Brit-Am Now no. 1100
Brit-Am Now no. 1100
Contents: 1. Brit-Am Supporter Fired from his job!
2. Paul D Pruitt: Buying a solution to the Middle East Crisis?
3. Statistics: Some Brit-Am Achievements
################################################### 1.
################################################### 2. Paul D Pruitt: Buying a solution to
the Middle East Crisis? Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1099
Dear Yair,
What about the idea of buying a solution to the Middle East perpetual crisis?
That is why not the US and other like minded Western countries offer any nation
around the world say $20,000 a year in perpetuity per person to allow the
emigration to their location of any Arab now living from South of the Euphrates
to North of the Nile. Only those Arabs who are causing trouble or who want to
emigrate would be eligible to be "exported" out of the country for now.
A coalition Western countries could additionally fund and offer each of the
Arabs $20,000 a year directly in their new country as long as they stayed
gainfully employed and out of criminal activity. If they got into trouble they
would be jailed and lose the benefits while in prison.
The problem now is the Arabs proximity to Israel, but as you have discussed
before removing them from the area might be fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
Certainly with less Arabs around, this would make it easier for Ephraim to
return. 5 million Arabs emigrated would cost 200 billion dollars per year, but
might be worth the price for the increase in Peace.
################################################### 3. Statistics: Some Brit-Am Achievements
Over the last Three years or so the Brit-Am web-site has received at least a
million visits.
Other web-sites and popular forums with large audiences have also spoken well
(or at least objectively) of Brit-Am.
The Brit-Am Message is promoted with the aim of achieving both in-depth
appreciation and widespread knowledge.
Of the million visits, many may be attributed to those of our supporters (or
just people with an interest) who come back day after day to read what is available on our site. This is an
indication of in-depth appreciation.
Nevertheless even they who come back time after time have other interests (as we
do) and eventually go off elsewhere taking an appreciation of the message with them.
Their place is taken by newcomers, and so it continues.
In sum the Brit-Am message is probably reasonably well known to several hundred
thousand people.
An impact is being made.
it should also be remembered that our message is not exactly a "light-weight"
one and that not everybody (even amongst those who are interested) can take it in.
Brit-Am is something to be proud of and pleased with.
God bless you all,
Yair Davidiy