
"Brit-Am Now"-1019
1. Archaeology: Example of a false Alarm and Narrow Escape from a Minor Embarrassment
2. Jack Flaws: "The Law Debate"
3. Larry: "take the knowledge given and learn from it"
Derryl Bishop: "agree to disagree"
5. Kevin
Opp: "Lets center on what we can a agree with"
6. BAMBI -Psalm 8



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1. Archaeology: Example of a false Alarm and Narrow Escape from a Minor Embarrassment
On a list discussing the ANGLES (of Anglo-Saxon renown)
there recently began a discussion concerning the
name "Scott" found in an Anglo-Saxon Runic Inscription
What was first described as a sword found on the Sutton  Hill Anglo-Saxon boat burial (ca. 620 CE) has  Runic Inscriptions
including (see the photo in the URL above) "the maker's name (Scott) punched in Old English runic letters on the tang ".
The maker was named "SCOTT" which is not a "Germanic" name and which was causing some discussion
on the ANGLII yahoo group.
The name "Scott" is usually associated with the "Scottii" meaning an Irish People once prominent  in both Ireland and Scotland.
They however did not use runic writing nor supply weapons to the Angles and Saxons.

Your beloved monitor was about to jump in with the suggestion that:
"Scott" could also conceivably mean "Scythian" and they did use runes
"Brit-Am Now" - 340
#6. Early Germanic Runes in Central Asia
Our original text said:
<<On the web-site below there is a picture of a runic inscription from
Kazakstan from a Scythian grave and dating from around 400-300 BCE . It is
apparently in a Germanic tongue.
The site itself is a bit "New-Worldish" but the source quoted for the
inscription is Renate Rolle who is a respected scholar.

A picture of the inscription may be seen in "The Tribes" (3rd edition, 2004) p.83)

The site we were quoting from had a nice picture of the inscription
but has since disappeared.
Rather than suggest that every member of the said list purchase a copy of "The Tribes"
(which doubtlessly they would benefit from)
we were searching around for an alternate URL and came to
a site which mentioned,
Renate Rolle, "The World of the Scythians" p.51 inscription on silver bowl.
We were not sure if this was the exact same example from Central Asia but were about to suggest it anyway
when a secondary message to ANGLII-Yahoo saved us from a little embarrassment.
The message said:
<<The blade on the original is badly corroded and still within what remains of its scabbard. We know it was pattern welded because it has been x-rayed.
It is highly unlikely that it ever had an inscription on the blade as this does not seem to have been a practice at that time (6th and 7th centuries) - in the eighth century the 'ulfbehrt' blades, etc, appear.
<<The name 'Scott' is on the tang of the reproduction and refers to Scott Lankton, its maker who donated his sword to the British Museum.

In other words, someone named "Scott" had made a reproduction of the original sword
and had put his name in Runic Script on the blade.
He had then donated his reproduction to the British Musuem who had put it on display
amongst other relics from Sutton Hoo. This was the object under discussion.

If we had actually read what is written below the picture of the blade on the URL we would not have "endangered" ourselves
and probably  would have been aware that the name "SCOTT" was not part of the original, and so
presumably would whoever on ANGLII-Yahoo had started the whole discussion.
For it says,

<<That the tang of the replica blade  is stamped in Old English runic letters with the name of its maker - Scott - gives the replica an authentic touch, for the original could have been similarly inscribed. Makers' marks or runic signatures on the tangs of blades have been found on sites of formerly sacrificial lakes in southern Scandinavia such as Nydam or Vimose.

Here it says "replica" and it is clear that "SCOTT" is the name of the maker of the replica and NOT of the original.

Oh well,
One cannot win every time.
Such is life.

2. Jack Flaws: "The Law Debate"

From: Jack Flaws <>
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1018
#1. Keeping the Law: Why the Sudden Ruckus?

Hi, Yair.

My two cents on the Law debate.

One of the things that pleased me most about your ministry was that fact that you stayed out of "religious" debate.

My advice to everyone , including you, is to stick to the subject, the factual evidence of the Lost Ten Tribes, and stay out of the area of religious practice.

I think this advice is warranted from the debates that have occurred over the last two years.

Let's stick to the facts, folks.  Everything else is an exercise in Ego.  God has no Ego, and neither should we.


Faith Is A Verb

 3. Larry: "take the knowledge given and learn from it"
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1018
#1. Keeping the Law: Why the Sudden Ruckus?

Dear Yair

I have been reading Brit-Am Now, as well as the website for a little over a year now - and I have never been confused about the message of Brit-Am in regards to keeping the law. I take the knowledge given and learn from it... If there are things that are not in complete agreement, this is no major issue, as frankly you are a pioneer at these studies...

For each of us, reading the publications, website etc of Brit-Am and supporting the work (by book purchases etc) is a necessity for the research - not the specific opinion you or Brit-Am holds about this supposed recent upheaval about keeping the law. People must get past this - have their opinion and realise that we have all been enriched by your work...

God bless

4. Derryl Bishop: "agree to disagree"
From: Derryl Bishop <>
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1018
#1. Keeping the Law: Why the Sudden Ruckus?

Hi Yair,

First of all may I congratulate you on your web-site. I so appreciate and benefit from your insights and your commitment to the Whole House of Israel.

My understanding of who I am has become so obvious since becoming aware of my Israelite heritage and my tribal identity. I have also had my faith walk deepened by understanding that Torah means of course law, but also teaching and instruction. ... I guess the point I am trying to make is that endeavoring to keep Torah as I understand it, is not a salvation issue. Period. However, because Torah = law, teaching and instruction I have become convinced that I have been called to turn away from pagan practices and to follow the guidelines set out before me in Scripture. It is important to note that the Leviticus 23 Feasts are Feasts of the L-rd. Our small Whole House Assembly in Wales, look forward each week to Shabbat and to celebrate Israel's (both Judah and Ephraim) Feasts in their fullness. ... I write this Yair for you to understand where I and many others like me are coming from. My understanding of Torah has cost me my job. I had no option but to resign from the pastorate...

On this issue Yair, you and I will perhaps have to agree to disagree. There is something far bigger at stake...The Almighty has raise you up for his end time purposes, Yair and I stand with you...
Hopefully the L-rd will arrange for us to meet again, and maybe continue this discussion.

With prayer,


5. Kevin Opp: "Lets center on what we can a agree with"
From: Kevin Opp <>
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-1018
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1018


A possible answer to your problem.  Quit posting controversial topics!  Lets center on what we can a agree with.  There are hundreds of non controversial topics. however, most of what is accomplished is arguing about the controversial ones!  Nobody's mind has ever been changed through arguing.   And if you think this has effected your financial situation, you are right!  People who give you money do so on the idea of a tithe.  How do you expect to be supported when you are constantly posting things that go against and are even counterproductive the faith of 90% of your readers and still expected to get tithes.  ...How do you expect Christians to be able to consciously tithe to you after that?  I am simply being honest with you my friend.  No one is asking you to change your beliefs, I simply suggest not posting explosive topics, period.   For instance, lets say you have a father in law who is part owner of Ford Motor Company.  Would you go to his home and talk about how much you like Chevy's and why?  Of course not, even if it were true, you would just avoid the topic.  Instead, you may talk about tires, or something that you can share viewpoints on.  Since you have a similar like, and agree to a degree, for decency sake, you would talk about your agreeables not your disagreeables!  A silly analogy maybe, but think about it, I believe I have a point.

We all actually have a lot more in common than not.  Why must we always dwell on the not?

6. BAMBI -Psalm 8
Short off-the-cuff explanation
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