"Brit-Am Now"-1028
Contents: 1. New Article: Prophetic Outlines of
Biblical Books. Main Brit-Am Scripture Points
2. Michael Johnson: Possible Ancient Scandinavian Identifications
3. The Breastplate and Tribal Precious Stones in the Temple Service
1. New Article:
Prophetic Outlines of Biblical Books. Main Brit-Am Scripture Points
http://www.britam.org/MainPOINTS.html Genesis; Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Hosea, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Zechariah,
Malachi; Israelites to be most powerful and richest nation in the world; an
enormously populous multitude; control all major strategic points; Enemies of
Judah to be punished; Restoration of the Kingdom and Temple; Union of Judah and
Joseph; Conquest of the Land; World Reform; A Light to the Nations
2. Michael Johnson: Possible Ancient
Scandinavian Identifications
Subject: The 11 Sons of Rig-Jarl
I was wondering if you were familiar with the 11 Sons of Rig-Jarl? This is a
Nordic myth, where Rig-Jarl is the son of Heimdall, and in turn has 11 sons, the
last being made king. This story comes from the Rigsthula, and unfortunately,
the rest of the story has been lost as the manuscript ends abruptly
mid-sentence. I would assume it is referring to Joseph and his ten brothers,
when he tells his brothers he will be made their rule; hence the non-mention of
I discovered this while searching for the origin of the name Dane, which they
claim from their first king and ancestor, Dan, son of Ypper (perhaps Jacob or
Israel). Dan has a brother named Nori, perhaps a nickname for Naphtali, both
said to be the ancestral king of Norway. The third brother is the ancestral king
of the Swedes, and his name in the legend is Osten. His name doesn't sound too
much like Gad. However, the Swedes incorporated the Geats, and their connection
to Gad seems very apparent. names obviously get jarbled over generations where
there is no writing.
I was reading about the casting of lots, and that it may have been a box of
stones containing each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. If this is so, it
corresponds very much with the old Norse practise of casting Runes, which were
little stones with each of the letters of the Nordic alphabet. I've never
understood the casting of lots, and always found this peculiar, but perhaps
there is a clue here.
What of the Ten Tribes being in other small pockets besides Israel? There is a
small group in India, and I have a copy of the Hebrew book of Gad the Seer. I
can't read Biblical Hebrew well enough to translate it, but they are a
fascinating group.
Of course, I still believe in Ezekiel's dream of a Greater Israel. Plotting out
his map of Israel, it includes all of Lebanon, a little bit of Syria, and a
little more of the Sinai. He mentions foreign residents being adopted in. I'm
wondering if this points to the conversion of Palestinians to B'nai Noach, or to
a conversion to Judaism where they accept their tribal duties. I derive this
from Ezekiel 47:22.
I still have faith that the House of David and the House of Zadok will be
restored to their original places of prominence. Ezekiel seems to envision this,
and I believe it is more than a passing dream. I am a very firm believer that
Ezekiel gave us a plan which G-d expects us to uphold. It seems to still be far
in the future, but it is a message of hope I still love. I would love your
insights, as I have thoroughly loved your books.
Michael Johnson
3. The Breastplate and Tribal Precious
Stones in the Temple Service
(b) Temple Mount Faithful
The Breastplate and Ephod of the High Priest ? An Important Part of Worship in
the Temple
http://www.templemountfaithful.org/Newsletters/2001/5761-9.htm Extracts:
The Kabbala tells us that the twelve stones matched the attributes of the
tribes. According to researchers the twelve stones also have healing values. The
stone of Reuven, the Odem (ruby), is good for pregnant women, strengthens the
heart and calms the mood; Shimon, the Piteda (topaz), cleanses the blood and
teaches the benefit of the doubt; Levi, the Bareket (beryl), increases wisdom
and aids learning; Judah, the Nofech (turquoise), calms the mood and removes
worry; Isachar, the Sapir (sapphire), strengthens the eyes and brings peace;
Zebulun, Yahalom (diamond), brings longevity, and helps in earning a livelihood;
Dan, Leshem (jacinth), strengthens a weak heart, brings joy and success to the
wearer; Naftali, Shvo (agate), brings peace and happiness and repels the ?evil
eye?; Gad, Ahlama (jasper), gives strength and removes worry and fear; Asher,
Tarshish (emerald), increases wisdom, gives courage and the wearer finds favor
in the eyes of fellow men, and it brings success in business; Joseph, Shoham
(onyx), is a remedy for restoring memory and improving sight, enables the wearer
to speak wisely; Benjamin, Yashfe (jade), prevents hemorrhaging, improves sight
and aids in childbirth.
(d) Colors and Tribal identifications of the Stones
http://www.askmoses.com/article.html?h=662&o=18776 Which precious stones were set in the high priest's breastplate?
by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
I've been unable to find the English names of the gems on the breastplate, and
apparently no one knows for sure which stones they were.
However, in the Midrash Rabba1 it states the colors of the stones:
1. Odem- red (Reuvain).
2. Pitida - green (Shimeon).
3. Barekes - one third white, one third black and one third red (Levi).
4. Nofech - sky blue (Yehudah).
5. Sapir - bluish black (Yisaschar).
6. Yahalom - white (Zevulun).
7. Leshem - same color as Sapir (Dan).
8. Shevo - a mixture of black and white (Naftali).
9. Achlama - wine red (Gad).
10. Tarshish - same color as Yahalom (Asher).
11. Shoham - black (Yosef).
12. Yashfeh - was a multicolored stone (Binyamin).
The stones were in the following order:
3 2 1
6 5 4
9 8 7
12 11 10
[There is an opinion2 that the stones were in this order: