"Brit-Am Now"-1080
1. Brian Patmore:
Reflections on the O'Neil line and
of Judah
2. Dennis McGinlay:
Jeremiah and the Daughter of the King
FLEET: Ancestors
5. Top 30 Countries Interested in Brit-Am
1. Brian
Reflections on the O'Neil line and
of Judah
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1078
#5. Question on the Milesians of Ireland and the Judaic Line of Zerah
I have always been told by my family elders, may the God bless their souls, that the Royal Family of the
High Kings of Ireland (Ir + Landt) were direct descendants of Zerah or Zarah.
This is confirmed by all the texts I have come across so far and I believe that
it is most certain that it is so.
I do know for certain that the main branch of the family is by various spellings
but mostly is "O'Neil" with Kavenaugh (various spellings) and O'Brien off-shoots.
The latter, O'Brien, for example refers to that part of the O'Neill family that are directly
descended from the High King Brian Boru. Of course this means "Of Brian" as a family
surname.They are still within the "O'Neil" family confines however despite protests to the
Euchaid The Herrimon or Erimon was the High King, who under the patronage of the Prophet Jeremiah (Ollam Fodlar) married "Tea Tephi" daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah.
The reference to Tamar Tephi as being Euchaid's wife is completely in error.
Euchaid had a mother named "Tamar" and she was definitely a daughter of King
Gallam (Milesius) or as some identify him as Milesius. But Gallam is the correct form and he was
for a time located in Oberia/Spain...
The crest for the Royal Line of Judah was "Ariel" the rampant lion.
Many families, including my own, have Ariel on their family crest.
Does this necessarily declare direct descent from the Royal Line of Judah?
Who can tell at this point in time?
I hope this is helpful Yair.
Also please note my statement that it must be a "ONE FAMILY NATION"
as per these lines from Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 37:19 "Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the
stick of Joseph,
which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will
put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine
All the best mate and may God bless you, your work and family.
Brian Patmore
Brisbane, Australia
2. Dennis
Jeremiah and the Daughter of the King
From: Dennis McGinlay <dennis.mcginlay@virgin.net>
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1078
#5. Question on the Milesians of Ireland and the Judaic Line of Zerah
Hi Yair
Regarding the Milesians and Ireland.
Jeremiah at the start of his story was given a particular commission from God to
'tear down, build and to plant'. King Zedekia was captured and ended his days
in prison. His sons and nobles were killed apparently leaving no heirs except
for the kings daughters who ended up in Jeremiah's charge together with Baruch
his scribe. Would it be reasonable to assume that Jeremiah his scribe and the
kings daughters were transported to Ireland ending the royal line of Zarah?
Taken together with other prophesies this seems to be a reasonable assumption.
best regards
Dennis McGinlay
4. ROB
FLEET: Ancestors
Dear Yair Davidi
I would first like to mention how much we appreciate Brit Am. It is easy to
become disillusioned in today's world. We as Brit Am nations seem to be on the
fast track of Moral decay, etc.
We have found The web site to be a blessing, both from an encouragement
standpoint, and also the historical insight Brit Am provides.
We truly believe the Brit Am Message to be the Most significant message of our
I have made an interesting, while in no way scientific, observation while
involved in genealogical research for myself and others, that is people who
generally meet the criteria for Israelite decent, will in all likelihood find a
family member who was either an important member of community, or had a some
sort of involvement in significant historical events related to our nations.
This is not to say if you are not of "royalty", you are in any way diminished,
or less important, but perhaps means those who descend from such have a higher
responsibility and duty to carry out in the redemption and reunification process
, or at the very least, assist those who may be at their own beginning's of the
current arousal , which apparently has been taking place for centuries in one
way or other, but has manifested at a faster rate in recent years.
Regardless, the first stages might require a proof of sorts. So in light of this
possibility, it should be a priority to seek your roots, and at the very least
it provides a person with a sense of pride in heritage, whether ancestors were
important in history, or just hard working citizens who raised families and
lived good lives, they and you are part of a destiny yet to be fulfilled.
We believe support for Brit Am is crucial. G-d has made provision for
reconciliation through His Prophets, later through some of the most significant
and highly regarded Jewish Sages, Rabbi's. And today through the hard work and
dedication of Yair and those associated to him.
Keep up the outstanding works Yair, and G-d Bless, Bob
5. Top 30 Countries Interested in
Brit-Am a "worldwide web-site"
Top 30 of 106 Total Countries visiting the Brit-Am web-site.
Note: We do not understand these figures exactly.
It may be that many overseas subscribers are included in the figures for the USA
Network and US Commercial.
42.82% Network
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16.35% Unresolved/Unknown
1.87% Australia
1.66% Canada
1.22% Israel
1.22% Netherlands
1.08% United Kingdom
0.79% US Educational
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0.64% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
0.67% Non-Profit Organization
0.54% Belgium
0.44% Sweden
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0.34% Romania
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0.18% Poland
0.18% South Africa
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0.12% US Military
0.11% Ireland