
 "Brit-Am Now"-1073
1."Sanhedrin" Letter is Unfortunately Genuine!
2. Reaction to "Sanhedrin" Letter
3. Brit-Am Apologies to "
4. What Should be Your Reaction to the "Letter"?
5. Hosea chapter 11 Upgraded




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1. "Sanhedrin" Letter is Unfortunately Genuine!
RE: "Brit-Am Now"-1072
#4. Answer to Questions on the "Sanhedrin" Letter, the USA as "Meshech & Tubal", Brit-Am and Lost Israelites

#(a) Is the Letter genuine?

(a) Greetings,
I found the Bush Letter originally at the link:
It is still there as of 3:00 AM MST (Mountain Standard Time) on Wed.
January 30th, 2008.
Terry McCann

(b) Yair,
The document, known as the Bush scroll, can be found on Rabbi Chaim
Richman's site at:
Stephen Allen

(c) Yair, the letter would seem genuine as it is posted here on the Temple Mount homepage.
I am sorry I did'nt send a link with my original question -I thought this would have been widely disseminated in Israel. Mark Robinson,7340,L-3491779,00.html

(d) Shalom Yair
 Rabbi Richmond of Temple Institute spoke with Tamar Yona on her radio program earlier this week
Re: the letter written for President Bush. Anyone interested can listen to the program as it remains up on front 'page' for several days.
Perhaps you can give them the link.
Shalom, Shalom
Go to
Tamar Yonah
Mon, Jan. 28
Is George Bush, Gog Bush?

Shalom Yair, here is a link to the VIDEO of Chaim Richmond reading the Megillat Bush.
.. Blessings to you, Constance

2. Brit-Am Reaction to "Sanhedrin" Letter
The Letter contains the passage:
"Esteemed Mr. George W. Bush, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezekiel 38:1), leader of the west!"
Even if the "Letter" in question did ultimately reach the attention of President Bush this expression could well have been taken as offensive
and be counter-productive.
Why this identifying sentence HAD to be included in what otherwise may well be a positive document we cannot understand.
We are very disappointed with the implied identification of the USA with Meshech and Tubal.
These terms amongst scholars are usually applied to Russia and the former USSR region.
I know of  NO known authority that applies them to the Anglo-Saxons.
The closest we come to is the Abarbanel  who identifies the Spaniards with Tubal.
We are surprised that Rabbi Richmond and Rabbi Steinzaltz would put their hands to such an irresponsibility.
It is one thing to hold an opinion privately but when public expression is given to it some kind of valid evidence is needed and they have none.
To our minds this may arouse quite a few questions regarding their reliability in general.
Whatever minor reservations we may have had about the "Sanhedrin"
have now been magnified many times over.
Rabbi Richmond should know better and assumedly for some time now should have been familiar with the work of Brit-Am.
Rabbi Steinzaltz is an acknowledged scholar though for at least a decade now his works have been virtually banned by the Ultra-Orthodox and even by some the National Religious.
In fact there are few (if any at all?) Ultra-Orthodox in the "Sanhedrin" ranks.
Even so, we are surprised that Rabbi Steinzaltz and Rabbi Richmond  should give expression to an identification for which they have no apparent sources.
We have just made a big mistake in doubting the authenticity of this letter as a result of which everyone now knows how "sloppy"
we can sometimes be. This has also necessitated us making one apology.
Nevertheless, we will make another assumption:
We doubt that the "identification" emanated from Rabbi Steinzaltz and that he even necessarily knows about it!
He himself is the author of a commentary in which other identifications for Mesheck and Tubal are made.

3. Brit-Am Apologies to "Watchgirl"
RE: "Brit-Am Now"-1072
#4. Answer to Questions on the "Sanhedrin" Letter, the USA as "Meshech & Tubal", Brit-Am and Lost Israelites
#(a) Is the Letter genuine?

Our apologies for implying they may have been taken in by a hoax
are extended to "Watchgirl": br>

4. What Should be Your Reaction to the "Letter"?
These people who wrote the letter seem to control enormous budgets when compared to that of Brit-Am.
Their "productions" are not necessarily better than ours but they do receive more exposure while Brit-Am often struggles just to maintain itself.
The most appropriate reaction in our opinion should be to help Brit-Am more.
Enable us to spread the message, improve its presentation and depth of the research behind it and let us keep on going along the path required.
You may help us by learning our message, helping spread the message to others, and by sending us money for our modest but vital needs.

5. Hosea chapter 11 Upgraded
Joseph will retain traits of his half-Egyptian origins. The mother of Ephraim and Manasseh was from Egypt. They will worship Baal as the Ancient British, Irish, and Gauls did. God raised them up like someone taking care of a baby but still they rejected HIM. The Lost Ten Tribes will repent and return from the West to the Land of Israel. Ephraim will have rejected the Almighty while Judah remained faithful.