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Dear Yair,
I just reviewed some of the BRIT-AM material relating to anthropology, haplotypes, genomes, etc. While I find this material interesting, and in some instances supportive of the BRIT-Am position, I have great difficulty reconciling the Biblical young-earth position with that posited by the DNA scientists, who doggedly maintain that humans of one kind or other have been on the earth for hundreds of thousands if not for millions of years.
Have you ever been able to explain this glearing contradiction to your own satisfaction? In his book Tracing Our Ancestors, Frederick Haberman sees no conflict in embracing both views. Haberman sees the Bible as a book which deals primarily with the descendants of Adam, the ancestor of Shem, who in turn was the ancestor of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. While he embraces the BRIT-AM position regarding the "Lost Tribes", he does not see Adam as the ancestor of all of humanity. He sees the earth inhabited by other humans for thousands (maybe even millions) of years prior to the creation of Adam. In other words, Adam was a very special creation, a sort of after thought of God, as it were. This allows him to accept the dates bantered around by anthropologists, paleontologists and DNA scientists as well as believe the Biblical account.
The problem with Haberman's theory is that it is hard to reconcile it with the traditional Biblical teaching that there is no such thing as pre-Adamic man. Christians point to verse 26, chapter 17, of the Book of Acts, which reads as follows in the King James version : "And He (God) made from one blood all nations [Gk. ethnos] to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation." This verse merely echoes a similar statement found in the Book of Deuteronomy. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that very early manuscripts of the New Testament, including the New American Standard Bible, do not include the phrase "one blood". This omission of the word "blood" begs the question. Could some word other than blood have been implied here? Could a word such as "process" or "procedure" or "fiat" have been intended?
As a sincere seeker after truth, I am merely asking questions. If you have an answer of sorts to this conundrum, I would be interested in hearing it. I do not hold a dogmatic position in either direction. Please do not dismiss the question simply because I quoted the New Testament. I could easily have made the same point by quoting from the Hebrew Old Testament.
Ray Fulford
We have not read the book by Frederick Haberman. We have heard of similar
theories mostly connected to groups
with a racist white-supremacy agenda though "colored" variations also exist.
The Black Muslims (and related groups) in effect have a similar creed only in
their version the original "Adam" was a black man.
The idea that other humanoids existed before Adam finds some support in
Rabbinical Midrashim etc if they are taken literally.
I believe that in the works of Gerald Schroeder he refers to some of these
sources and also reconciles the Biblical-Talmudic version with Modern Science.
Nevertheless, we do not believe it!
The relevant Midrashim may express a minority opinion or be allegorical.
At all events a religious Jew does not have to accept them since they have no
halachic-legal application.
Our personal position is to take the Bible and related sources as literally as
Logically anything beyond that is superfluous. It is unnecessary.
Available facts can best be explained by taking the Bible at its face value and
accepting that the first man was Adam and all humankind are descended from him.
Conventional DNA theory says that the first man came out of Africa millions of
years ago and then "evolved".
Brit-Am understands the known facts of DNA to be BETTER AND MORE CONSISTENTLY
EXPLAINED to indicate that man came from the equivalent of "Europe" (or the Middle East at
that time) and went to Africa. He "evolved" from a more "complicated DNA structure to more
"simpler" versions. This suggestion accords with ALL known scientific observation.
We also say that the time table of DNA is vastly shorter than what the experts
Our impression is that a shorter time table would resolve many "glitches" in DNA
Unfortunately we lack the scientific background needed to substantiate these
We get by reading Abstracts of DNA findings and trying to follow DNA
discussions at a basic level.
I fail to see the point from your NT quotation. It looks like it could be
understood in other ways.
At all events please do not refer NT quotations to us.
God bless you
Yair Davidiy
See also:
"Brit-Am Now"-848
#6. Don Brown: Disagrees with Article Against Color Prejudice
followed by Brit-Am Answers
(a) Blacks not in Ancient Israel?
(b) Jethro a Black High Priest?
(c) Is a bastard a mixed-breed?
(d) Was not Adam a red and white man?
"Brit-Am Now"-1078
#3. Was Adam Celtic?
(1. How does one find out what tribe one is from? What are the attributes for each?
(2. If one has United States presidential and European kings and queens in their ancestry, does that make one from the Tribe of Judah? There are at least 4 scriptures which seem to imply that [the Almighty] God will always have a descendant of Judah upon the throne over the tribes of Israel such as ...
1Ki 9:5 Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel.
Though he took the 10 tribes away from Solomon's line because of Solomon's sins, it seems He still promised to have one from the line of David on the throne over the tribes, such as Queen Elizabeth and her line over Britain and Pres Bush of same line over America. Do I understand this correctly?
(3. Do you believe that [the Almighty] God sovereignly keeps the different tribes marrying in and between their own separate tribes of those who endeavor to follow His ways ... seed bearing seed after its kind ... unless deliberately mankind going against what is in his/her heart?
(4. Do you have one (or more) specific book(s) that addresses this subject?
Thank you ... NIckie
In God we trust
2Ch 7:14 If MY people, which are CALLED BY MY NAME,
shall HUMBLE themselves, and PRAY, and SEEK my face,
and TURN from their wicked ways;
THEN will I hear from heaven,
and will FORGIVE their sin,
and will HEAL their LAND
(1 A person cannot know for sure which Tribe one belongs to.
Concerning Tribal Attributes see our book "The Tribes" and relevant articles on
our website.
(2 Your question concerning being from Judah IF one has Royalty or Presidents
etc as ancestors is an interesting possibility. It is worth considering but not necessarily going
too far with.
(3 People from Different Tribes intermarried with each other in Biblical Times
and ever since.
Nevertheless there is a tendency for those from the same tribe to stay together
and cling to each other.
Scientific studies have even been done indicating that husband and wife often
possess similarities beyond what can be accounted for statistically.
In principal Tribal Heritage is determined BY THE FATHER.
(4. As we said our work, "The Tribes" deals with many of these matters.
We should also perhaps begin to collate all available sources concerning Tribal
Characteristics etc and try to present them in one work.
Although most of Ephrayim had already been taken captive and assimilated, I have always loved King Hezekiah?s actions of inviting the remaining remnant of Ephrayim and love and longing for unity resulting in intercession, expressed in 2 Chronicles 30:18-20 and this took place during Pesach. This is such a good example for us all.
"For many of the people, many from Ephrayim and Menashsheh, Yissakar and Zebulun, had not been cleansed, yet they ate the Passover contrary to what was written. But Hizqiyahu prayed for them, saying, "HaShem who is good, provide atonement for everyone who has prepared his heart to seek Elohim, HaShem Elohim of his fathers, though he is not cleansed according to the cleansing of the set-apart place." And HaShem listened to Hizqiyahu and healed the people."
May He give us both, Yehudah and Ephrayim, a heart like Hezekiah to
intercede, that even though we may not all be "doing it right", we are preparing
our hearts to seek Him, the Elohim of Yisrael. He is good and He listens to
those whose hearts are turned to Him and, with Him, are looking forward to the
great reunion.
Blessings to you,
Constance Fischer