
"Brit-Am Now"-1000
1. Short Article on the present situation of Brit-Am
2. Tribal Articles Brought Together
3. Why Should the Jews Care
that the Lost Ten Tribes are in the West?


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1. Short Article on the present situation of Brit-Am
"Preaching to the Converted", the Chosen Ones, and the Present
Additional Points to Q.A.10
Article summarizes present-day achievements and current dilemma.

<<Our friend and Brit-Am supporter, Eddie Chumney, suggested that one of the reasons for the above phenomenon is that people are beginning to feel "that it is not going anywhere".
We have no real answer for that other than to say that for the moment just being what we are, improving on it, and still managing to reach out to others to a relatively modest but still impressive degree is something in itself. We are also laying the foundations for something beyond what now pertains.
Brit-Am deserves to be supported and encouraged in its present efforts.

What Brit-Am will or will not acheive is dependant, amongst other factors, on what degree it will be enabled to function.

2. Tribal Articles Brought Together
 Selected Brit-Am Articles on the Tribe of Dan

Selected Brit-Am Articles on the Tribe of Joseph

3. Why Should the Jews Care
that the Lost Ten Tribes are in the West?
Brit-Am Knowledge should interest Judah for a number of reasons. In a sense the whole destiny of Judah is dependent on a realization who Joseph is just as Joseph needs to know who he is and that Judah is his brother.

Brit-Am Beliefs Should interest Judah because:

For the Sake of Torah Knowledge.
Brit-Am reveals who the Lost Ten Tribes are today.
This enhances our understanding of the Tanach (Scripture) and shows how Prophecy has been fulfilled. It is an important aspect of Torah understanding.

For the Sake of the Truth.
Brit-Am reveals the truth concerning the Lost Ten Tribes.  This is important in its own right.

To Understand the Present.
Brit-Am helps us to understand certain aspects of the international scene.

The Obligation of Judah Towards the Lost Tribes.
Judah has an obligation at some stage to go unto the Ten Tribes and bring them back (Jeremiah chs.3,ch. 31). What exactly this means and how it is to be done is not known at present but what is clear is that knowing who the Lost Ten Tribes are is a pre-requisite.

To Silence Misleaders
False candidates for being the Lost Ten Tribes are put forward quite forcefully from time to time and mistakes of judgment are liable to occur. If anything is to be done concerning the Lost Tribes of Israel then we should be certain from the beginning who and where the Lost Ten tribes are and not go chasing after unknown entities in the wrong places.

The Lost Ten Tribes Are Already Involved with Judah
The peoples Brit-Am identifies as the Lost Ten Tribes are already involved with Judah. They are our allies, our only friends, and in some cases also close to being our adversaries. Whether we like it or not the fate of Judah is wound up with Brit-Am peoples.  Knowing the Israelite identity of these nations could affect how we relate to them and our understanding of them.

To Combat anti-Semitism
These peoples are technically "Goyim" (Gentiles) at present but good ones relatively speaking when compared to nearly all the others.
The Gentiles may be divided into three groups:
a. They who will probably always be pro-Jewish no matter what happens.
b. They who will always be anti-Jewish no matter what arguments are brought forward in favor of the Jews or no matter what we do one way or the other.
c. Those who can swing either way according to circumstance, information received, etc.
Brit-Am has proven itself effective in generating changes in sentiment towards a stronger support of the State of Israel and more sympathy for the Jewish people.

Our Brothers Need Us
These people are our brothers. They need Judah in many ways even though they may not realize it. The awareness of Judah as to who Joseph is can help Joseph.
Brit-Am believes that Joseph is obliged in these end times to assist Judah realize the Zionist message of conquering and settling the Land of Israel. This is for the good of Judah.

The Survival of the State of Israel and the Jewish National Destiny is at Stake
Brit-Am also believes that Joseph must conquer Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other areas and prepare a settlement of his own peoples in these regions. This could help Judah by providing a friendly co-operative presence in our neighborhood in place of the fanatical blood-thirsty antagonistic reality of the present. Geo-political reality is already pushing Joseph in this direction but widespread correct Brit-Am knowledge could greatly catalyze the process.