################################################### 1. David Crawford: Encouragement RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1096
Shalom Yair,
Just a short note to say your work , study, information, and dedication.
Revealing historically and Biblically
the sign posts of the scattering,and mingling amongst the nations,Tracing where
they went has been to many of us
who are called Joseph, Ephraim , Menessah , ten tribes such a blessing and
encouragement. Especially when so many of us are missunderstood by our stand
concerning the restoration and comming together of the whole House of
Israel.Thank you for your dedication and efforts which pave the way in knowledge
and understanding which we believe will in a major way lead to the
reunion of both houses and their companions.
Shalom from David & Lynda
################################################### 2. Timothy F Murray: The time is not yet
come Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1097
Greetings, Yair--
In reply to the question, Why is Ephraim not listening to the Two-House
message, I might guess that a major reason is this: The time is not yet
come. Just as with Israel, when God told them that it wasn't time quite
yet to conquer Canaan, "Because the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet
full," so there may very well be a time element here. The prophetic
situation "is not yet full" perhaps. In other words, putting it into
formula form: diligence + faith + teaching = results, in God's good
time-- but only then.
So this apparent failure to comprehend doesn't meant it's time to quit.
You (and others) are doing the Lord's good work here, and I encourage you
to keep it up!
On a less lofty plane, another reason Ephraim isn't listening may be that
like the Rabbi you referred to, people just haven't seen the need for
this message. It takes a certain degree of spiritual insight and
familiarity with prophecy to catch this vision. You may or may not
realize that there are large swaths of the Christian community who take a
very different view of prophecy than you and I do. For many, the
prophetic aspects of the Tanach are totally irrelevant, due to
"replacement" thinking. Thus their theology is a major roadblock to
receiving this message.
Even for those who do believe in the current fulfillment of prophecy,
they are so steeped in the traditional view that "The Jews = Israel" that
it's a major new concept to think that Israel also includes many (even of
themselves) who used to be considered total Gentiles. It's just too big
for them to grasp, without in-depth instruction. And even though your
books (and others) are "out there," you can't expect that to change the
world very fast! You can lead the horse to water, etc. People must 1)
buy the books, and 2) read them, and 3) accept their premises and
reasoning. This is just too much to expect in a few short years.
So again, I simply continue to pray, to believe, to teach, and to wait
for the time when the Spirit of God Himself broods over the present
theological "chaos" and commands Light to shine. Then we'll see things
move, and fast!
So do keep up your faithful work. It's like the roots of a tree which
will eventually split the very rock!
Tim Murray
################################################### 3. Dave Browning: found...only by those
who sought them Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1097
Dear Yair, Brit-Am, et al,
I would like to respond to this post (sniped for brevity)
>>>Why are they not spreading the word and bringing what we have to say to wider
attention? Why is it not being treated with greater urgency?<<<
As for me I've tried to share this knowledge with others, I've lost wives,
friends, jobs etc etc because of it. That doesn't matter really, nor does the
fact the lost tribes have been found, but only by those who sought them.
What matters is the "Christians" first learn the WORD of our Almighty, what it
means, how to observe, practice, and apply it. One would think they new this,
but unfortunately this is very much not the case.
Most Christians teach something quite different than what the Bible does. Most
Christians teach the Law was done away with, that Israel is the church, that
Jerusalem is a spiritual (unreal *smile*) place.
Replacement Theology, counterfeit Holy days, ignorance of G-d's plan, and His
science of Love are the enemies. Its really not an issue, that those who know
where Jacob's sons are today teach others, especially those who are deceived as
to what the Bible means.
When you start teaching this, and make no mistake this is what Scripture
teaches, then you will be persecuted. You will receive enough blows from the
world just for teaching this, you don't have to take the extra sufferings that
the more advanced teachings will bring.
I am fascinated by the miracles the Father has performed, the Lost Tribes is a
passion of mine, and in due time every eye will see (perceive), every ear will
hear (understand). In the mean time we can have fellowship and learn here on
################################################### 4. Dorothy Daigle: no desire to join
with ...just to convert RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1097
Greetings Yair,
It stands to reason most of the 'Ephraimites' do not care about being of the
Lost Ten Tribes of Israel because they are Christian, and want to and expect to
convert Jews to Christianity. Therefore, most of them have no desire to join
with Judah, just to convert her.
Warm thoughts, Dottie
################################################### 5. Tessa: The journey home is not for
the faint-hearted
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1097
Shalom Yair
"Where is Ephraim?" Good question.
One would think that a good many Christians of western ethnicity should receive
the Brit Am message gladly but most don't - yet.
Part of the answer lies in the comfort of the known - for a group which has been
conditioned to think they are other than Jewish (in many instances, better than)
to reconsider their identity as brother to Judah is a huge shock. Besides it
conflicts with orthodox church teaching that the Church has replaced Israel in
the providence of the Almighty. It also explains why these people feel the need
to evangelise Jews. These are strongholds of the mind that have been cemented in
over centuries and require enormous effort to break free from and are compounded
by the negative reactions of family and friends. The journey home is not for the
Another reason may be fear of the future - if we admit to being Israelite
through scriptural and scientific proofs, what will happen to us? For those
further conditioned with 'rapture' teaching, their understanding of what will
happen in the future becomes very uncertain - much scarier than being 'whisked
away' to paradise.
But perhaps the prime reason is that it is still early days in the plans of the
Almighty. He knows who these people are and will wake up every single one of
them in his good time. One thing Judah doesn't need is masses of eager
Ephraimites who have not learned how to be who they are or who still harass
Judah. (Isaiah 11:13) I think we should be careful not to run ahead of (or
behind) his plans - all will happen as and when it should.
################################################### 6. Charlotte Mecklenburg: whether they
want to go there or not Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1097
Dear Yair,
The question: Why do we not spread the Brit-am message more?
In my own experience dealing with Christians, I have run into the same kind
of response as those of Judah. 1. So what is the purpose of knowing it? If I
sense it is a sincere desire to know the answer I pursue it. 2. The tribes are
not lost, they came back with the Jews from Babylon. And 3. Oh, that is just
British Israelism. You are not going to get me to go there. 4. Finally, having
information just for information sake doesn't get accepted. A person has to have
something to do in order to reach a perceived goal.
I believe all of us work through some set of questions in order to stay with
the idea that this message is important. If a person's life is already set in
one direction it is not easy to accept another completely new idea that doesn't
seem to have anything to do with their life.
It is my perception that just as there were few that came back from Babylon
compared to the many that left, there will be only a few of those who represent
Joseph to return compared to the number that left. It will take a crisis to
bring the many that the prophecies speak about, because it seems to take a jolt
to get a herd of humans pointed a different direction than they have been going.
Just as I do not like to speak to Jews about Y and what it means to be lost
and found, in the same way, it is difficult for me to speak to Christians about
them being from some lost tribe of Israel. They have already made up their mind
that they are grafted into the Olive tree and nothing further has to be said. So
where there seems to be an interest in this subject, then I spend time with them
sharing. To find that interest I might ask questions to probe and see if there
is an interest. People are pretty sharp, they often know where the questions are
going to lead and let me know right away whether they want to go there or not.
What others have experienced along this line will be of interest to me.
Charlotte Mecklenburg
################################################### 7. Sue: easier to stay with what they
I think that people are so indoctrinated with their own religion, it is easier
to stay with what they know. My family and friends look at me with a dead stare,
every time I say anything about the tribes or Brit Am . I have talked to many
Christians who think I am a false prophet, only one person has listened and read
your books, but when I met her the first time, we clicked instantly and were
talking at the very first about what we were feeling and learning almost word
for word. We both spoke of knowing at an early age that there was more than we
were being taught, but not allowed to ask "crazy questions". I am not sure why
Gd does not open peoples eyes to this. I have wondered why it is not catching,
on so to speak , I want everyone to feel what I feel. Sue VonDach