1. Bob Kennedy: Ephraimite
Different from Christian
From: Mr & Mrs Kennedy
Subject: smith and jones
Lo, Since my father is a Jones and my mother a smith does either made me a Joe
or a Jew.
As an Ephraim ,I do not want Judah's birthright.
The law and the kingship shall come from Judah.
And ,they will teacher the world with [the Almighty's] other witness Ephraim
,that their is no other god before [the Almighty, none.
As for Christianity it has nothing to do with [the Almighty, not the
Christianity mostly known today.
There is a complete difference to an Ephraimite and a Christianite.
The promises given to 12 tribes of Israel are still binding. First Judah was to
return and prepare the Way.
Than Judah was to go put and return his brothers. As they were to return as
praise YHWH
2. Appreciation
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1044
#1. Notsrim-Christians-Calling from the Mount [Country] of Ephraim?
Thank you for article # 1. It is a very enlightening comment concerning the
phenomenon which I have thought to be rather strange in the past few years.
I also appreciate the historical content of your site very much and have spent a
little time perusing and reading articles and comments. All very interesting and
quite an impressive effort.
Thank you, Bob
3. New Upgraded Brit-Am Commentary to
Isaiah with Feature Articles!
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