################################################### 1. Robert Kennedy: Unity of Judah and
Ephraim Obligatory re Brit-Am Now no. 1093
#2. The Source of Ephraimite Confusion: Subconscious Anti-Semitism?
Ephriamites are finding it a bit difficult, because Some want to keep telling us
about our fathers sins as if only Ephraim got in trouble with [the Almighty].
We kept reading and Hearing how Ephraim did this or done that. Well, we are not the
only ones who have sinned against [the Almighty].
When we stick up for yourselves; that we are Ephriamites; we are told we are not
and to thank God for it.
It is if you want to control Ephraim, not bless him. And, if we say anything we
are [guilty of] Anti-Semitism!
No ephriamite that truly understands wants to move to Jerusalem. They would like
to reunite with Judah as an equal not otherwise.
The Words of G-d will be fulfilled if we like it or not. But, it is good that
brothers love either other.
The blessings are clear as how each tribe would be blessed, and all of us
must become Israelites, not judahites.
Judah has a special blessing received from Jacob/Israel. It will be as he said.
Ephraim has a special blessing. It will be as Jacob said.
[the Almighty].
It would be better if we put aside our differences and find the common ground
under the Word of [the Almighty], according to the Torah.
If Ephraim and Judah do not reunite billions of ephriamites will be be destroyed
and millions of Judah. This is Jacob's trouble.
Are you ready for it?
Yet us consider the matter and keep the commandment of G-d and worship [the
Bless you all,
################################################### 2. Quotation: Intuition
Intuition is the undoubting conception of a pure and attentive mind, which
arises from the light of reason alone, and is more certain than deduction.
Rene Descartes.
################################################### 3. Question Concerning Captive Jews
When in your writings you talk of personality characteristics I can relate to
the Judah chacteristics more then any others. (That could be simply 45 yrs. of
Bible study.) But then a couple years back my sister tells me our family was
brought from the Yugoslav region to serve rich German families in the eleventh
century and it seems like you mentioned a book about forced conversions in the
2-3rd centuries in that same area in the last year. Do you remember that books
I've been resisting asking you these questions but for some odd reason it seems
like it is time I investigate these leads.
You can use this letter if helps but don't use my name, thanks.
Sincerely M
================================================ Brit-Am
We do not recall mentioning any book about forced conversions.
At all events forced conversion and/or conversions under duress occurred
throughout history right up to our own time.
These are the End Times or the Period leading up to them and there is an arousal amongst the descendants of
Captive Jews and Lost Israelites to return to their
The trouble is many of us are uncertain as to what our sources really are so we
do the best we can according to the knowledge in our possession.