The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of United Israel

Brit-Am Now no. 1138
Date 29th April 2008, 24 Nissan 5768
1. Paul Andree: References upon Edom
2. Edward
Bradbrooke: Edom in China?
3. Evelyn Carpenter: Excited About New List of Secular Proofs
4. Dempsey
Bruton: Looking forward to your "Proof List"
5. How Does Brit-Am Reply to
Ephraimites who Wish to Settle in Israel?


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1. Paul Andree: References upon Edom
re Brit-Am Now no. 1138
Hello Yair,

I see the comments upon Edom on the mail list.
Has the following information been considered?

The conquest of Edom, or Idumea (as it was then known by its Greek name), began with Judas Maccabeus in 163 B.C., according to 1 Maccabees 5:3-8. Eventually, Edom ceased to be a nation in 126 B.C. when John Hyrcanus of Judah finished his conquest and forcibly converted the remaining Edomites to Judaism. Never again was there a nation called Edom or Idumea. The story is told in great detail by the first-century Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, ix, 1. Here we read:

"Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans (Edomites); and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would be circumcised, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision and the rest of the Jews ways of living; at which time therefore, this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews."

The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition under "Edom," affirms the Edomite absorption into Jewry, saying,

"Judas Maccabeus conquered their territory for a time (B.C. 163; Ant. Xii, 8 par. 1, 2). They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 B.C.) by whom they were forced to observe Jewish rites and laws (ib. 9, par. 1; xiv. 4, par. 4). They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation, and their country was called by the Greeks and Romans "Idumea" (Mark iii. 8; Ptolemy, Geography v. 16). With Antipater began the Idumean dynasty that ruled over Judea till its conquest by the Romans. Immediately before the siege of Jerusalem 20,000 Idumeans, under the leadership of John, Simeon, Phinehas, and Jacob, appeared before Jerusalem to fight in behalf of the zealots who were besieged in the Temple (Josephus, B.J. iv. 4, par. 5).

The Jewish Encyclopedia itself states the truth in plain language. "From this time the Idumeans ceased to be a separate people."

"The Idumeans [or Edomites] ceased to be a separate people" from the Jews about 125 or 126 B.C.
This is confirmed again by The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41, which says, "Edom is in modern Jewry."

King Herod was half Idumean and half Judean. His father, Antipater, had been captured by Idumeans while he was still young and had been raised in Idumea. He later married an Idumean girl, Herod's mother.

Best Regards,
Paul Andree

Brit-Am Reply: Edom and Idumeans

We have discussed Edom several times in the past.
Idumeans (from Edom) were indeed converted to Judaism.
These Idumeans however did not constitute the bulk of the Edomite Peoples most of whom were already in the north.
Some of the Idumeans who converted may have been descended from the numerous Israelite and Judean captives who had been forcibly taken to Edom in the past.
It is not certain whether their conversion was to full-scale Judaism or some other intermediate form.
An unknown number of the Edomite converts to Judaism did not remain Jewish but joined the early Christians.

For more information.
See our articles, notes, and answers to queries at:


Edward Bradbrooke: Edom in China?
From: Edward Bradbrooke <>
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1137

The Land of Edom does not refer to any European country. Why?
Torah says that ancient Israel passed around Moav, Edom, and Ammon if Mr. Patmore has ever bothered to read the book of Deuteronomy carefully.
When Yakov headed over the river to head for the hill country of Gilead, he was heading east of the river Tigris. Then he encountered Moav, the wilderness of Sin, Edom, and Ammon.
Perhaps some of the sons of Esau branched out from Edom proper, but the primary region of Edom is Eastern China, Manchuria, and the Korean Peninsula.
The Horim, the sons of Seir originated in Eastern China, Manchuria, and the Korean Peninsula.
They have nothing at all to do with Europe until about the time Marco Polo and other explorers reached the area much later in the Common Era.
The Korean Peninsula never had any real type of European influence until the 14th Century when they were first visited by Jesuits.
The Fleur de Lys, aka the Rose of Sharon, is the National Flower of Korea, and has been as such since at least the 4th Century C.E.
This is due to the the Israelite Influence in that region since the days of Moses.
Interesting to note, but I met a young Korean male University Student in Seoul in 1990 who was wearing a Magen David necklace which was a very big surprise to me.
I asked him if he was Jewish, and he hesitated to reply. I kept on probing him, and he relented in his admission that he was Jewish.
Seeing how there are Chinese Jews, I am not at all surprised by this now. I have a much deeper understanding of why this is so since I have a greater and deeper understanding of the Torah.
If you care to see the 4th Century Crown of the Shilla Kings of Korea, go to Go to Metal Works.
Look up the Gold Crown with accessories. National Treasure #138 of the Republic of Korea.
The Crown dates back to the 4th to 5th Century C.E. Kaya.
Like I said, people who study Torah ought to be thinking for themselves as they read, and they ought to be asking questions instead of being pacified by Dogma.
I very much ready to Rock and Roll with my publication as I am going to self publish my work.
The same Fleur de Lys was the Lily work found on the top portions of the two great brazen pillars at the entrance to the Temple that King Solomon built. They are otherwise known as Boaz and Jachin.
I don't believe in mere coincidence. The puzzle is being unravelled for us in our generation for us to understand, because those prophecies pertain to our day. It never pertained to scholars who tried to understand them from their vantage point in days gone past.
Some of their commentaries are valid. Many of them are not.

Brit-Am Reply: Edomites in the East?

This list is a serious forum for research, discussion, and the forging of connections.
One cannot make assertions without proving the point with references if necessary.
 Jacob was not "heading east of the river Tigris". If you wish to claim otherwise you need to prove it.
As for Edom being in the east there are those who attribute early Chinese (and possibly also Japanese) Civilization to the existence of an Edomite elite amongst them.
The Japanese are not Hebrews!
"Brit-Am Now"- 466
#4. Chinese scholar traces Israelites and Esau to China


3. Evelyn Carpenter: Excited About New List of Secular Proofs
Subject: RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1136

Shalom Yair,
I am so excited to learn that you are going to do a list to go along with the List of 110 Brit-Am Biblical Proofs, regarding finding of the Lost 10 Tribes.  I have long felt that I belong to one of those tribes - my ancestors were from Ireland and Holland and I just feel like I have an Israeli heart - I love Yisroel, the land, the people, the presence of Hashem there, etc.  And, Yair, I truly appreciate all the hard work you do in this area.  It is so helpful for people like me who are searching for The Truth... If there's anyone on your mailing list from the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, I hope you're reading this and will email me (  How I long for someone near to fellowship with!
Thanks again, Yair, for all you do.  Evie from Alaska

Blessings and peace,


4. Dempsey Bruton: Looking forward to your "Proof List"
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1136
Looking forward to your "Proof List" very much.
  Dempsey Bruton,Jr


5. How Does Brit-Am Reply to Ephraimites who Wish to Settle in Israel?
Question: One encounters Ephraimites who are very sincere and earnest and tell us that the Land of Israel is their homeland and they feel an irresistible pull to come and settle here.
How do you reply to them? S, Jerusalem.

Brit-Am Reply: Ephraimites Must Help their own People and Brit-Am!

The urge amongst some Ephraimites to settle in Israel is part of the instinctive arousal in these latter times
of "Joseph" meaning the Ten Lost Tribes. This urge in itself shows that the person concerned may have an acute conscious or subconscious sensibility as to their Israelite Ancestry.
We point out that at present Judah is preparing the way for the rest of the Israelites (Micah 4:8, Hosea 6:11).
Reunification means coming as a separate Tribe and settling alongside Judah in the Land of Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates and beyond (Ezekiel 47).
The Return of all the Tribes and their settlement in the Land (Ezekiel chapter 47) is connected with their reunification with Judah as described in Ezekiel 37. There are indications that prior to that at least part of "Ephraim" will establish settlements in Lebanon and Gilead (Syria) etc. (Zecharian 10:9-10 Micah 7:14).
There are also religious differences that will be resolved in the future
but at present they have not been.
For now, Ephraimites who are serious in their beliefs will help spread the word concerning their Israelite Ancestry to their fellow Israelites in their own places of residence. This is the best that can be done and something that NEEDS to be done and they need to do it.
They can also help by supporting Judah and the State of Israel, intensifying their own Biblical consciousness, and help Israelites in their own communities.
Judah needs you where you are for the present..
If you are serious you should realize that for more to be done more needs to be known by more people.
This should be the first step.

Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.