The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of United Israel

Brit-Am Now no. 1162
Date 1 Sivan 5768 5 June 2008
1. Witness to Holocaust Effects
2. Conspiracy Quacks and Holocaust
3. Why is the Holocaust Pertinent to Brit-Am studies?
4. Dr. Eugene
Narrett: New Identifying Evidence from English Literature
5. A New
Ephraimite Forum


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1. Witness to Holocaust Effects
From: "John Marlo Grier, Cebu"
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1161

John Marlo Grier, Cebu Replied:

I was stationed with the USARMY for nine years in what was then West Germany in a couple of places near each other. One was across the river from Braveria. My German friends showed me the Jewish cemetery that had the remains of the last large group of Jews to ever live there. They died in WORLD WAR II. The Entire Town's Jewish population died during WORLD WAR II. No Jews live there now.

I visited Auschwitz. I also visited all of Europe as much as possible while there. I talked to many of them, although I was well disguised as an American GI and did not look as Jewish as I do now.

History is History.  I am on this forum to learn, not teach. Facts is facts. It happened. Cry if you like. But don't try to change actual history. I saw the results.

I will go back to being silent.

Dr. John M. Grier, Sr.

Brit-Am Clarification:
No-one on the Brit-Am List questioned the Holocaust.
One person had been in receipt of Holocaust Denial Literature
and asked what the answer should be.
Normally we would not have replied but did so since the fact is not everyone has ready made answers for what may  otherwise be considered  obvious and superfluous questions.

The question in fact was not necessarily less offensive than those made by Conspiracy Quacks.
See the following item.

2. Conspiracy Quacks and Holocaust Denial
Most Conspiracy Theories either deny the Holocaust or attribute the blame at least partly to the Jews themselves or to a group of Plotters of which the Jewish Establishment is a party.
That is what Marvin Antelman says.
He has not a single iota of proof but he says it anyway and causes a lot of damage to the Jewish Cause.
He was elected a member of the so-called "Sanhedrin" though later demoted or retired from it.
At all events initially he was elected to that body.
We may assume that those responsible for his election were aware of his views since his other claims to fame are questionable.
What does Rabbi Richmond (the new "Sanhedrin" spokesman) have to say about that?
Barry Chamish adopted lock, stock, and barrel the doctrine of arch-criminal Antelman and has propagated it widely. His followers and Conspiracy Quacks in general are aware of this.
David Icke is another nut case who spreads anti-semitic doctrines all over the web.
His ideas may be summed up as those of  a New Age Nazi.
Icke quotes BC as an authority.

When we asked a major apologist of BC and a propagator of his poisonous doctrines for an explanation this is the answer we got:

Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 09:43:06 +0300
From: "Root & Branch Association, Ltd." <>
Subject: TO
YAIR Re: How do you explain this? Jew-Haters quote Chamish?  Fwd:
Icke's Anti-semitism (CC:  Chamish, Friedman, Hulley)

No explanation is necessary.
They can quote anyone they want.
Barry is, and remains, Israel's most famous living dissident journalist.
Let us be grateful for him.
As for the Jew-haters, they write their own obituaries.

Brit-Am Comment:
In Other Words, Aryeh is saying that BC and friends can say what they like and who cares if they put weapons into the hands of Jew haters?
What is the difference between them and the Oslo Accord Criminals who gave the Arab Palestinian beasts guns to shoot Jews with?

PS. Those who are interested are invited to bring notice of the above posting to Rabbi Richmond, Tamar Yonah of Arutz-7, Aryeh Galin of Root & Branch Association, etc, and all other similar VIPs.
It happens that Brit-Am gets occasionally gets harassed for its imagined association with those bearing questionable doctrines. Rabbi Richmond has brought the subject up in private conversations with others, and Tamar Yonah (otherwise a very good friend and fairly sympathetic to Brit-Am) has written to us on the subject.
We would like them to realize that this attitude of accounting for associations is a two-way street.

3. Why is the Holocaust Pertinent to Brit-Am studies?
The Holocaust is pertinent to Brit-Am studies for several reasons
including the following:
a. It was an important event in the history of Judah and the foundation of the State of Israel and therefore connected with End-Time Biblical Prophecy.
b. The reactions and conduct of "Israelite" nations during the Holocaust serves as evidence helping to identify them.
c. The reactions and conduct of "Non-Israelite" nations during the Holocaust serves as evidence helping to identify or at least disqualify them.

4. Dr. Eugene Narrett: New Identifying Evidence from English Literature
Subject: Yair... fascinating details from King Lear --- END

Yair Davidiy

Dear Yair,

I've discovered additional fascinating information about the Jewish content and knowledge within British culture and how this material is used to historicize Britain and as a pattern of blessing.

Shakespeare's main source for his tragedy King Lear was "The Chronciles of England, Scotland and Ireland" compiled from older materials by Raphael Holinshed and published in 1577, when Shakespeare was 13. Holinshed begins his account of the legendary material of Lear (he spelled it Leir) by using the HEBREW Calendar to establish its historicity and antiquity:

"Leir, the son of Baldud, was admitted ruler over the Britains in year of the world, 3105, at what time Joav reigned in Juda..."

Late in the chronicle, when Lear, reunited with his only loving daughter (the Shechina or bat Zion), Cordelia blesses her, note he refers to the blessings of Jacob to do so:

Leir: "The blessing which the God of Abraham gave
        Unto the tribe of Juda light on thee
         and multiply thy days that thou mayst see
        they children's children prosper after thee.... (scene 24, "The True Chronicle History of King Leir")

These are like the blessings of Jacob and also like the admonitions of Moshe in Devarim.


Dr. Eugene Narrett

5. A New Ephraimite Forum
Subject: teardrops and roses

tears drops of joyous
over roses of unity
Dear Yair Davidiy:
Please send those who wish to talk about their discovery of Ephramite connections to
I am so wishing to share thoughts and ideas with others who have heard the small still voice. Before we can unite we have to find ourselves.  Thank you for all you have done to promote dialogue Yair.  I have a lot pinned on contacting/being contacted by my brothers and sisters.
Cecilia Vail Hampton

Brit-Am Note:

We have no involvement in the above forum.
We looked at their web site. It has a nice poem and looks OK.
Apart from that we know almost nothing about it.
We are publishing this notice in the public interest.
We wish it well but cannot be held responsible (for better or for worse) for its future content.

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