses (lake), Douglas
Mt. Nebo, Todd
Nimrod, Wadena
Sharon, Le Sueur
Zion, Stearns
Tribal Associations of the Names: Minnesota
Aaron (lake), = Levi
Bethel, = Ephraim, Benjamin
Eden, = Manasseh
Hebron, = Judah
Jordan, = mainly Manasseh
Jordan, mainly Manasseh
Kedron Brook, = near Jerusalem, Judah
Mamre, near Hebron, Judah
Mizpah, = Benjamin but also the name of a place in Gielad of Manasseh
(Joshua 11:3).
Moses (lake), = Levi
Mt. Nebo, = Reuben
Nimrod, = Assyria, all the Ten Tribes after their exile
Sharon, = Ephraim, Manasseh
Zion, = Jerusalem = all Israel