"Brit-Am Now"-1023
1. "Kol
2. Ezekiel: Chapter Headings
3. The Hebrew Roots of English?
1. "Kol
In our book "Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America"
There is a whole chapter on the Messiah Son of Joseph.
Much of this material is repeated in our article,
"Messiah son of Joseph"
Some of our sources for this subject were derived from the book,
"Kol HaTor" ("Voice of the Turteldove") which is based on sayings of Eliyahu of
Vilna (1720-1797).
This work is available in English Translation on the Web
We have also seen an attractively presented English Translation of this work
in the bookshops.
[If this work has commentary it could be valuable. We will check it again].
There is no secret about the book "Kol HaTor" and never was.
For decades it has been a favorite amongst Religious Zionists.
Brit-Am was the first to see the pertinence of this work to Lost Ten Tribe
This was an outcome of our research in general and complements references to
"Messiah son of Joseph" in other sources
such as the Malbim.
One did not however need to be a "rocket scientist"
to see the connection.
Even so just to get to a basic level in "Brit-Am" matters of research can take
years and even then
one needs a certain combination of Divine Assistance, and dedication to get
The chapter on
"Messiah son of Joseph" in our book "Joseph" appears to cover most relevant
pertinent to the Lost Ten Tribes at present available.
We are NOT claiming a monopoly on the connection between sources concerning the
"Messiah son of Joseph",
the book "Kol HaTor", and the Lost Ten Tribes.
Anyone who has anything to add is welcome to do so.
So far, however, as far as we know, no-one yet has.
Much additional material certainly exists and could benefit from additional
We are constantly searching for new sources (or a deeper expounding of old
ones) and occasionally
we find them. Together with this we understand the need to keep everything
simple, sane, truthful, and convincing.
We have the book "Kol HaTor" in Hebrew and have read most of it through more
than once.
Contrary to certain reports,
There is nothing in "Kol HaTor" that could "help" promote Christian beliefs.
If you do not believe us go to the English translation above and check for
There is also nothing much in this work (at its simple level at least) beyond
what we
have already published that can be applied to "Brit-Am" type matters.
Other works however do exist.
2. Ezekiel:
Chapter Headings
Highlights of Ezekiel
Israel and Judah will re-unite and everything will be restored, rectified, and
The Order of Return of the Lost Tribes in Ezekiel.
Judah needs the Return of Samaria (Manasseh and Israel); Judah will teach
Joseph; There will be a new covenant.
Ezekiel chapters 1 to 5
The Holy Chariot ("Mercabah"): the Divine Presence.
Ezekiel chapters 6 to 10
Evil will be punished. The Tribes of Israel commit idolatry
Ezekiel chapters 11 to 15
The rights of other Israelites in the Land must be recognized.
Ezekiel chapters 16 to 20
Settling in the Land requires keeping the Law of Moses.
Ezekiel chapters 21 to 25
Judah and Israel will be punished for their sins and the Temple destroyed.
Their oppressors will also be punished.
Ezekiel chapters 25 to 30
Judah needs Samaria to Return
Ezekiel chapters 31 to 35
The Ten Tribes will return, the Land will be healed, and Judah will be avenged.
Ezekiel chapters 36 to 40
Judah and Joseph will re-unite and as a consequence be purified.
Gog and Magog and the other nations will attack Israel.
Ezekiel chapters 41 to 45
Rebuilding the Temple and Reconciliation with the Almighty.
Division of the land and Portions for the Prince, Temple, Levites, and the City.
Ezekiel chapters 46 to 47
Water flowing from the Temple will heal the Dead Sea. Division of the land
amongst the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
3. The Hebrew
Roots of English?
From: Jonathan Tillotson <jon_tillotson@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1022
Hi Yair,
What does Brit Am have to say about the notion that the English Language is
directly related to Hebrew. I believe some linguists accept this, while most
would reject it. Is that correct? Does Brit Am have a position?
No conventionally-accepted Linguist considers English to be derived from Hebrew.
Dr Terry Blodgett however did present an academically valid explanation,
The Hebrew Sources of Northern Tongues
See also the Brit-Am articles on Linguistics in general:
Apart from that we doubt whether anyone who knows both Biblical Hebrew and
English fairly well
can deny some kind of connection between the two.
Recently noticed possible word-links of interest include:
"Shade" - Hebrew "ghost" but related to "Tsad" =side
cf. English "shadow"
Irish - "sidhe"
"Tsad" - Hebrew "side"
"tsido"- Hebrew "side of"
cf. English "side"
"Goi" -Hebrew "people", "heathen"
cf. English slang "guy" (man, fellow)
Hebrew "sabon"
cf. English "soap" ("b" and "p" interchange in Semitic languages)
"Sad", "sid" - Hebrew verb for breaking earth up into smaller segments
English "sod" (clump of earth usually with grass covering)
Hebrew: "hiSik, SaK" meaning "raise, go up" from which we have the Modern
Hebrew word "moSoK" meaning "helicopter" from the same (SK) root.
This could gives us the English word "sky".
"min" -Hebrew "type, kind of"
"man" - Aramaic "someone, person"
"man" - English, "male person".
English is a composite of Anglo-Saxon, French, Latin, and other languages
which in their turn are composites of tongues that went before them.
All European tongues have some similarity to Semitic ones.
Nevertheless, our impression (shared by others including those who do not
share Brit-Am beliefs) is that somehow English has retained in its vocabulary,
and "inner soul" stronger links with Hebrew than are found in most other