The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of United Israel

Brit-Am Now no. 1139
Date 30th April 2008, 25 Nissan 5768
1. Brit-Am List of Secular Proofs.
Friso, Bruno, and Saxo.
2. Brian
Patmore: Edom is a menace in any guise
Edomites Intermixed with Joseph!


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1. Brit-Am List of Secular Proofs.
Friso, Bruno, and Saxo.

Proofs in Simplified Outline: Frisian Legend says in effect that the ancestors of the Frisians, Angles, and Saxons were of Israelite Origin.

Proofs in Expanded Format:
Friso, Bruno, and Saxo representing the Frisians, Angles, and Saxons were in Jerusalem (i.e. the Land of Israel) before the Exile of the Jews by Nebuchadnessar. They left and went to the Emodian Mountains in Central Asia and from there moved westward.
For details see:
Red Jews - or 'The Lost Ten Tribes?'
Affirm Their Israelite Origins!

2. Brian Patmore: Edom is a menace in any guise
From: Brian Patmore <>
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1138
#2. Edward Bradbrooke: Edom in China?

Shalom Yair,

I read Mr Bradbooke's statements re Edom.

I will admit firstly that I am not a person with the fullest knowledge of the scriptures, and I will state that really no one is at this state except the Almighty himself, given that some of the scriptures are still "sealed up" and being opened one at a time (or so it would seem.)

However, the very learned Mr Bradbrooke must agree that Esau wants to surplant his brother Jacob !!

The jewel in Jacob's crown, so to speak, is to take on the blessings received by Jacob and our homeland, especially Jerusalem.

That would give Edom some sort of recognition, or so it would seem in the minds of the Edomites !!

I do not care if they are in Europe, Palestinian territories or any other location, it makes no difference at all !!

The fact is that Edom is a menace in any guise or location !!!

I do not see it to be the lifelong object of Israel to ferret them out or some other line of action at all.

We would lose track of Our Father's intention for us all and we would be failing him and our Grandfathers and Grandmothers faith to give up now when we are so close to coming together and realizing Hashems wishes and purpose for Israel !!

Regarding our dear old historian Flavius Josephus, we must be objective when reading his writings as well, given his famous defence of Jerusalem against General Titus !! Yes I do have a full collection of his works.

Similarly, one can look at the works of Cicero and note his comments as to the fact that in his times there were very few Latins (real Romans) left in Rome itself but there were many descended from slaves brought from the Middle East (not Jews) but others from the same areas that Jews inhabited. Good reading material indeed, thought provoking and the fact that he had no political or religious axe to wield makes it doubly interesting. Mmmmmm..... but I must not jump to any conclusions concerning this with out correlating it with other materials from respected sources.

One must be clear in the mind and not closed to opinion, especially where one can learn more regarding these matters.

I note comment and try to learn, I hope that all of us do the same.

I learn something that is important, then I have the obligation to bring it to notice of our bretheren.

Bretheren will not always agree me on something but at least will look at it and study it and come back to me with a clear and sincere response which I must take similarly as they have.

I write to this forum to try and keep an even or balanced attitude in these things and admire the effort that many have put into the following of the trail Hashem is giving them to follow and illuminate our views and make our collective trail clear.

Shalom Yair and may Hashem enlighten us all.


3. Edomites Intermixed with Joseph!
Our recent spate of postings about Edom brought to light a few points worth noting:
As we said elsewhere, the Idumeans represented a small section of the Edomites peoples most of whom went to the North.
The Idumeans did convert to Judaism but whether it was a full-fledged conversion or a partial one as is claimed by some is uncertain.
The Idumeans at the time of their conversion represented descendants of Edomites, numerous captive Jews from Judah, and others.
According to tradition (quoted by Abarbanel) a good portion of the early "Jewish" converts to Christianity were in fact Idumeans.

Every time this subject is brought up we receive missives trying to say that Edom is amongst Judah.
There may well be descendants of Edomites who are Jews. We are not denying the possibility.
Even so, the apparent zealousness and fanatical dedication of those who repeatedly and consistently and indefatigably point this out to us and others suggests that motivations apart from mere historical accuracy are at play.
Most members of this list are of high quality and good people.
A small proportion (between 5 to 10 per cent) however harbor anti-Jewish sentiments to some degree or other.
To our mind these people are mistaken and their ancestry as Israelites is in doubt.
At all events this element unfortunately exists and all considerations by Judah in the direction of a rapprochement with "Joseph" from a Brit-Am perspective will have to take it into account.
The presence of Edomite-Canaanite anti-Jewish sentiments is what ruined the reputation of the once reputable British-Israel World Federation and of similar "identity" groups in the USA.
A Relative Lack of anti-Semitism is one the criteria of Ephraimite Origins:
Ephraimite Criteria

Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.