The Brit-Am Rose

Symbol of United Israel
Brit-Am Now no. 1156
Date 23 May 2008, 19 Iyar 5768
1. David Jackson: Picture of a Cherokee
2. Brian Patmore:
Are the USAA
and Australia etc "Staging Areas"?
3. Dennis McGinlay:
United Europe is the Danger!
4. Michelle Bowie: "All we have to do is read scripture"
5. "really enjoy
your emails"
1. David Jackson: Picture of a
Cherokee Ancestor
From: David Jackson <>
Subject: RE: Brit-Am - Website Photo
Photograph of Russell "Ruck" Sizemore
Born around 1803 in Tennessee

I thought the attached might make an interesting addition to your physical
types section in Brit-Am website, if you have a place for pictures of native
This is my 3X great-grandfather, Russell Sizemore. He was born around 1803
and was a Cherokee Indian from the Tennessee-Kentucky region of the US. He
was the son of "Totsuwha-Chief Red Bird", after whom the small Redbird River
in Kentucky is named.
I believe you have written there is some evidence that the Cherokees were
possibly, partly of Hebrew lineage.
An interesting book on them is called "A Law of Blood: The Primitive Law of
the Cherokee Nation". It says that the Cherokee had a very lax legal
system, with few laws or penalties, even as compared to other Indian tribes,
who were all much less coercive than the Europeans. However, the Cherokee
were very strict about homicide, which invariably required execution of a
murderer. This was their "Law of Blood".
The Cherokee were a linguistic, and presumably racial, subset of the
Iroquois Indians but not as warlike as the Iroquois. The Cherokee were
notable among the Indian tribes for their adaptability. More than any other
tribe, they were able to integrate into a European lifestyle and live
peaceably among whites. This may explain why European-Americans who do have
some Indian heritage are most commonly Cherokee.
The eastern Cherokee essentially disappeared as a people, primarily due to
intermarriage with Scots-Irish and English settlers. Cherokee who were sent
by President Andrew Jackson on the 'Trail of Tears" to Oklahoma continue to
exist as a recognizable tribe.
David Jackson
Keller, TX
2. Brian
Are the USA and Australia etc "Staging Areas"?
From: Brian Patmore <>
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1154
Shalom Yair,
Regarding the comments following Valerie's passage. it makes good sense that
Hashem would want all to go to "STAGING AREAS" just prior to embarking on the
return home to the land promised to all Israel.
In military terms and any other type of journey, there are always staging areas
where people meet before heading off.
Moses, trained to be Pharoah and also as a military commander, had the people
all meet prior to the departure from Egypt.
It is interesting in that it is mostly just before the expedition sets off for
the destination.
Maybe the move will be sooner than later.
Patience, The Mighty One of Israel will determine all according to his plan.
All the best to your, your family and friends in beautiful Israel.
3. Dennis
United Europe is the Danger!
From: Dennis McGinlay <>
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1155
Dear Yair
Re Mark A Robinson and the prophecy regarding 'Iron And clay ' mixture.
This prophecy is talking mainly about a tenuous UNITED STATES OF
EUROPE who will because of OIL overrun the Middle East and so subjugate Israel
and the whole region. We should all be ready for this.
Best regards
4. Michelle Bowie: "All we have to do is
read scripture"
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1155
In response to Mark Robinson's assessment of iron and clay:
Very compelling given not only the current events we see unfolding before our
very eyes, but also scripture tells us that Ishmael and Esau (or Edom) mixed
their blood very early in the "game". so the alliance begun.
Also, given both kin's hatred of the progenitors of "Israel", it is no
coincidence for us to see this hatred bubbling over in these recent days.
There are too many places in scripture foretelling of Edom's destruction because
of their hatred of Israel. We have already seen certain "persons" verbally
publicizing their hatred of Israel. The books of Ezekiel, Isaiah and Amos tell a
lot about what will happen to Edom.
All we have to do is read scripture, it does bear this out.....blessings,
michelle b.
"really enjoy your emails"
I really enjoy your emails and find the study in them very helpful.
Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.