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The question I pose to you is: Are there legitimate Joes that you teach about or not? It appears that you say, "Welcome Brothers, this is who you are," but at the same time put up the traffic control hand and say, "Stop!" You have to decide one way or another.
Brit-Am Answer:
"Your ancestors were very probably Israelites and the brothers of Judah.
The Almighty for HIS own reasons caused your forefathers to lose knowledge of who they were.
You will regain the knowledge of identity that was lost. We do not know the details.
Already we are able to impart information strongly supportive of this matter but it will not be acceptable to many and it still remains unknown to most.
Nevertheless, Spreading this information and improving on it is the first step.
The process is vital to your future and to that of the Jews.
Brit-Am is part of the beginning of a process. We have a duty to let you and others know what we know.
You should help us spread this knowledge both to Judah and to Joseph with the emphasis on Joseph at this stage."
How could you quote the recalcitrant biased MJAA in your quotes for the two houses? They are not only blind to the two house truth but repudiate it by claiming that all tribes are only in Judah now and treat 'Joes' as second class citizens. i.e.. they can ONLY be an associate memeber not a full voting member unless they have a Jewish mother or grandmother. Shame on you for using the Messianic Jewish ignorance and poor judgment against the returning people!
Siding with our detractors i.e. MJAA does nothing to further the case for legitimate Joes or your own cause, Brit Am.