"Brit-Am Now"-1021
1. Larry: Correct Pronunciation of Runic Script
2. David Tempelhoff
: Observations and Questions on Iraq
3. Brit-Am on Ezekiel Upgraded
1. Larry: Correct
Pronunciation of Runic Script
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1020
Dear Yair,
Very interesting Brit-Am Now.
Regarding the runestone re-discovery, the actual Runes spell out "ASLAKI" or "ASLAGI"
or even "ASLANGI"- which can be translterated to Aslak in modern Scandinavian
tongue. Old Norse (similar to modern Icelandic) was spoken when the stone was
carved. So if you use the name when researching, please start from the original
(or a variation above), not what the press says it spells in the Modern tongue.
I use scholarly works of the runes when transliterating a runestone or any runic
writing - a simple text is Ralph W V Elliott, Runes, Manchester University
Press, 1959. Of course, scholars of the ancient Scandinavian languages would be
of greater help here - I am merely a layman, stating the transliterations from
that particular work. Each rune could have been used for many different
variational letters of our language, as noted above. This is a quick attempt to
show such variation. The "I" at the end is simply because Old Norse was an
inflected language, like
Old English... Of course, that is retained in Iceland, but dropped from all
other so-called Germanic languages.
Peace to you as ever,
2. David
: Observations and Questions on Iraq
Hi Yair,
Main reason I am writing you is to tell you I agree with your assertion that
the US in Iraq is a fullfilment of Bible prophecy.(return of lost tribes.)
Pres. Bush has shown unswerving support for Iraq and its people despite pressure
from just about everyone. He has been willing to place many sons and daughters
in harms way to promote freedom and liberty in a very hostile part of the world.
Pres of Iraq is from Northern Iraq----- Pres Bush has stood by him tooth and
nail like he was Kin.
Second, This is a hypothetical point---- If only 10% returned with Nehemiah to
re- build Jerusalem and the returning members of Judah were told to leave their
wives of foreign blood does this mean that 90% never returned and are mixed in
the people of Iraq?
Third, The more I travel, read, investigate and study: The more the concepts and
ideas you propose in Brit-Am apply to various current and past events. It is
great to be part of this research.
I really like your new website graphics.
Reply: The Jews who did not return with Nehemiah but remained in Babylon
became the founders of Eastern Jewish communities.
Many eventually went to Spain. Others went north and entered the Khazar Kingdom
contributing to the Jewish Population
and Returning Israelite inhabitants of that area.
Regarding the descendants of the foreign women whom Nehemiah sent away this is
an interesting question.
Abarbanel understand Scripture to say the future returnees (descendants of
Conversos or " Captive Jews") will come with their non-Israelite women and their
children will be recognized. It will not be as it was in the time of Ezra and
Nehemiah when the foreign women with their children were sent away. This could
also apply to he Lost Ten tribes though the sources differ on this point.
In the future however it seems that it will not necessarily be a question of
who will be accepted and who not but rather of who chooses at some stage or
other to be included.
3. Brit-Am on
Ezekiel Upgraded
Highlights of Ezekiel
Israel and Judah will re-unite and everything will be restored, rectified, and
The Order of Return of the Lost Tribes in Ezekiel.
Judah needs the Return of Samaria (Manasseh and Israel); Judah will teach
Joseph; There will be a new covenant.
Ezekiel chapters 1 to 5
The Holy Chariot ("Mercabah"): the Divine Presence.
Ezekiel chapters 6 to 10
Evil will be punished. The Tribes of Israel commit idolatry
Ezekiel chapters 11 to 15
The rights of other Israelites in the Land must be recognized.
Ezekiel chapters 16 to 20
Settling in the Land requires keeping the law of Moses.
Ezekiel chapters 21 to 25
Judah and Israel will be punished for their sins and the Temple destroyed. Their
oppressors will also be punished.
Ezekiel chapters 25 to 30
Judah needs Samaria to Return
Ezekiel chapters 31 to 35
The Ten Tribes will return, the Land will be healed, and Judah will be avenged.
Ezekiel chapters 36 to 40
Judah and Joseph will re-unite and as a consequence be purified. Gog and Magog
and the other nations will attack Israel.
Ezekiel chapters 41 to 45
Rebuilding the Temple and Reconciliation with the Almighty. Division of the land
and Portions for the Prince, Temple, Levites, and the City.
Ezekiel chapters 46 to 47
Water flowing from the Temple will heal the Dead Sea. Division of the land
amongst the Twelve Tribes of Israel.