"Brit-Am Now"-1024
Contents: 1. Important New Brit-Am DNA Article:
2. Stephen J Spykerman:
English Related to Hebrew
3. An Alternate Scenario: Scotch equal Jacob, Washington is Jerusalem"
################################################### 1. Important New Brit-Am DNA Article:
YDNA Reversed
Were R1 and N The Forefathers"
http://www.britam.org/DNA/YDNAreverse.html Was Adam "R1b1c"" or "N"" Was Noah"
################################################### 2. Stephen J Spykerman:
English Related to Hebrew
From: Stephen Spykerman <sspykerman@supanet.com>
Re: Brit Am Now 1023 - The Hebrew Roots of English
Is the English language related to Hebrew"
Extract from: The Hidden Ancestry of America & Great Britain by Stephen J
The English language too is akin to Hebrew. A number of Bible translators and
Hebrew scholars have remarked that the English language is the most similar to
Hebrew. The greatest of these was William Tyndale, who first translated the
Hebrew Bible into English. Tyndale was an accomplished linguist and an
exceptional scholar who had mastered seven languages including Hebrew. He said
that English was the easiest language to translate from Hebrew.
Is Hebrew " the mother tongue of mankind"
According to the eminent etymologist Isaac E Moseson, Hebrew is the mother
tongue of mankind. After more than ten years of original research he was able to
trace more than 22,000 English words back to their ultimate origin in Biblical
Hebrew. His conclusive research proves that "English and Hebrew are profoundly
connected". His findings show that "many more words should be acknowledged as
borrowings from the Hebrew". He says, "There are hundreds of English and Hebrew
words that sound remarkably alike and mean the same but are not cited by
linguists. A few of these are abash and boosha, albino and labhan, evil and avel,
lick and lakak, regular and rageel, and direction and derech."
Further evidence of a connection exists in word meanings. Moseson tells us,
"Many names of animals have meanings in Hebrew. Giraffe means "neck" and skunk
means "stink"" His recently published groundbreaking book called The Word
presents the greatest challenge to linguists the world over. The 22,000 English
parallels he traces to Hebrew are totally beyond coincidence, and they call for
a fundamental re-examination of our etymological understanding. In fact his The
Word book gives the greatest boost to the biblical thesis that all human
languages derive from a single "mother tongue."
Yair Davidy, an Israeli author of numerous historical books, has come up with
his own examples of Hebrew parallels to English words. As none of his examples
are listed in Isaac Moseson"s The Word book, it indicates that there are many
more than 22,000 English words that can be traced to their Hebrew originals. To
mention only a few of the thousands of examples of the similarity between
English and Hebrew, just look at the similarity of the meaning of the following
The Hebrew word for "mire" is botz, and for a swamp where the ground is
waterlogged is baitsa. This can be pronounced much like the word "beach" in
English, and it is in all probability the origin of the word.
The English word for "eye" is derived from the Hebrew word ayin meaning "eye".
The word "ink" in Hebrew is diyo. This is clearly where the English word "dye"
comes from.
A "penknife" in Hebrew is called taar meaning any kind of sharp cutting
instrument. This is the most likely origin of the English word for "tear".
The English word "dumb" is derived from the Hebrew dom meaning to be silent.
Is there a genetic relationship between English and both Hebrew and Egyptian"
An eminent language scholar from Denmark, Dr Louis Hjelmslev, carried out
extensive groundbreaking research into the root structure of languages. In his
book, Language: An Introduction (University of Wisconsin Press, 1970), he
highlights the enormous influence of the Semitic tongue upon the Indo-European
languages. He states that most European words are borrowings from
non-Indo-European languages. In fact, "a genetic relationship between
Indo-European and Hamito-Semitic (i.e. Egyptian-Hebrew) was demonstrated in
detail by the Danish linguist Herman Moller, using the method of elemental
functions." (p.79) This is a most important point. Why" Because the similarity
between Hebrew and English goes far beyond the mere resemblance of words. The
elemental functions represent a "genetic relationship" between English and both
Hebrew and Egyptian (p.83). These languages are therefore related in their very
root structure, showing a common origin.
Are the Semites our own countrymen"
Given these facts, a group of Danish language scholars has proposed eliminating
the separate language categories of Semitic and Indo-European, combining them
into one new category called, "Nostratic, a name proposed by Holger Pedersen for
the languages related to our own", namely Hamito (Egyptian) and Semitic
(Hebrew). Interestingly, the word, "nostratic", is taken from the Latin word
nostras, meaning "our own countrymen" (p.80). Yes, the Semites (he says) are our
own countrymen, because both language streams indicate a common origin in their
very root structure. The question is, how on earth could the Celtic and
Anglo-Saxon people of Britain exhibit language characteristics similar to both
Hebrew and Egyptian" The most logical explanation is that the ancestors of those
same Celts and Anglo-Saxons were themselves Hebrews who escaped from their
captivity in Egypt in ancient times. Israel"s own history book " the Bible "
confirms that the ancient Israelites spent a considerable time in Egyptian
bondage and consequently would have acquired a solid mixture of both Egyptian
and Hebrew in their vocabulary. Thus the mystery, as to why the root structure
of modern day English shows a clear Egyptian and Hebrew origin, is solved. This
also explains why some 22,000-plus words in the English language are clearly
borrowed from Hebrew originals. Going by the above facts it does appear that
there are considerable grounds for believing that the English- speaking peoples
have indeed descended from Abraham.
A Common Language is prima facie evidence of a Common Lineage!
At this point the sceptic may well ask, "What relevance does all this talk of
language really have"" James Cowles Pritchard was considered to be the most
famous language expert of the 19th Century. In fact today he is considered the
"founder of modern anthropology". This same Pritchard said:
"A common language is prima facie evidence in favour of a common
lineage"Language is one of those signs of community of origin which is slow to
be abolished " slower than most others" (Eastern Origins of the Celtic Nations,
################################################### 3. An Alternate Scenario: Scotch equal
Jacob, Washington is Jerusalem"
From: forresterg@bellsouth.net
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1023
I have read your E Mail and found them interesting.. I would like to share a few
thoughts with you and have your comments. The Hebrew Family currently
resides in Scotland, Jacob is Scotch... The English are a Greeks and Hebrew
mixture... The Presbyterian reformation which started in Scotland and later
spread to England is an Ephramite revolution similar to what happened in Egypt
during the time of Moses . On this occasion however the Hebrews /
Presbyterians had followed the English into Northern Ireland /Sinai.Peninsula
where the learned different skills which the would later need. The Scotch sinned
on many occasion because the were under French or Samaritan Influence [ Micha
1-7] . They are promised Deliverance in a new land / America under the first
ruler after the captivity Zerubbabel / George Washington and Joshua / Thomas
Jefferson. after defeating their Greek / English rivals [ Zechariah 9 ;12-17 ]
. They are divided into Yankees / Epraimites and Confederates /Judah when they
sin the union is broken between Israel and Judah and the American Civil war
results [ Zechariah 11; 14] . Jerusalem in this Era is Washington DC. All
threats or promises that are relevant to Jerusalem are currently applicable to