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I am familiar with EVERY ARTICLE ON THE WEB about Khazars.
Brit-Am is an agenda-driven cultish propaganda organization which dismisses the truth about Khazar people's origins to fit their pet theory that Israelites are everywhere throughout Europe.
Since you're associated with them, I have no interest in corresponding with you further. I RELY ON FACTS, EVERYTHING I STATE IS THE TRUTH.
The Khazars were ORIGINALLY TURKIC - ALL the sources say so.
They mixed later with some Hebrews, but that wasn't their main lineage!
And some other contentions of Brit-Am are also false: Khazars aren't Agathyrsoi, and Picts aren't Agathyrsoi, and Celts and Brits aren't Israelites, USA isn't Menashe. Yair Davidy is no historian.
The Christian cult of British Israelitism, founded in the 19th century, is not based on truth, but on biased biblically-inspired interpretations. Brit-Am has the preconceived notion that Western Europeans are Israelites and then tries simplistically to tailor information and names to suit that idea. Whereas by contrast I have no preconceived notion and am open to real facts from objective sources (read: real historians - the type you and Davidy casually ignore).
It is very telling that Brit-Am's Yair Davidy uses defamation tactics to attack Dunlop, Koestler, Artamonov, myself, and other historians of the Khazars, without actually addressing the points we raised. His method is to selectively present his point of view and not presenting the actual facts presented by these authors. For instance I didn't see any time when Davidy quoted the several medieval documents that call Khazars TURKS. Why is he afraid? Because it defeats his theory?
Many medieval writers attested to the Khazars' Turkic origins including Theophanes, al-Masudi, Rabbi Yehudah ben Barzillai, Martinus Oppaviensis, and the anonymous authors of the Georgian Chronicle and Chinese chronicle T'ang-shu. The Arabic writer al-Masudi in Kitab at-Tanbih wrote: "...the Khazars... are a tribe of the Turks." (cited in Peter Golden, Khazar Studies, pp. 57-58). T'ang-shu reads: "K'o-sa [Khazars]... belong to the stock of the Turks." (cited in Peter Golden, Khazar Studies, p. 58). In his Chronographia, Theophanes wrote: "During his [Byzantine emperor Heraclius] stay there [in Lazica], he invited the eastern Turks, who are called Chazars, to become his allies." (cited in Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor, translated by Cyril Mango and Roger Scott, 1997, p. 446).
Yes, Khazars mixed with Israelite immigrants (who came to Khazaria AFTER Khazars already existed as a group), but that doesn't mean Khazars were predominantly or exclusively Israelite.
It's one thing to say that some Western Europeans have a small amount of Israelite ancestry. It's quite another to suggest that their principal origins are in Israel. I believe the former is true, but the latter is definitely false. When people speak about part of Spain's Christian population descending partly from Sephardim who were forced to become Catholics, it's true. But Celtic Welsh people, Germanic Frisian & English people, etc. can't be shown to have any
connection to Israelites whatsoever. Nor American Indians (the Mormons' pet theory).
By the way, please prove that Yair Davidy has recent Jewish ancestry! And that the Bible is a pure work of history! And even that [the Christian Messiah] existed!