
"Brit-Am Now"-1046
1. Additional Feature Articles
2. Message from Gavin Finley
3. New Feature: Franz Kobler
"The Vision Was There"


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1. Additional Feature Articles
The Stages of Exile

Khazars, Turks, and Israel

2. Message from  Gavin Finley
Dear Yair and friends at britam,

 It was wonderful to meet Yair in Jerusalem this past October. I count it a privilege to have a part in the research and the publishing abroad of this vital information concerning the lost ten tribes of Israel. I believe this important history will promote understanding even as it calls us to personal responsibility in the righteousness and mercy of Hashem. This knowledge and understanding  will also save us from much grief. And why? Because Lost Israel in their amnesia and sin-sick state is wont to act out politically in jealous anger against the Israel. Western nations tend to react to events on the carnal side of their nature.

The discerning of lost Israel in the west and overflowing into the nations as a Light to the gentiles is an important revelation of the wonder of Israel's eventual restoration. I believe this will help awaken those who are called to YHVH-God in the amnesic west and that this holy calling will come in the righteous and proper way. Lost Israel needs to know of their end time responsibility of witness before the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Because His is the Kingdom to which they are called. For them there is no other.

Israel is still the big picture in Bible prophecy. She has not been "replaced". Nor has she been quietly "put aside" as we see in our current evangelical "dispensationalism". Rather, the Holy Scriptures declare to us that Israel will be fully and totally restored.

Moses proclaimed to Israel that as a covenant people they were to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation". (Ex. 19:6)  The way this will happen is outlined by Jeremiah as he prophesies concerning the New Covenant. (Jer. 31:31). Israel  will be restored as a nation.  And all 12 jewels will be found. The prophet Malachi brings to us the very words of the God of Israel concerning the matter.

"And they shall be mine", says the Lord of Hosts,
"In that Day when make up My jewels.
And I will spare them
as a man spares his own  son who serves him."

 Israel has a glorious destiny.

Grace and shalom,
Gavin Finley MD

3. New Feature: Franz Kobler
"The Vision Was There.

A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine"
London, 1956

This work was published in 1956 in an apparently limited quantity.
It has not been re-published.
The Copyright has apparently expired.
The author is no longer in this world.
The message of the work is extremely important.
We feel that the deceased would welcome Brit-Am publicizing his work
and that the family of the deceased should welcome a renewed interest in the author.
At all events Brit-Am has decided to place the work on our site for the public benefit.

We will proceed piece by piece, section by section.

In the meantime the Contents and the Preface of the work are available on the Brit-Am site.

Extract from
THE establishment of the State of Israel may be rightly looked upon as the greatest collective achievement of the Jewish people in the history of the Diaspora. There is, however, a non-Jewish element hidden in the Restoration of Israel. The ideal of the Jewish people has in fact for centuries been shared, cherished and pursued by large sections of the nations amidst whom Jews have lived. Among them, the British people holds the outstanding place. Nowhere more than in Britain has the idea of the Restoration of the Jews been developed into a doctrine and become the object of a movement extending over more than three centuries. Only in Britain the leading spokesmen of many, generations have been inspired by the vision of a revived Israel. Only there the creation of a Jewish National Home has been a serious and almost continuous political issue which was finally translated into reality.