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<<The key component of British Israelism is their representation of the migrations of the Lost Tribes of Israel. They often suggest that the Behistun Inscription has provided an invaluable missing link. George Rawlinson, Sir Henry Rawlinson's younger brother, connected the Saka/Gimiri of the Behistun Inscription with deported Israelites:
"We have reasonable grounds for regarding the Gimirri, or Cimmerians, who first appeared on the confines of Assyria and Media in the seventh century B.C., and the Sacae of the Behistun Rock, nearly two centuries later, as identical with the Beth-Khumree of Samaria, or the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.[5]
^ George Rawlinson, note in his translation of History of Herodotus, Book VII, p. 378
Some of these customs, laws and traditions were codified by Alfred the Great in his famous "Dooms" (see Doom Book ), which were a nearly direct quote from Exodus chapters 20 through 23. According to William Blackstone in his famous "Commentaries on the Laws of England", the Dooms and these ancient customs became the cornerstone of British Common Law.[11]
Late nineteenth-century Celtic language scholar John Rhys suggested
" ...the (Celtic) Kymry were for some time indifferently called Cambria or Cumbria, the Welsh word on which they are based being, as now written, Cymru ... and is there pronounced nearly as an Englishman would treat it if spelled Kumry or KUMRI.'].[12] "
Rhys argued that both Celts and the Scythians came from an area south-east of the Black Sea, and migrated westward to the coast of Europe, comparing the name of the Welsh for themselves, Cymry, with the name of the Cimmerians "Kumri". He suggested the names Iberia for Spain, and Hibernia for Ireland were connected to a variation of "Hebrew" and that this was evidenced in philology. [13]
^ Early Celtic Britain pg 142. by Sir John Rhys
^ Early Celtic Britain pg 150 & 162-3
Modern adherents
The late Professor Roger Rusk (1906 - 1994), brother of former U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, was a prominent teacher of British Israelism. He spent 13 years as a public school teacher, and 28 years as a professor at the University of Tennessee, where he held the position as Emeritus Professor of Physics. He was also a member of American Physical Society and the Tennessee Academy of Science.
" It should be made clear from the start that the terms 'Cimmerian' and 'Scythian' were interchangeable: in Akkadian the name Iskuzai (Asguzai) occurs only exceptionally. Gimirrai (Gamir) was the normal designation for 'Cimmerians' as well as 'Scythians' in Akkadian.[7] ?
Maurits Nanning Van Loon. "Urartian Art. Its Distinctive Traits in the Light of New Excavations", Istanbul, 1966. p. 16
Legend and Folklore:
The story that Joseph of Arimathea (Jesus' alleged uncle) traveled to Glastonbury sometime after Christ's crucifixion and established an early Christian community,[2]
Suggestions that the Stone of Scone might be Jacob's Pillar or Jacob's Pillow Stone,
Legends that the Israelite prophet Jeremiah may have been the "Olam Fadlah" of Celtic lore,
The legends of the Historia Regum Britanniae connecting Britain to the Mediterranian and Middle East and detailing early Welsh/Brythonic genealogies.
The coming of Brutus of Troy (Britis) to Great Britain after the burning of Troy and his genealogy leading to the Israelite tribe of Benjamin,
The Matter of Britain detailing the Arthurian Legend.
The claims by Henry VIII to be descended from King Arthur,[3] who legend has it was the eighth generation from Joseph of Aramathea.[4]
The claim that Saint Paul visited Britain.
Brit-Am Now no. 1141
#3. List of Brit-Am Secular Proofs
Dan became the Danes of Denmark
Danes from Dan.
Jutes from Judah.
Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Dana) went to Ireland via Greece and Scandinavia.
Frisian Legend says in effect that the ancestors of the Frisians, Angles, and Saxons were of Israelite Origin.
Irish Ancestors included Israelites.
Stone of Scone is stone upon which Jacob slept and remained with his descendants.
Declaration of Arbroath in light of other traditions implies Scottish Came out of Egypt as Israelites.
Welsh came from Syria which was once part of Israel.
Welsh came from Daphne of Ten Tribes association.
Finnish tradition says they are from Ten Tribes.
Swedish records says Hebrews were amongst their ancestors.
Goths (who settled in Sweden) identified with Ten Tribes.
Assyrians settled Jewish (i.e. Israelite) exiles in region of Austria in ca.200 BCE at time when it was a Center for the "Celts" who later moved westward.
Irish Tradition identifies their ancestors with settlers in Spain that archaeology proves were Israelite.
English tradition traces their monarchs to the Kings of Judah implying Israelite origins.
Picts of Scotland identified with Agathyrsi-Khazars who were believed to be from the Ten Tribes.