The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of United Israel

Brit-Am Now no. 1144
Date 7 May 2008, 2 Iyar 5768
1. Brit-Am Appeal: Proposed Visit by Yair Davidiy to USA
2. Steven Collins and
Yair Davidiy to Conduct Joint Seminar?
3. Answer to Question on Different Ten Lost Tribes Explanations
4. Suggestion to Modify Brit-Am "Statement of Principle"
5. Thanks to Joan Griffith and Others for Advice
6. Comparison of Brit-Am and British Israel re Mythology: Being Fair
7. British "Celts": Brit-Am Historical Researches Confirmed


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1. Brit-Am Appeal: Proposed Visit by Yair Davidiy to USA
Brit-Am is making yet another appeal.
Offerings are very low and orders for our publications have shrunk.
We have been getting by through the grace of the Almighty in the form of help from unexpected quarters.  All good things come to an end and money does not last forever especially when the sums are not enormously large to start with though everything helps.
Even a little is much appreciated by us and often helps a lot.

It should be borne in mind that the needs of Brit-Am are approximately those of what a similar enterprise in the USA would need though in practice we get by on much less.

Brit-Am has a role to play in the forwarding the Redemption of both "Joseph" (the Ten Tribes) and Judah.
Brit-Am makes a contribution and we belief that the Almighty well help whosoever helps Brit-Am.
Please send us offerings and if pertinent purchase more publications.
If you intend to send us an offering please let us know now.

Proposed Visit by Yair Davidiy to USA
In the past Yair Davidiy did not visit overseas because of a debt to an Israeli Government agency that restricted our movements.  At present it appears that this restriction is no longer in effect.
Yair proposes a trip to the USA.
For the present it is proposed that,
The first trip will be mainly to the New York and Florida areas and will be fairly short. This will be a kind of "pilot" trip to meet a few people, get the lay of the land, clarify a few issues, and perhaps make some contacts.
Assuming this trip is successful other trips should follow.
Whether we make the trip or not is contingent on us being able to raise money for the airfare and "sojourning" expenses as well as meeting a few of the immediate needs of Brit-Am here in Israel.
Making this trip could well help elevate Brit-Am to a different level.
This could enable us to spread Brit-Am awareness much further than we have done heretofore.

At all events please send Brit-Am an offering for the sake of the Peoples of Israel and the future benefit of all.

2. Steven Collins and Yair Davidiy to Conduct Joint Seminar?
A proposal is being considered for Steven Collins and Brit-Am Representative, Yair Davidiy,
to conduct some kind of symposium, possibly in the Florida area.
Both Steven Collins and Yair Davidiy would like very much to do this.
Even so, at present there are too many uncertainties for anything positive to be planned.
Assuming that the initial "pilot" trip that Yair plans goes ahead then concrete arrangements for future events may be made.

3. Answer to Question on Different Ten Lost Tribes Explanations
Valerie  wrote:

Dear Yair,
I read your article about the ten lost tribes, it's very interesting. I just wonder what solid proof is there that the descendants (of ephraim and menessah) are in the United States and Europe? I was told that the ten lost tribes were found (of Judah). I'm confused about this could you explain this to me? I've heard both theories. Thank-you. 
                                                                               Valerie Krieg

Brit-Am Reply:
The idea that the Lost Ten Tribes returned and are now to be found amongst the Jews, i.e. Judah, exists.
A few Jewish Sages held this notion but most did not.
The majority consensus supported by Biblical and historical sources says that the Lost Ten tribes are still lost but will return.
As for the Lost Tribes being in the "United States and Europe" this is what Brit-Am is about and works at researching, proving, and spreading awareness of.
In short we say that the Bible gives identifying signs that point towards Britain, North America, and parts of Western Europe.
Rabbinical sources along with secular sciences such as history and linguistics etc help- confirm these conclusions.
God bless you
Yair Davidiy

4. Suggestion to Modify Brit-Am "Statement of Principle"
From: George Helon
 Marketing and Brit-Am Appeals


Shalom Yair,
With regard to Brit-Am recent Appeal for operational funding; I think if you reworded your key "statement of principle" to something that any man on the street could understand, you would generate more of a response and bring about an increase in much needed funds.
To state that:
"Brit-Am works on behalf of all Israelites meaning "Joseph" i.e. the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel as well as Judah (the Jews)" leads many to misunderstand the message as Brit-Am works only on behalf of "2" Houses of Israel, i.e. Joseph and Judah. Nothing could be further from the truth; Brit-Am is working for ALL the TRIBES of ISRAEL.
The current "statement of principle" requires some reading between-the-lines to grasp that the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel are of the House of Joseph and the Jews of the House of Judah.
The word "Ten" implies "collectiveness", whereas to refer to only "2" of the Tribes of Israel by name, insinuates bias.
Being an Australian ex-pat, you should well remember the old principle of "teaching" others - K.I.S.S. and the old addage that if you want more than a "select" group of persons to to be able to understand you and what you are about, you need to reduce anything down to its lowest denominator so that even a child could learn and understand your "statement of principle".
Why not try?
"Brit-Am works on behalf of all Israelite descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel [House of Joseph], as well as the Jews [House of Judah]."
Best regards,
George HELON, ben akhar ben ZEBULON
Toowoomba, Australia

Brit-Am Reply:
Thank you for raising this issue.
We shall deal with the matter.
How about if we change our Statement of Principle  to the following.
 "Brit-Am works on behalf of ALL Israelites including both the Ten Tribes and Judah."

5. Thanks to Joan Griffith and Others for Advice
We have received quite a number of compliments on the improved "look"
of our web site. Much of the color scheme etc was due to the advice of Joan Griffith though we may not have followed the advice exactly.
So too, we have just received further advice from someone else (who wishes to remain anonymous) concerning the general look of our articles. In  future we will probably take much of the suggestions made into effect.
Words of Advice like this and like that in the letter of George Helon above are very welcome.
More often than not we take them to heart and implement them, at least in part.
Everything  suggested is taken into consideration.
Please consider to send us notes concerning anything you consider may be improved on our part.

6. Comparison of Brit-Am and British Israel re Mythology: Being Fair
Re Brit-Am Now no. 1142
#1. Wikipedia Article on British Israelism and Comparison with Brit-Am
In this note we compared Brit-Am Proofs from Mythology to those listed under
Legend and Folklore and attributed to British Israel.
This may have been somewhat unfair since quite a few of the Brit-Am sources also had their origin in British Israel literature only the author of the Wikipedia article did not list them.
British Israel has been going for more than a hundred years. A lot of good valuable work by accomplished scholars emerged from British Israel ranks. It is only quite recently that disreputable anti-Semitic elements began to give British Israel a bad name. In the past quite a few pro-Jewish pro-Zionists (such as Orde Wingate) could be counted as British Israel sympathizers.
We are therefore showing the Mythology List again with a few additions and sources listed.
It should be noted that even where Brit-Am is indebted to other sources we often merited to add confirmatory information of our own from elsewhere.

Proofs in Simplified Outline with some sources
(The same Proofs in Expanded format to be given later.)

The names in brackets are the sources that brought the sources concerned to public attention and usually those that placed them in the public domain.

Isles of the Blessed (Brit-Am: Celtic, Jewish and Dutch sources)
Jewish-Arab Legend traces Ten Lost Tribes to Britain, Ireland, and Gaul (Brit-Am: Jewish and Dutch sources)
Frissian Legend (Brit-Am researches Le-Petit, 1601, additional evidence supplied by Fred Koeslag )
Dan became the Danes of Denmark (British Israel source)
Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Dana) went to Ireland via Greece and Scandinavia (Irish source quoted by British Israel).
The Tribe of Don (Dan) went to Wales (Brit-Am researches)
Don and Bile in Wales and Britain and Albion son of Neptune in Scotland representing Dan, Israelites in general, and Napthali.
(Brit-Am researches)
Irish Ancestors included Israelites (Irish source quoted by British Israel, added to by Brit-Am).
Stone of Scone is stone upon which Jacob slept and remained with his descendants (British Israel research).
Declaration of Arbroath in light of other traditions implies Scottish Came out of Egypt as Israelites (British Israel research with some Brit-Am confirmation).
Welsh came from Syria which was once part of Israel (Independent source but British Israel associated).
Welsh came from Daphne of Ten Tribes association (Brit-Am).
Finnish tradition says they are from Ten Tribes (Brit-Am).
Swedish records says Hebrews were amongst their ancestors (Independent source but maybe British Israel associated)..
Goths (who settled in Sweden) identified with Ten Tribes (Brit-Am)..
Assyrians settled Jewish (i.e. Israelite) exiles in region of Austria in ca.200 BCE at time when it was a Center for the "Celts" who later moved westward (Bily Alvey of the USA who gave the information to Brit-Am).
Irish Tradition identifies their ancestors with settlers in Spain that archaeology proves were Israelite (British Israel).
Tradition that Irish descended from King David ergo the harp (British Israel).
English tradition traces their monarchs to the Kings of Judah implying Israelite origins (British Israel)..
Greek and Roman records identified Israel with Saturn and recorded Saturn having been expelled and gone to British Isles (British Israel).
Picts of Scotland identified with Agathyrsi-Khazars who were believed to be from the Ten Tribes (Brit-Am).
Cochin Scroll and Jewish Legends concerning the Israelite origin of the Khazars also valuable as indicating Lost Ten Tribe presence in Scandinavia and Western Europe (Brit-Am).

7. British "Celts": Brit-Am Historical Researches Confirmed
Brit-Am Note: The article below suggests that many of the "Celts" in the British Isles arrived from
Spain and Porutgal and that in Spain they had been associated with Tartessus.
This is the same scenario as that claimed in the Brit-Am publication
"Lost Israelite Identity"
This work is now temporarily out of print but the basic facts in some detail
are also well outlined in our work
Brit-Am proves (in the above works) that before moving to Spain the people in question had been in the area of Israel.

The article below also quotes from "Dr Karl, of the University of Wales" as if he basically agrees with this scenario.
It maybe that he now does but about ten years ago he denied it and strenuously debated against us on the subject on a Celtic discussion group list. At the time he enjoyed the vehement support of other academics present on that list.
Now it appears the academic world has swung round and is accepting claims first put forward in some detail by Brit-Am but rejected at the time by "authorities" on the subject.

"Our Celtic roots lie in Spain and Portugal"
May 5 2008 by Darren Devine, Western Mail
THE Welsh have more in common with sun-kissed glamour pusses like actress Penelope Cruz and footballer Christiano Ronaldo than pale- faced Germans like Helmet Kohl, according to an academic.

Professor John Koch suggests the Welsh can trace their ancestry back to Portugal and Spain, debunking the century-old received wisdom that our forebears came from Iron Age Germany and Austria.

His radical work on Celtic origins flatly contradicts the writing of Sir John Rhys, who in the late 19th century established the idea that we originally came from central Europe.

Sir John believed the Celts were the remnants of a great culture that extended here from modern-day eastern France, Switzerland, southern Germany and Austria.

But Professor Koch, of the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies, in
Aberystwyth, says archaeological inscriptions on stones show we came from southern Portugal and south-west Spain.

He said: "Celts are said to come from west central Europe: Austria, southern Germany, eastern France and that part of the world.

That's been the theory that everybody has grown up with for at least 100 years.

"There is evidence that the Celtic languages were spoken there because of place names and
peoples names.

"But the assumption was that was where they came from. I think they got there later.

"There is evidence in Spain and Portugal indicating they were there 500 or more years before."

Professor Koch says there are Celtic texts in Portugal and Spain way before they started springing up in central Europe during Roman times.

One key piece of evidence is the earliest written language of western Europe, 
Tartessian, found on inscribed stones in Portugal and Spain dating back to between 800BC and 400BC. The professor maintains this language can be deciphered as Celtic.

Expert on Welsh history and archaeology Dr
Raimund Karl, says there is also biological and genetic evidence to support professor Koch's theory.

He said: ?In the last couple of years there have been a number of genetic studies of human DNA indicating that the population of much of the western part of the British Isles is related to other communities along the Atlantic seafront. These include Brittany, northern Spain, Portugal and the French Atlantic coast.
That?s their genetic origin.?

But Dr Karl, of the University of Wales, Bangor, said there is also archaeological evidence suggesting a cultural link with central Europe.

"There is evidence suggesting a link with central Europe from elite-material culture, stuff associated with the upper parts of society. This includes weaponry, feasting equipment, artwork on
jewellery and other prestigious items."

However the academic said attempts to identify a biological Celt or notions of cultures emanating from a particular spot are meaningless. He believes human cultures and populations are constantly in a state of flux, drawing their influences from far and wide.

Dr Karl, himself an Austrian, added: "I personally think the question of where Celtic culture originated is by and large meaningless. Culture is constantly changing and never has a single point of origin.

"The biological Celt is meaningless because human populations inter-mingle."

Professor Koch will speak at Bangor University tomorrow at the main arts theatre at 6pm

Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.