The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1107
1. Question on why Brit-Am seems to say "Stop!"
2. Returning to the Land
Why Brit-Am IS NOT in favor of Large Numbers of
Ephraimites Requesting to Return to the Land of Israel at Present
4. Brian Patmore: Israel is from the Euphrates to the Nile
5. The Inspirational Approach versus that of Brit-Am



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1. Question on why Brit-Am seems to say "Stop!"
Michelle <> wrote:

The question I pose to you is: Are there legitimate Joes that you teach about or not? It appears that you say, "Welcome Brothers, this is who you are," but at the same time put up the traffic control hand and say, "Stop!" You have to decide one way or another.


Brit-Am Answer:

"Your ancestors were very probably Israelites and the brothers of Judah.
The Almighty for HIS own reasons caused your forefathers to lose knowledge of who they were.
You will regain the knowledge of identity that was lost. We do not know the details.
Already we are able to impart information strongly supportive of this matter but it will not be acceptable to many and it still remains unknown to most.
Nevertheless, Spreading this information and improving on it is the first step.
The process is vital to your future and to that of the Jews.
Brit-Am is part of the beginning of a process. We have a duty to let you and others know what we know.
You should help us spread this knowledge both to Judah and to Joseph with the emphasis on Joseph at this stage."

A person (from Joseph) may be certain (as many are) that they descend from Israel but this certainty is not shared neither by his fellows nor by Judah.

 WE DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE what the future entails but we feel that the next steps should be twofold:
a. Deepening and Improving available knowledge.
b. Spreading this knowledge and presenting it in a format as acceptable as possible to the mainstream rational public.

2. Returning to the Land
Michelle <> wrote:

How could you quote the recalcitrant biased MJAA in your quotes for the two houses? They are not only blind to the two house truth but repudiate it by claiming that all tribes are only in Judah now and treat 'Joes' as second class citizens. i.e.. they can ONLY be an associate memeber not a full voting member unless they have a Jewish mother or grandmother. Shame on you for using the Messianic Jewish ignorance and poor judgment against the returning people!
Siding with our detractors i.e. MJAA does nothing to further the case for legitimate Joes or your own cause, Brit Am.


Brit-Am Answer:
Your complaint referred to what we wrote in answer to the Question:
(1. Question: Who Has a Right to Live in the Land of Israel?
After re-reading what we wrote there we  would say that our answer was quite thorough and clear.
We quoted from the MJAA (Messianic Jews) to illustrate the point about what others are saying.
We emphasized that we do not agree with them and they disagree with us.
The MJAA is also against Brit-Am and apparently has subsidized a wicked article on the web against us.
Posted on Google as
"Brit-Am exposed!"
To which we have answered:
"The Completeness of the Exile. Answers to Deniers of  Brit-Am Biblical Truth"
[Incidentally, You could ask the MJAA why they are afraid of a direct confrontation with Brit-Am but instead use proxies to attack us?].
As if it is not enough that they attack and subsidize misleading articles about us but you try and associate us with them!

I have met with Ephraimites in Jerusalem.
They say that the Almighty has told them that they are Israelites from such-and-such a tribe and for all we know this is true but we are out to convince others and spread the message.
Your approach is taking the easy way out and in effect doing nothing since what you propose cannot be done.

3. Why Brit-Am IS NOT in favor of Large Numbers of Ephraimites Requesting to Return to the Land of Israel at Present


a) Religious Differences with Judah that will be resolved in the future but at present have not been.


b) The Uncertainty of Ephraimite Identity: Brit-Am Proofs apply to the generality of certain populations.
We cannot be sure what proportion of the people concerned are of Israelite origin though we believe it is a large one and of national significance in the places concerned. On the individual level no-one can be rationally certain at this stage though many may know in their heart and this number could increase as the message spreads. Nevertheless there is a need for more certainty and to spread the message in general.


c) Yehudah will be the first.
See: Judah would inherit the coastal regions and all the coastland when they return from their captivity (Zephaniah chapter two). Judah (Zechariah chapter 14) would be in Jerusalem. Judah would return and create an Old-New State (Genesis 49:9) in the Land of Israel which would bear the name  "Israel" (Isaiah 48:1). The Return of Judah is to Precede the Return of  the Other Tribes (Micah 4:8 and Hosea 6:11).


d) Need to Concentrate on Spreading the message in the Homelands.
This also entails helping Brit-Am and spreading the Brit-Am message.
Why are "Ephraimites" not speaking of this?
Is it too difficult for them? Are they so afraid of their peers?
Certainty comes from Knowledge and Knowledge needs to be acquired and transmitted.


e) Possibility of Negative Impression on Judah.
Judah is not interested in the Messianic Message.
See our article:

 4. Brian Patmore: Israel is from the Euphrates to the Nile
From: Brian Patmore <>
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1106
Shalom Yair,

Pleased to hear the positive tone from so many people.

I know that many of us would like the whole situation resolved as soon as possible\ and if required move back to the home of our forefathers/mothers.

Patience, it may take a bit of time if done by purely human hands, but remember that The Almighty can do things in the blink of an eye.

He has his plan and agenda and it must be respected.

Infants do not have the wisdom or right to dictate to parents as to what is what, where and when!

The same is in this situation, and it is a very important part of his plan.

No one can presume to dictate the details of the action that is to happen, only Our Father in Heaven.

All will be resolved in the hands of The Almighty.

For example, Israel is from the Euphrates to the Nile.

What would happen at the moment in the forseeable future if people started to move back home at the present time to the relevant tribal areas? There would be massacres all over the place. Would The Almighty want this
danger placed on Israelite lives? I do not think so! Do you?

No ! of course not.

Patience and leave it to Hashem.

Bless you all and hope to meet all one of these days.


5. The Inspirational Approach versus that of Brit-Am
Some "Ephraimite" people believe they are Israelites because what they consider to be divine inspiration has lead them to it.
First of all this is a more common phenomenon than many realize.
I have met many Jews who think like Brit-Am because they had a kind of revelation.
The same applies elsewhere. Many converts to Judaism or many Gentiles who identify with the Jews or as Israelites have had a similar experience. This is the spirit of the times and a sign that we are on the right track.

We are not dealing with this but with a related phenomenon whereby members of a Church etc are lead to believe they are Israel and have it confirmed to themselves by their own experience.
We are not saying that such experiences are not necessarily valid ones.
They do however lead people to confuse their own impressions with the Brit-Am approach.
One should not take something from somewhere else and apply it to Brit-Am.
Brit-Am takes the approach of Bible Study, Research, and Convincing others through exposing them to our findings, discussions, more research, and whatever it takes.

If someone has reached similar conclusions to those of Brit-Am through "directed inspiration", fair enough, but be aware of your limitations.
As long as you remain Christian Judah will not be able to accept such "revelations" and neither will mainstream Joseph.
They may however accept Brit-Am or at least in the course of time due to Brit-Am and others they may be more open to what we are saying.
Brit-Am aims to combine Biblical Study with rationalization and to convince others at the intellectual level as well as the spiritual one through Biblical Study and Biblical Proofs.