The Brit-Am Rose

Symbol of Israel United
1. Constance: encouraged, affirmed and
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1097
Dear Yair, if we have not told you how much of an impact you are making and
shown you then forgive us. For you are making an impact and HaShem is doing
much. It is presently an "unseen" work, so to speak, even as a child being
formed in the womb is unseen but is real, alive and growing, and will one day
breathe the breath of life. The work you have been doing is deeply encouraging
and affirming to many of us who have been so shaken by what HaShem had already
been doing in our hearts and minds even before we knew of you. It is a kind of
comfort... I saw that the restoration of all Yisrael was CENTRAL to everything
He was doing! I saw WHO Ephraim was and WHO Yehudah was! I remember saying,
"Have I ever even read the Bible before?"! It was a shaking so deep and amazing
all at the same time. ...But Yair, when I began to read what you had
researched, and that you, Yehudah knew and had real information about what was
happening to me, let me restate, it encouraged, affirmed and confirmed and was
of such a great help. Constance
B: that wonderful gleam of light
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1098
Shalom Yair WOW - all the letters printed in 1098 are so full of "teaching"
about what mainstream Christianity, particularly in the US, is all about. A big
thanks to those who have written and been posted in regards all that has been
bantered back and forth of late on your site.
My experience with the general christian community has been so similar. But
there is the occasion when you see that wonderful gleam of light in a person's
eyes as you share the message of both houses and the coming redemption - hard to
find words to expresse the joy and excitement in having a part in that
Keep up the good work.
In peace sandie b. in AZ USA
3. Answer from Norway
From: Kjetil <>
Subject: Answer to Brit-Am Now no. 1097 from Kjetil
Why is Ephraim/lost Israel not responding?
Many reasons, this is what I believe are some of the
reasons at least for mye country.
1) Most christians believe in replacement theology to at least to some degree. No "need" for Israel.
2) Christians in Norway are generally very friendly and positive towards Jews; they are Gods chosen people. To hear that we are brothers is on the other hand very
thought provocative.
3) Most "ordinary" people, and even christians, are not familiar with prophecy in the Bible or elsewhere, because it is deemphazised in christian congregations.
Without knowledge and teaching of prophecy, the task of communicating this message becomes harder. They do not know the distinction between Judah and the Lost
Tribes. To learn about old peoples and nations like Assyria, Elam, Babylonia etc. is very unfamiliar. Most haven`t even heard about them.
Instead, modern christian communities focus on personal development, psychology and brief quotation from the Bible.
Deep, in depth studies and so on are rare, since it is not focused on by priests, vicars, evangelists and church leaders on all levels.
4) The racism factor. Since WW2 and the nazis, europeans are wary of racism and favoritism. What Brit-Am teaches,
can on a very superficial level be regarded by many as racism. The idea that one people is chosen, is contrary to modern thinking.
5) Schools. When I began school at the age of 7, we still learned something about the Bible in school.
People at my age and older learned about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and so on. In today`s classrooms, this has been watered
out in favour of general education on religion and morale. All groups,atheists, muslims and others must be pleased and not offended. Talking about
Brit-Am beliefs even on a "baby-milk" level instead of solid food, is sometimes hard.
6) Evolution plays a big part in this, even among christians. Why? This is for one thing somewhat linked to the racist question. At least in Europe evolution
is all that is teached in schools and focused on.
Creationism is absent. People don`t believe that nations have been preserved also after Assyrian times, and most believe that we are all very mixed. The idea
that a nation like Israel can be preserved through 2700 years, and that we are direct descendents of Israelites, is simply too mind-blowing for many
7) This is just a feeling I have, with no proof. But I strongly feel that this is a "non-theme" among
christians leaders. They are totally silent, as if they have conspired among themselves. Surely, many of
them must be familiar with the theme since the arrival of the web especially..
4. "Ephraimites"
publicize Burmese-Indians claimants rather than Brit-Am
Kathylou wrote:
Just look at this! They would rather have anyone else to name as
Mannasseh , as long as it's not the Irish Americans that believe in the
Christian Messiah!
Brit-Am Reply:
You refer as to a site apparently run by Christian Missionaries seeking to
convert Jews.
The article speaks of people from India who converted to Judaism and claim to be
descended from the Lost Tribes.
The article is not a good one since it gives no real details of the families
involved but just speaks of Bnei Menashe (sons of Manasseh).
It also quotes from Michael Freund, "This Aliyah of the Bnei Menashe is nothing
less than a miracle of biblical proportions".
Michael Freund heads Shavu Israel (a continuation and successor to Ami-Shav
founded by Rabbi Avichail) which organization receives a lot of support from non-Jews as well as Jews.
The site you are quoting from is run by Christian Messianics.
People from "Ephraim" are as much "guilty" of finding the wrong "Lost Ten
Tribes" instead of the true ones as the Jews are.
And the Jews have some justification in their approach from a religious point of
Even the expression you use,
"Irish Americans that believe in the Christian Messiah!"
is suggestive. Why emphasize the Christian Messiah when dealing with this issue?
Why not just say Irish Americans?
Another point: Since the founding of the State of Israel tens of thousands of
Irish Americans as well as other "Brit-Am" Israelites) have converted to one or other of the branches of
Judaism, many of them becoming Orthodox.
This is despite a lot of difficulties and hardships they had to endure in
It was not made as easy for them as it has been for the so-called "Bnei-Mnessah"
from India and Burma.
See our article "The Burma Blues"
The Burma Blues. Who is Israel? The Burmese or "Danny Boy"?
Once the "IRISH AMERICANS" convert however they generally merge into the
Jewish population.
A few here and there maintain something of their previous ethnicity and some of
them believe they may be descended from the Lost Ten Tribes. They do not however make a point of it or attract
attention to it.
The so-called Bnei Menasseh who have converted to Judaism number less than 800
and at the beginning when they began to get a lot of publicity they were less
than 200.
From the very beginning however they pushed (or others pushed on their behalf)
the Lost Ten Tribes aspect of their identification.
Whatever the case this is not a concern of ours.
Brit-Am does what it can and concentrates on its Three Rs and is having an