State: New Mexico

Biblical Names-14

New Mexico

a. List of Moshe Davis (Definitely of Scriptural Inspiration)

Bethel, Roosevelt

Bethel, Sullivan

b. More Names (Biblical names chosen regardless of reason)

County San Miguel = Michael, a patron angel of Israel




San Jose

San Miguel

San Rafael


Tribal Associations of Names for New Mexico

Bethel, = Benjamin, Ephraim

Bethel, = Benjamin, Ephraim

Ramah = Ephraim

Rehoboth = Manasseh

Salem = Jerusalem, Judah, all Israel

San Jose = Joseph

San Miguel = Michael, all Israel

San Rafael = an angel

Soham = a precious stone representing Joseph in the breast-plate of the
High Priest
Most place names in New Mexico are of Spanish origin, some are Anglo.
Names associated with Joseph very predominant. Both Ephraim and Manasseh,
more of Ephraim.

It will be noticed that certain names recur throughout the USA. In some
cases the reason is obvious since the name in question is frequently
mentioned throughout the Old Testament, but in other cases certain names
(such as Nebo, Rehoboth, and others)
that do recur are not mentioned more frequently than other names that were
never used.

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