"Brit-Am Now"-1033
Contents: 1. George Washington and Hanukkah
2. Encouragement from Scandinavia
3. David Jackson: Millions from Manasseh who DO back Israel!
From: Torahgruppen <torahgruppen@messianskaforeningen.se>
Shalom Yair
Thank you very much for your words!
Chag Chanukah sameach and Shabbat shalom!
################################################### 3. David Jackson: Millions from Manasseh
who DO back Israel!
From: David Jackson <djackson22@verizon.net>
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-1032
Regarding the implications of Annapolis conference, I agree with Yair Davidy
that the Israeli element within the US is predominantly Ephraim and
Mannasah, with Mannasah probably being preeminent.
But just as in Britain, Scandinavia, continental Europe, and even Israel
itself there are many non-Israeli elements, as well as misguided Israeli
ones, so too in the US these elements exist.
Whether our current President is merely hopelessly naive about the Mideast
"peace" process, or whether more sinisterly he is leveraging anti-Israeli
elements to strengthen the position of his own elite ruling class, I can't
In either case, please realize that there are millions of Americans such as
myself who completely support Israel and abhor the land-for-peace swaps that
our government officially endorses.
The Lord will expand Israel and make her to prosper. The only question is
how much the nations of the world will be hurt by standing in His way.