1. Meeting with a Rabbi and Questions Some time ago I was invited to the Bar Mitzva of the son of a friend who
takes an interest in Brit-Am.
One of the guests was a Rabbi of Eastern (possibly Iraqi) Jewish origin who was introduced as a specialist in Kabbala. Our host told him about about Brit-Am
and he began to question me. I gave a few answers that justify Brit-Am beliefs
emphasizing those from Jewish sources. The Rabbi then asked approximately the following:
"What use is it all? How can this knowledge benefit the Jews? Why do we need to
know these things?"
Learned Jews can be wary when one springs Biblical prophecies on them especially
when one does not back the interpretation with the opinion of a recognized authority.
We therefore did not quote from Scripture.
We rather replied that in general it is good to know in order to understand what
the sources are referring to.
We also said that through these people (i.e. members of the Ten Tribes) knowing
who they are they may come to be more sympathetic towards the Jews and perhaps help the State
of Israel.
Even now about the only friends the Jews have (in so far as Jews have friends at
all) come from the ranks of peoples we identify as belonging to a significant degree to the Ten Tribes of
The Rabbi accepted the answer but the expression on his face indicated he was
not entirely convinced.
2. Meeting with a Christian Evangelist
and Question We met with a Christian Leader and were asked several questions.
One of the questions was:
Why does Judah not accept the Brit-Am identification of Joseph?
================================================ Brit-Am Replies: We said that Judah on the whole does has not heard of us.
The reply from the Evangelist was that, "You exist. The Brit-Am site exists. Why
are they not listening?"
This question was a bit out of place but it has a point.
If the Brit-Am message would be considered important enough the echoes of those
who did receive it should be enough to make it spread more than it does. [This is despite the fact
that our message over a period of time does reach an impressive number of people from both Judah and Joseph.]
We did not really answer at the time but one of the reasons is the difference in
religious consciousness between Judah and Joseph.
For example,
On two occasion we asked visiting "Ephraimite" known personalities to address
local Brit-Am members at meetings in Jerusalem. Both of the "Ephraimites" were knowledgeable in the
field and have written on the subject.
They could have spoken on numerous topics of general interest including
Scriptural Proofs, history, etc.
While they did not speak on the New Testament since that would clearly be not
acceptable under the circumstances they chose to speak on matters concerning the Christian experience. This was
obviously the closest they felt they could get to the Christian Message under the circumstances, and the audience knew it.
In other words "Ephraim" in many cases is not prepared to give up attempts at
proselytization of Jews just in order to spread Ten Tribes knowledge and unity.
Experience shows that the Jews (even more than the "Ephraimite" Christians) are
quite amenable to the Brit-Am message but they often respond with a quiet and uncertain sympathy rather than great
Our impression is that the possibilities are there. It will take time. To some
degree it is also dependent on a change in the attitude of Ephraimites towards Judah.
For more on this issue, See entry no.3 below.
3. Question to the List: Why is
"Ephraim" not Listening?
The above two entires (1 and 2) concerned Judah.
The question is why are "Gentiles" from ethnic groups in which we believe a
significant proportion of Israelites to be present not responding? Why is the news not spreading from
one to another?
Why are they not rushing to hear from us and read what we have written?
Is it not important?
Even if they do not believe or are doubtful we have shown that at least there is
some chance that they are descended from Israel. It has not been disproved.
Should this not be important to them?
Many "Ephraimites" indeed have been and still are interested but they are a
small minority.
Nevertheless those who have heard of us and received our message over the years could make quite an impressive number. Why are they not spreading the
word and bringing what we have to say to wider attention?
Why is it not being treated with greater urgency?
We could offer some tentative answers of our own but prefer at present to
request "Ephraimite" members of our list to give us their own explanations.
If "Ephraimites" are not responding and not prepared to acknowledge their own
identity how can one expect Judah to do so?
To whom should it be most important?
Where is "Ephraim"?