The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of United Israel

Brit-Am Now no. 1166
Date 8 Sivan 5768 11 June 2008
1. Proverbs 10:8-9 and Sundry Observations
The Wise Do What they Must in a straightforward manner.
The deceptive will be revealed.
Sephardic Jews in Tudor England.
The Hebrew Origin of Some English Words.
2. New Evidence: Middle East Females in Ancient Scandinavia?
Avraham ben Gad: Hebrew Origin of the Mennonites


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Biblical Truth.
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
according to the Book of Genesis

Biblical Prophecy Predicted that the Lost Tribes of Israel would be found amongst Western Nations.
Biblical Verses analysed in the light of the Hebrew language, Rabbinical Commentary, and Historical Reality.
A valuable educational, inspirational, and enjoyable work

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1. Proverbs 10:8-9 and Sundry Observations
The Wise Do What they Must in a straightforward manner.
The deceptive will be revealed. Sephardic Jews in Tudor England.
The Hebrew Origin of Some English Words.
A wise person will look  for what has to be done. He will seek to fulfill his duty, to do what he has to do.                    
BUT A PRATING FOOL SHALL FALL. This translation of the KJ is not according to the simple meaning of the Hebrew but it fits some of the early commentators such as Iben Ezra and Rabeynu Yonah. These are Sephardic Rabbis i.e. of the Spanish tradition. There were Sephardim in England at least from Tudor times. Henry viii (1491-1547) had married the daughter of the King of Spain. Before that she had been married to his brother who died prematurely. In the marriage contract the Spanish made the English agree that Jews would not be allowed into England.
David Katz, The Jews in the History of England, 1485-1850, has shown however that Henry had a whole band of Marrano [Jews who had been forced to convert but kept some loyalty to Judaism] Sephardic musicians. When Papal representatives protested Henry sent them out of the country and then brought most of them back again one by one. Henry also intervened in the Netherlands on behalf of Jews against the Inquisition.
Later when he sued for divorce before breaking altogether with the Pope he had his theologians and experts wage a kind of legal battle. They quoted Jewish authorities against those of the Church.  His daughter, Elizabeth-i (1533-1603) knew Hebrew.  A Sephardic Jew, Dr. Roderigo Lopez, was the personal physician of Elizabeth. He was falsely accused of being in the employ of Spain to assassinate the Queen. He was executed as were a lot of people in those days for all kinds of reasons, justly and unjustly.  This whole affair however does not seem to have aroused any anti-Semitic sentiments as it would have done in most other places even today.  The English can be a very matter-of-fact people.
Anyway, getting back to our Brit-Am Commentary.
The expression from the Hebrew may be rendered,
This expression actually uses words that have parallels in English.
Ve-[and] Evil-[i.e. "evil, wicked" the same as "evil" in English]-safatayim ["lips" from the root "sefat". We also have the expression "sephat-" literally on the lips of but used to mean "on the edge of". It can also mean "brim" as in "the brim [Hebrew: sephot] of a cup" (1-Kings 7:26). This gives us the English word "spout" since in Hebrew the "ph" and the "p" sounds are represented by the same letter and the two sounds interchange freely with each other.
WILL STAND OUT is from the Hebrew YiLoVayT from the root  "BLT".  In Enbglish we would say "blatant".  In English "blatant" means conspicuous usually in an offensive manner. It is said to derive from the Latin "blatire" ?"to gossip".  It could also be said to be derived from the Hebrew "BaLaT" or "stand out, be conspicuous". Isaac Mozeson in "The Word"   traces all words in the English Language no matter where they came from back to Hebrew often by the process of metathesis   meaning the "transposition within a word of letters , sounds, or syllables" ("The American heritage Dictionary of the English Language").
Our explanation of this verse dovetails nicely with the verse that comes after it.
WALKETH UPRIGHTLY, Hebreww "holech beTom" i.e. someone who "goes forward in innocent honesty" will be certain of his way.  On the other hand he who is devious and deceptive in his dealings will have his double-dealings revealed.        

2. New Evidence: Middle East Females in Ancient Scandinavia?
From: Jim Wright
Greetings Yair Davidiy -
I just ran across this article on a 400 BC graveyard in Denmark - with "Arab" remains, thought you might find it of interest:

New Research Refutes Myth Of Pure Scandinavian Race

ScienceDaily (Jun. 10, 2008): A team of forensic scientists at the University of Copenhagen has studied human remains found in two ancient Danish burial grounds dating back to the iron age, and discovered a man who appears to be of Arabian origin. The findings suggest that human beings were as genetically diverse 2000 years ago as they are today and indicate greater mobility among iron age populations than was previously thought. The findings also suggest that people in the Danish iron age did not live and die in small, isolated villages but, on the contrary, were in constant contact with the wider world.

Brit-Am Comment:
For more on this matter and for Brit-Am Commentary see:
BAMAD no. 33
#4. Female Arab or East African Presence in Ancient Scandinavia?

3. Avraham ben Gad: Hebrew Origin of the Mennonites

Our Hebrew Origin by Avraham ben Gad

Late in the sixteenth century, Mennonites of mainly Dutch stock (both Dutch factions, Flemish and Frisian, with a liberal sprinkling of Moravians, Germans and Swiss) were invited to leave Prussia for Southern Russia by Catherine the Great. Catherine needed farmers for her newly acquired land and the Mennonite people needed to leave Prussia to avoid military service. By 1840 about seven hundred and fifty families had located in the Molotschna settlement north of the Black Sea. Little did our people know that their forefathers (before they were called Mennonites) had been in this area before... north of the Black Sea and east of the Caspian. They were actually returning in the direction from which they had come.

The Goths, the Germans and the Saxons are sometimes collectively called the Teutonic people. Their original Teutonic or Indo-European tongue gradually developed into the languages we now call English, German, Dutch, Swedish and Danish. Yet Teutonic or Gothic speech was still recognizable in its original form in the Crimea in the sixteenth century. In the sixteenth century? In the Crimea? The Crimea is that area bounded by the Black Sea on the south and west, and by the Sea of Azov on the east... precisely the area settled by the Dutch Mennonites in that very same century! The implication is that the Mennonite-Teutonic people had been in this area before, in a past long forgotten. It is unlikely they knew that more than a millennia had gone by since their predecessors had been in the Crimea. (1)

As a second witness, in 1404 A.D. Archbishop Johannes de Gabonifontibus reported that two small nations were living along and around the Black Sea, the Thats and a few Goths. The Thats were also a branch of the original Teutons, but most of them had migrated to Northern Germany and Denmark. Some had remained in the area where:

"A section of the Thats by the Black Sea shores of Southern Russia practiced Judaism and... were identified with the Lost Tribes of Israel.? (Yair Davidiy, "The Tribes")

Here is further evidence that the Teutons came from the territory around the Black Sea - specifically Southern Russia - and then migrated into those areas of Europe later associated with the Mennonite people. However, there were still Teutons living by the Black Sea in the fifteenth century, and a century later when the Dutch Mennonites came there, or in a sense returned.

If we jump much father back into history, another story line was emerging in the first millennium B.C. when the Northern Kingdom of Israel was invaded and taken captive by the Assyrians. The captivity began in approximately 740 B.C. when the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh were carried away. In 721 B.C. the city of Samaria fell and the last of Israel?s ten tribes were deported. The majority of the tribes of Israel were settled in a vast territory east of the Euphrates and west of the Indus. Much of this area would eventually become Ancient Persia, including some of India and other countries in the Near East. It was this territory that became the birthplace of the Indo-European language, the language that would eventually become our modern English, German, Dutch, Swedish and Danish. It would also be the language of the Teutons in the 15th Century.

In Hosea 1:6-10 Yahuah (YHWH) promised that the population of the ten tribes would be multiplied beyond calculation after they were expelled from the Promised Land. In the rise and fall of the nations, Assyria fell to the Medo-Persians, and they in turn fell to the Parthians. In the great Parthian Empire which lasted for five centuries, the ten tribes flourished and were multiplied over and over. The Jewish historian, Josephus, recorded how the tribes of Israel had a huge Asian population by the first century A.D. ... Both secular history and the Scriptures testify to a large and well established Israelite population within the Parthian Empire.

As the great nations and empires before it, Parthia fell to Persia it 226 A.D. The Persians, however, were not a Semitic people and were also Zoroastrians. Religiously intolerant, the Persians soon began to persecute Christians and to a lesser extent the Jews (this was the time of Esther and Mordechai), and triggered one of the largest population shifts in history. A tidal wave of Semitic people, both Israelite and non-Israelite migrated in the direction of the Christian country of Armenia, the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea. This region was a natural refuge because it had been inhabited by a previous wave of Israelites in about 500 B.C. As Steven M. Collins writes:

?When Parthia fell and its people fled into Armenia, the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel in Asia became compressed into a region the shape of a crescent: from Armenia, between the Caspian and Black Seas, around the Black Sea on the north and toward modern Romania and Eastern Hungry. For the first time since the fall of the old kingdom of Israel, the ten tribes of Israel who had scattered into Asia were now mostly together again.?(3)

In a migration that continued for centuries, millions of ?Parthian? refugees populated much of Europe. Historians have often acknowledged that most of the nations in Northern, Western and Central Europe are descended from the massive waves of Caucasians who poured into Europe from Asia. Hence the Indo-European language of the Goths, the Germans and the Saxons, known collectively as the Teutonic people. It is from these ancient tribes that the Mennonite people came... the Flemish, the Frisians, the Moravians, the Germans and the Swiss. As a Teutonic people, the ancestors of the Mennonites came with the Parthians from the region around the Tigres-Euphrates. 

In a strange twist of history, perhaps unique to the Mennonite people, they returned for a time to the region of the Caucasus, specifically Southern Russia, north of the Black Sea. This is the unusual path that the Mennonite people took as they migrated from Switzerland, Holland and Germany, to Prussia and then to Russia. When these people left the region of the Caucasus, they were known as Teutons. But when they returned, more than a thousand years later, they were called Mennonites.  
Strangely, the Mennonite people have twice in their history been associated with that region of the world known as the collecting point for the ancient tribes of Israel. For it was in this very region of the Caucasus that all the tribes of Israel had gathered together as a people before populating most of Europe. There is a persistent rumor that Mennonites are really "Jews" or Israelites. Perhaps some did recall their ancient heritage when the returned to the area north of the Black Sea in the 16th Century.

Hoshea the prophet wrote, "My Elohim rejects them, because they have not obeyed Him, so that they became wanderers among the gentiles" (Hosea 9:17).

So the Mennonites are a people who wandered from Holland to Prussia to the area north of the Black Sea, then to Canada, the United States, South America and elsewhere. Before that, as Israelites, they were expelled from the land of Israel, relocated east of the Euphrates, and then sent westward to the Black Sea region. They have wandered so much that it has become one of their distinguishing characteristics... and a fulfillment of prophecy.The conclusion can only be that the Mennonite people are Israelites, specifically of the ten northern tribes of Israel, and that were scattered throughout the earth because of their disobedience.

According to the Bible Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel split away(1-Kings 12:19), formed their own kingdom of "Israel" (1-Kings 12:20) and were exiled by the Assyrians (2-Kings 17:18) . They forget their identity (Hosea 1:9 7:8 Isaiah 49:21) and became the Lost Ten Tribes. In the future they will re-unite with the Jews of "Judah" (Ezekiel 37, Isaiah 11:13 Jeremiah 3:18) but until then they have a role of their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (Deuteronomy 33:13 Isaiah 24:16 26:15 41:8-9 49:6), to be the richest (Genesis 27:28 49:25 Deuteronomy 33:13-16 Hosea 2:8), and most powerful nations on earth (Numbers 24:8-7 Micah 5:7-9) and to control major international strategic bases (Genesis 22:16-17 24:60).
They were also destined to be in the "Land of
Sinim" (Isaiah 49:12) meaning Australia.
All of these points together with numerous others show that descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes can only be found amongst Western Nations especially the English-speaking ones. The correctness of our interpretation of the relevant verses is confirmed by traditional Jewish sources and by the findings of up-to-date historical and scientific research. Your destiny may depend upon this information.
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