"Brit-Am Now"-1015
1. John Adam: More about Chaim
2. Answer to a Son of Satan Adherent
3. The Book of Jeremiah and the Lost Ten Tribes
1. John Adam: More
about Chaim
From: john e adam <jadamone@embarqmail.com>
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1014
#1. John Adam, Chaim Weizmann, and Restorationism
Hello Yair,
I sincerely doubt that the British Government would have paid any attention to
Weizmann if he had not developed ABE fermentation. It was used extensively in
the UK and USA during WWI and II. I have heard that Weizmann was involved in
writing the Baufour Letter,
http://history1900s.about.com/cs/holocaust/p/balfourdeclare.html . He was
also involved in creating the Jewish Brigade,
http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/brigade.html . Both the
Russians and Chinese have used ABE fermentation until recently to produce
butanol. Cheap oil was the reason they stopped fermenting butanol. Looking for a
serious biofuel replacement for petroleum is how I learned about Chaim
Weizmann's history.
According to numerous recent US DOE studies the USA could produce much of our
transportation fuel from over a billion tons of waste biomass that is produced
in the USA each year. Without oil revenues, which make up around two thirds of
the revenue of Middle Eastern Arab and Persian states, their Jihad would soon
end. Butanol will work in todays vehicles and could te used in Direct Alcohol
Fuel Cell vehicles in the future. This is an agricultural solution to the
problem. Israel is using agricultural technology to restore 'the land' to its
former condition, before the Arabs turned it into the mess they won in 1948.
That same technology could work in the US and Canadian Great Plains.
John Adam
2. Answer to a Son
of Satan Adherent
Note: It is our policy in general not to debate with anti-Semites or Racialists.
We make exceptions when a point of Biblical Interpretation is involved or in the
rare instances
where the person concerned is genuinely mistaken.
Also in some cases our replies on these subjects may be helpful to other members
of our list.
Dear Yair,
My big question is what is the criterion for being a member of Brit-Am?
Is it genetic or is it belief in a Kenite Jew oral interpretation of the Torah
from the Almighty?
The sons of Adam viewed themselves as sons of the Creator of Everything and they
believed that Cain was the son of the Devil. The sons of Cain, Kenites, were not
mentioned in the Torah as members of Adam's line and their descent is mentioned
separately in Genesis 4. The Recabites, a tribe of the Kenites, is mentioned in
Jeremiah 35. It is obvious from their statements to Jeremiah that the Recabites
believed themselves to be descended from Cain. It is also quite obvious why [the
Almighty] would use Satan's children as an example of why His children's
disobedience was to be punished.
From Jeremiah it is obvious that everyone, including the Recabite Kenites, were
taken to Babylon when Jerusalem fell in 586 B.C. They were all called Jews
because they were taken from Judea, not because they were descended from Judah
the man or were descended from Jacob the man also known as Israel. During the
Babylonian Captivity the Recabites were allowed to become the Religious Scribes
of the House of Judah and they may have been allowed to intermarry with
descendents of Jacob. This is obviously contrary to the teachings of the Torah
for the sons of Adam.
a) By "the criterion for being a member of Brit-Am" we understand you to mean
being considered
a member of the Lost Ten Tribes?
One is or one is not.
Read our article on Ephraimite Criteria
We consider someone to be Israelite if they are descended from Israel
or identify with Israelite Peoples.
You diatribe appears to be a mixture of Biblical Criticism and anti-Semitic
of the kind that became fashionable in the 1920s.
It denies both the truth of the Bible and modern scholarship.
You mentioned "belief in a Kenite Jew oral interpretation of the Torah".
There is no such thing in the sense you mean it.
All interpretation is Oral. The sounds of the letters and the meaning of the
words is also
Oral Interpretation. If you mean Rabbinical interpretation then I believe in it
but we are not pushing it as
part of our agenda. Take it or leave it. It has little to do with Brit-Am one
way or the other.
It may however be pertinent in our understanding of the Bible, e.g. if we
understand the Hebrew text
to be saying something different from how it is usually interpreted but a
Rabbinical Commentary
agrees with us and even increases our understanding of the text then we are
happy about it.
In such a case we feel we have received an assurance from people who knew the
subject better than we do and better than most others alive today.
The Kenites were a Canaanite people (<http://php.ug.cs.usyd.edu.au/~jnot4610/bibref.php?book=%20Genesis&verse=15:19&src=>Genesis
15:19 )
Jethro the father-in-law of Moses is described as a Priest of Midian (Exodus
3:1). and a Midianite (Numbers 4:29), and as a Kenite (Judges 1:16).
Jethro in effect converted and became part of the Israelite people together with
members of his clan.
It is not certain if Jethro received the name "Keni" because he was of Kenite
stock or for some other reason.
Jethro was also known as Hobab or Hobab was a son of Jethro and brother-in-law
of Moses.
[There is a joke about Jethro.
Jethro had seven different names.
Because he had seven daughters.
Everytime he had to marry one he took a new loan from the bank under a different
At all events the descendants of Jethro and his followers became known as
In Semitic tongues the the root "Ken" was associated with the workers of metal,
thus we have "Tubal-cain", "the forger of every sort of tool of copper and iron"
(Genesis 4:17-22)..
"Sayce (in Hastings, Dict. Bib., s.v. Kenites) draws the conclusion that the
Cinites [Kenites] were a wandering <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07066c.htm>guild
of smiths."
Balaam spoke of the Kenites (Numbers 24:21-22).
There it says that the Kenties would be exiled with the Lost Ten Tribes and
return with them.
Some identify the Kenites with the Druse people.
Kenites were both in the south and in the north (Judges 4: 11 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//wiki/Books_of_Samuel>I-Samuel
They are recalled as being in the south of Judah (in the region of Simeon) where
"the cities of the Kenites" are mentioned alongside "the cities of Jerahmelites"
(1-Samuel 30:29).
If the Rechabites were Kenites then they too were part of Judah (Jeremiah 35).
In fact in Jeremiah 35 it sounds like the Almighty was quite pleased with the
and that they were exemplary citizens.
The Rechabites will be rewarded.
A Midrash associates the Rechabites with the Land of Sinim and therefore with
So what is your problem?
As well as being in the north of the Land of Israel as we know it (Judges 4: 11
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//wiki/Books_of_Samuel>I-Samuel 15:6)
the Rechabites may also have had an enclave in Hamath alongside Dan and the
Judah section that became the Jutes.
Rechabites were part of the Kenites according to an understanding 1-Chronicles
where it is said that they "came of Hemath" i.e. from the city of Hamath in
Northern Syria
which was an Israelite settlement.
If you are an Israelite you are probably of partly Kenite blood otherwise
the subject would not obsess you.
But why bad-mouth your ancestors?
At all events the Bible says that Cain was a son of Adam and Eve.
The Bible does not say,
"The sons of Adam viewed themselves as sons of the Creator of Everything and
they believed that Cain was the son of the Devil".
This is an invention.
The Bible also says that all mankind apart from Noah and his family were wiped
out by the flood.
Noah has descended from Seth.
All present day mankind according to the Bible are descended from Noah.
This includes the Kenites and everybody else.
If you do not believe in the Bible that is your problem.
You do however exemplify a certain phenomenon:
When you get down to the nitty-gritty nearly all racialist anti-Semites do not
believe in the Bible.
3. The Book of
Jeremiah and the Lost Ten Tribes
New Feature:
Brit-Am Commentary to Jeremiah