"Brit-Am Now"-1003
1. Reminder of the latest Features on the Brit-Am Site
2. Brit-Am to Speak on Artuz-7 with interviewer Tamar
3. Terebinth
Tree at Fault?
4. Charlotte Mecklenburg:
The Return of Ephraim - A Different Scenario?
5. Brit-Am Questionnaire
Answers to Questions B. 1, 2, 3, 4
1. Reminder of the
latest Features on the Brit-Am Site
To Hear BAMBI and a spoken largely extemporary commentary on the
Psalms go to:
Latest Broadcast
Psalm Six
Article on the USA and Iraq:
The Return of Ephraim
List of Latest Articles:
2. Brit-Am to
Speak on Artuz-7 with interviewer Tamar Yonah
Yair Davidiy will speak on behalf of Brit-Am
on the 1530 (Israel Time)
'The Weekend Edition' with Tamar Yonah
This is a one hour show and Yair Davidiy is scheduled for the
half-hour beginning from 1530.
The theme of the interview will concentrate on
our article:
"The Return of Ephraim"
The USA in Iraq:
Has the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes Began?
Is the American and British presence in Iraq the initial phases of the Lost Ten
Tribes Returning?
Was it prophesied that the first point of return of Joseph to the Middle East
would be from Kurdistan which has been in effect occupied by the USA and Britain
since the First Gulf War?
Will the next phase be the Allies occupying Syria and Lebanon?
Will this occupation eventually result in settlement of Peoples from the West in
those areas?
Why should the question as to whether the Lost Ten Tribes are among Western
Peoples interest the Jews?
3. Terebinth Tree
at Fault?
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1002
#1. Question on Ezekiel 11:18, Whose idols will be put away??
Hello Yair
Ezekiel 11:18 reminds me of some idols which were buried under a terebinth tree
near Shechem by Jacob. (Genesis 35) They were not destroyed or mentioned again
even when Israel re-entered the land after the exodus. My version says "they
(the whole house of Israel) will remove from it (the land) all its detestable
things and all its abominations." Perhaps it is these idols that Jacob's family
brought from Aram that are still having an effect and need to be dealt with.
Blessings - Tessa
4. Charlotte
Mecklenburg: The Return of Ephraim - A Different Scenario?
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1002
#1. Question on Ezekiel 11:18, Whose idols will be put away??
Dear Yair,
I wrote this yesterday before I read the 1002 message.
Some things written on the Brit-Am 1001 inspired me to write some things I have
observed when reading Ezekiel this year. The Word of God always has new things I
have not noticed before. I am not going to write out scripture to save space. I
read from Stone's translation.
(1. Ezekiel Chapter 6 The Lord spoke for the first time in the book to the
mountains, hills and ravines. He is in anguish about what he sees going on
there. This indicates to me that all of us should realize what is happening and
going to happen is all about G-d and not us. We just happen to get either the
good or bad depending on how we respond to God's anguish.
(2. In 11:14-15 Ezekiel is afraid that the few hairs he saved in his garments
(the remnant) would be wiped out so he cries to the Lord. The Lord says all
those who have been exiled including the Northern Kingdom have been spoken about
by this remnant in Jerusalem. That small remnant says, "Distance yourselves
from HaShem, the land (not just Jerusalem) is given to us for a heritage."
So in verse 16 The Lord says about the exiles that he will be a small sanctuary
for them.
This included the Joseph tribes. 17 He goes on to say that he will assemble them
from the nations (not just Babylon). By pluralizing nation he skips over 2500
years approximately and he says he will give all these exiled people the land.
My conclusions about this are: Jews from Babylon came back. They were the
remnant (hairs that Ezekiel saved.) They almost became a nation during the Greek
and Roman domination but were dispersed to all the nations. They had G-d as a
sanctuary where ever they went but by this time the Joseph people are also being
awaken to G-d again and have a small sanctuary though it is not quite the same.
(3. In chapter {Exzekiel] 16 it starts out speaking again to Jerusalem. They
are the only ones left there. He then gives Israel's history in allegory form.
Jerusalem's sisters Samaria and Sodom were not as sinful as they were. So the
Lord is going to return Samaria and Sodom and Jerusalem's captives will live in
their midst. Down in verse 59 G-d is going to remember the covenant with Israel
and give these two as daughters and this will humiliate them so that the people
of Jerusalem will be ashamed and have no excuse.
In Chapter 36:8 G-d speaks again to the mountains, hills and ravines. I asked
who is he speaking to when he speaks to these items. They do something to grow
food. This is in preparation for the whole house of Israel when they come
home. After they come home then the mountains will produce abundantly and the
ruins will be built up etc.
My conclusions on these portions is this: God brought back the remnant of the
remnant of the remnant to live in the midst of Samaria and Sodom and all of them
together have been growing food to have for the rest of the house of Israel when
they come home. All the nations including Samaria and Sodom whom they live in
the midst of are deriding them... If we can stop judging who is the most sinful
or wrong in their beliefs and make the Lord the focus then we will be trusting
him instead of fearing what we will do to one another and we will make good
decisions that will bring about the Will of our wonderful G-d and King of the
Universe. Then his sanctuary will be among us as Chapter 37 says and all the
nations will know there is a G-d in Israel and healing can then flow to the
nations and the earth will be filled with the glory of G-d.
Jeremiah in chapter 3 says when a few of the Northern Kingdom begin to come to
the land then good shepherds will be put in place. It sounds as if he wants at
least a remnant of the original to be here for the good shepherds to be chosen.
Then the land will be filled with many and the Lord will be King.
It was mentioned that Judah will bring them back as given in Jeremiah...
There are fears to overcome for Judah so that they have faith to take this step.
G-d can help them to face these fears for what they are and I think dialog
between those who believe they are suppose to be on the land and those who are
now on the land would help heal the hurts and things of the past that G-d wants
to heal so he can have a wholesome whole house of Israel in the land of Israel.
However, until G-d makes a way for that to happen we must keep these things in
prayer before our Father in Heaven.
Charlotte Mecklenburg
5. Brit-Am
Answers to Questions B. 1, 2, 3, 4
Extracts from the Answers:
Summary of Answers to Q.B.1, 2, 3, 4:
People heard from friends or from friendly web-sites.
As noted previously this shows the importance of inter-personal communication in
favor of Brit-Am.
Very few found anything wrong about the site or wished to answer the question
concerning articles they wish were not there.
Jerusalem News is popular. Biblical Codes are appreciated more than we realized.
The Proof of the Dolmens is also much appreciated though at least one respondent
does not feel easy with it.
There is a surprising great diversity in favorite articles that were chosen.
This reflects the blessedly widespread variegation of our audience.
In a sense the Brit-Am subscribers comprise a "little world" of our own, or
rather "a little Israel", a microcosm of the entire range of Hebrew existence.
Each one of us should be entitled to view themselves as a pioneer, and as a
representative of many others.