The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1106
1. Question on Terminology: What Does "Ephraimite" Mean?
2. Reactions to "Counting Brit-Am Blessings"
(a) Chele Sansoucy: great message
(b) Timothy F Murray: "great to
hear the positive now and then"
(c) Diane Herndon: "Something one would want to be a part of!"
3. For the Record: Counting Brit-Am Blessings


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1. Question on Terminology: What Does "Ephraimite" Mean?
David Jackson wrote:
re Brit-Am Now no. 1105
#4. Bellicose Brit-Am


Yair, General Question:
What is meant by the term Ephraimites as applied to modern day non-Jewish people?  I know who Ephraim was, of course, but how do people who call themselves Ephraimites differ from people who generally accept the two houses view of Israel and Judah?  What, if any, is the claim to move to Israel.  Are they a subset of Christians?
Dave Jackson

Brit-Am Reply:
Sorry for the confusion in terminology.
We have begun (or slipped into the habit or trap of) to refer to non-Jewish Gentiles from Brit-Am countries or related to Brit-Am explanations of origin as "Ephraimites". Sometimes we use the term as referring to those who not only have the "origin"
but are also consciously aware of it.
Alternate terms that have been suggested in the past are "Joes", "Lost Israelites", etc.
In effect people "who call themselves Ephraimites" do not necessarily "differ from people who generally accept the two houses view of Israel and Judah".
The claim to move to Israel is that based on knowledge of their Israelite origin they should therefore be accorded equal rights in the Land of Israel as the Jews.
Such a claim is propounded by some (but not all) Ephraimites.
We have answered these claims several times, e.g.
"Returning to the Land of Israel"
We will shortly post a new article,
"The Land of Israel" by Yehonatan Davidiy.
This article is a translation of the Hebrew language original. The article is written from a Biblical-Rabbinical perspective.
It is pertinent more to Jews for whom it was originally written but nevertheless helps put the whole issue in the correct perspective.

2. Reactions to "Counting Brit-Am Blessings"

(a) Chele Sansoucy: Great Message

Shalom Yair

Your friend was right!  It was so nice to hear all the good blessings that Abba has given you and Brit Am.  I know that HE is your source and will continue to provide your needs an HE does ours...

Please keep up the good work

Shabbat Shalom

The Sansoucys

(b) Timothy F. MUrray: "great to
hear the positive now and then"

 Re: Counting Brit-Am Blessings

Thanks so much for this recounting of blessings, Yair.  It's great to
hear the positive now and then, and I thank God for these things, too.
Tim Murray

(c) Diane Herndon: "Something one would want to be a part of!"

Yair shalom,

"The whole picture" sounds like something one would want to be a part of and contributor to. A real winner!

1,500,000 visits to the Brit-Am web site is impressive. What if each visit equated to only $1.Think what could be accomplished.Many lesser sites charge a fee to access information. Brit-Am does not...let's be generous 'Joes'.

Shavua tov, Diane         

3. For the Record: Counting Brit-Am Blessings
Recently we met with Diane Herndon who is an American Church Leader and veteran supporter of Brit-Am.
Diane  said that Brit-Am should tell of its blessings:
"People like to be on the winning side.
They prefer a Winner to a Whiner!"
Our Appeals for Funds in the past have usually been along the lines  that we are badly in need of funds in order to continue functioning and that contributions are requested to avert disaster.
These Appeals and statements have been truthful since such was the situation.
It is in fact often our situation on a permanent basis.
Nevertheless it does not present the whole picture.
We have also been blessed.
Yair Davidiy is in good health, physically active (I play sport well, thank God,  with men 1/2 or closer to 1/3 of my age), and has grown-up children and grandchildren.
At present Yair lives alone but would like to marry a Jewish girl when and if  it becomes possible.
We do not have a car but get by with public transport, taxis, and walking.
Since we live and work at present near the center of Jerusalem most of what we need is close by.
Living in Jerusalem is indeed a great blessing since this is a very invigorating and spiritual place,  -a source of blessing in itself.
We have a rented apartment which is small but comfortable and one room of which serves as the Brit-Am office and International headquarters. We have good office equipment and enjoy our work and place of work.
Brit-Am has some debts yet nevertheless remains relatively fluid.
We have published books and magazines and more are in preparation.
Each one of our works is of value and interest.
Our web site over the last three years has received about 1,500, 000 (and not just a million as we reported recently) visits. People from all over the world write into us and thank us for what we are doing.
Brit-Am fulfills at least part of its task and is constantly in progress.
Working for Brit-Am is the best thing Yair has ever done and the one thing that enables him to do what he believes in and has an interest in. Every day is a new experience.
Even though we may seem to be constantly at  loggerheads with different personages in reality the Brit-Am audience of supporters and subscribers is of a fine quality and a great pleasure to work with and for.
Brit-Am functions through the sale of its publications and offerings from supporters.
We do not live extravagantly but seldom lack for most of our basic needs.
We also help others including members of our family.
Occasionally we have parttime help for our office work or other Brit-Am functions and we pay well by Israeli standards.
We could always do better and much remains to be improved upon.
Nevertheless on the whole Brit-Am is a blessing and source of blessing.
We ask you to participate in this blessing and enable it to continue and grow.
This is or should be considered part of yourself, something that represents you and works on your behalf.
Please participate in Brit-Am by ordering our publications, sending an offering by check or PayPal,or doing whatever else is possible to further the cause of Brit-Am.
God bless you
Yair Davidiy
on behalf of