"Brit-Am Now"-1012
1. Brit-Am on Arutz-7,
The Latest Interview
2. Cam Rea: Pleased with Interview
3. Israelites in Finland? - Need Translator
4. Ruchamah:
Pleased with Brit-Am Answer
5. Eirik
The Maccabees
and the Wild Hunt of Odin?
1. Brit-Am on
The Latest Interview
'The Weekend Edition' with Tamar Yonah
Live Sun 8am NY, 3pm Israel; Mon-Wed 12midnight NY, 7am Israel
Sun, Nov. 11
Listen Now
Grave Danger for Rabbi Nachman
Also: Is there a link between the Allies in Iraq and the return of the Ten Lost
Tribes to Israel?
OR Go To
(Brit-Am Broadcasting Israel)
Yair speaks an hour into the program for about half an hour half.
To hear Yair at once (without listening to the other topics even though they are
very interesting
and worthwhile in their own right) scroll to the middle of the recording after
your downloading which should
not take more than 2 or 3 minutes.
Send us your Feedback, reactions , criticisms, advice, etc.
2. Cam Rea:
Pleased with Interview
From: Cam Rea <tragicpoet77@yahoo.com>
Subject: Another Great Interview
You did a great job Mr. Davidiy. This is another reason for people to buy the
book "Role to Rule" if they do not have it.
Cam Rea
3. Israelites in
Finland? - Need Translator
The link below was sent to me by someone whom I am not sure
whether he would want to see
his name published or not.
The URL is in Finnish and traces the Finnish to Israelites.
Some of the proofs quoted sounded a little far-fetched but others
could be worth examining.
It would be good if someone who knows Finnish could provide
an English or Hebrew summary of the article.
Pleased with Brit-Am Answer
Subject: Re: Brit-Am on Arutz-7, Today
Hey Yair,
I listened to both broadcasts on Arutz 7 and both were excellent. However, the
BEST part was when Tamar asked, So how many of these *supposed* Israelites are
there, and u answered honestly. I could almost SEE Tamar's eyebrows on the
Great job my friend! Keep up the good work!
Sill laughing,
The Maccabees
and the Wild Hunt of Odin?
What connection could there possibly be between an ancient
Northern European folk myth and a story told in 2 Maccabees?
A thesis by Eirik Stokke
"About the same time Antiochus prepared his second voyage into Egypt: And then
it happened, that through all the city, for the space almost of forty days,
there were seen horsemen running in the air, in cloth of gold, and armed with
lances, like a band of soldiers, and troops of horsemen in array, encountering
and running one against another, with shaking of shields, and multitude of
pikes, and drawing of swords, and casting of darts, and glittering of golden
ornaments, and harness of all sorts. Wherefore every man prayed that that
apparition might turn to good."
- 2 Maccabees 5:1-4 (Apocrypha, KJV)
Having seen both Gustave Dor 's (1832-83) painting " Les habitants de J rusalem
voient appara tre des arm es dans le ciel" and Norwegian painter Peter Nicolai
Arbo's (1831-92) " sg rdsreien" one can't help but notice the similarities. One
would almost believe that the one modelled the other, but even so the
similarities are still quite evident when examining the subjects depicted. Is
this a mere coincidence or do these paintings reveal a coherence between an
ancient North European folk myth and a story told in 2 Maccabees?
Arbo depicts a tradition few have heard of in our days, but one that was highly
esteemed just a few centuries ago. It was considered a bad omen to see the sg
rdsreia or Oskoreia, and its appearance was always followed by tumults and
bloodshed. Stories tell of how one would hear the beating of hooves and the
clashing of metal before the great army appeared thundering across the skies,
and if a saddle was thrown on top of a roof someone in that place was destined
to die.
Dor gives a vivid account of the scenery described in 2 Maccabees; "Horsemen
running in the air, in cloth of gold, and armed with lances, like a band of
soldiers, and troops of horsemen in array, encountering and running one against
another, with shaking of shields, and multitude of pikes, and drawing of swords,
and casting of darts, and glittering of golden ornaments, and harness of all
sorts." The resemblance between the two legends is significant and shows that
both Arbo and Dor stayed faithful to each of their subjects. Verse four goes
even on to say that everyone in Jerusalem prayed that this apparition was a good
sign, but actually a further study of both 2 Maccabees and traditional history
reveals that the time of the apparition was followed by tumults and bloodshed in
favour of the enemy to the Jews. The apocryphal text dates the apparition about
"the same time Antiochus prepared his second voyage into Egypt", this being in
168 BC according to traditional history. Shortly thereafter Antiochus invaded
Jerusalem and went on a rampage destroying the city and slaying the people. But
either way the apocryphal text is interpreted it is remarkable to notice that
both these apparitions of a great army of horsemen in the skies were considered
an omen.
Present in folklore throughout Northern, Western and Central Europe, the myth of
sg rdsreia is better known as the Wild Hunt and similar terms like the Raging
Host or das Wilde Heer. The host is generally portrayed as a band of dead
people, often led by Odin or other mythical or legendary figures. Though the
theme is always much the same, these folk myths show a great variety of wit and
ingenuity. Thus likely pointing to an origin lost through the ages. Several
theories concerning its origin have been put forth, but no one seems to know how
old this pan-European myth really is. At least it can be traced back to the
Viking Age, but probably as far back as to the Migration Period. Thus, efforts
have been made to connect its true origin to the tribe of Harii mentioned by
Tacitus to have painted their bodies and shields black to scare off their
enemies in the midst of night, but this evidence is hardly convincing. Leaving a
gap of only a few centuries back to the times of the Maccabees, the origin of
the myth depicted by Arbo could take a whole different turn if traced back to
the Migration Period. It seems only fair to ask if this myth in its original
form could have been brought out of Jerusalem.
The author of 2 Maccabees declares that he has shortened a longer work
consisting of 5 books by a certain Jason of Cyrene, whom is thought to have
compiled his work from hearsay either close to the actual events or several
decades later. If the latter is correct it could prove that the story of the
apparition had been preserved as an oral tradition among the people. Thus
indicating that the story was well known, even though it is but scarcely
mentioned in 2 Maccabees. But the story could of course have been brought out of
Jerusalem based solely on the account given in 2 Maccabees, at least some Jews
in Jerusalem were familiar with this book a few centuries later.
This whole thesis may seem fantastic, still it might be the best contribution to
the mystery surrounding the origin of sg rdsreia. Even though totally overlooked
by scholars, a connection between a Jewish legend preserved in 2 Maccabees and
an ancient North European folk myth could hold the missing link needed to solve
the mystery. Still a further study could reveal other possible connections
between the two.