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Dear Yair,
I really liked the way you wrote about Dan. Is there a place on the website where you summarise simply all the different tribal characteristics in such a way. Perhaps there could be supporting Biblical references following on, or Rabbinical ones perhaps.
God bless
Brit-Am Reply:
If you go to the Brit-Am Index of Articles Arranged According to Subject matter:
You will find theentry:
Tribes see also Legends, Traditions, and SYMBOLS
You will find the following articles listed:
The Israelite Tribe of Asher: Identifications
Benjamin: Identifications
Benjamin: Questions and Answers
Characteristics of the Tribes According to Rabbinical Sources
Controversy as to the Identity of Ephraim and Manasseh
Dan: Questions and Answers
Dan and the Serpent Way
Dan in Northern Israel, Greece, and Elsewhere
The Tribe of Dan: Present Day Identifications
The Tribe of Dan and peoples descended from Dan
Some Characteristics of Dan
Additional Notes on the Serpent Trail of Dan
by Dr Richard Giffith
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Ireland
Ephraim and Aristocracy
Ephraim or Manasseh?
Who is the real Ephraim? United States of America = Ephraim or Manesseh?
Ephraim Shall Become a Multitude of Nations
Gad: Identifications
Identity of the Lost Ten Tribes
Issachar: Identifications
Steven Collins: Issachar Identified with Finland
Issachar: Questions and Answers
Levi: Identifications
Selected Articles about Joseph
Joseph Defeats Esau-Edom
Joseph in the Eyes of the "Rebbe"
Characteristics of the Tribes According to Rabbinical Sources
Joseph: Questions and Answers
Judah and the Jews: Queries
Machir and America
Manasseh and the USA in Rabbinical Sources
Menasseh and Representation
Naphtali: Identifications
Rabbi Nathan and the Twelve Tribes
Reuben: Identifications
Simeon: Identifications
Tribes: Questions and Answers
Tribes of Israel: Present Day Identifications
Tribal Identification: A Partial List of Relevant Articles
The Tribes - third Edition
Zebulon: Identifications
In addition to all the above you have given us an idea.
We will prepare an article,
"Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell"
The first entry in this article will be Reuben.
See our next item.
2. Different Tribal Characteristics in a
The stone of Reuben was a red Ruby.
The redness of the Ruby suggests tempestuousness, depth of emotion, and when
channeled correctly a powerful potential.
Reuben was the natural first-born.
On the negative side: He was impetuous, illogical, emotional, amorous, sexually
promiscuous, lacked self-control, tended to arrogate to himself
a senior position that was not recognized by his siblings, did not exert what
authority he had, tended to gallantry to a destructive and counter-productive
On the positive side.
Reuben though believing that by right he should be the ruler was not jealous of
his brother Joseph who claimed to replace him.
Reuben tried to save Joseph. He tried to save all the brothers by offering his
two sins as hostages under pain of death.
Reuben has qualities of pre-eminence and excellence, of high quality.
We identify Reuben with France which has a Latin quality about it inherited from
the Romans and Roman standards of authority,
order, and scientific correctness overlap with those of Reuben.
The identification of Reuben with France is quite a strong and certain one
though other Tribes were also present.
Names of the sons of Reuben reflect aspects of his character.
Chanoch (Hanoch) connotes education and sanctification, of setting in place
Chetsroni (Hezron) suggests individual ownership of land and of an
aristocratic-peasant type
of arrangement with each one in their own domain and with the rights accruing
from it.
Phalu means "super" and excellent, a striving for perfection and quality, and in
religion for mystical experience.
Carmi means vineyard with the concomitant drinking of wine and all that is
entailed by it.
Reuben had other characteristics that are worth noting and that cannot be
categorized as positive or negative.
In general in the eyes of foreign and native observers,
The French emphasizes logic and rationality, of reason even in the face of
The French wants things to be stratified, for right and privilege to be
inherited or given after demonstration of worth
though not necessarily worked for in themselves.
In other words one is born to it and where examinations etc exist it is in order
to prove that one has been born to it.
This is a French trait. Do courses, be educated, take the examination and get
the position
or be born to it. Once received accept whatever status bequeathed you. Do not
expect drastic changes
without having to overturn all of existence and create a new reality where
things may be "set permanently" in place anew.
All this reflects the attitude of Reuben being the first born and always feeling
his firstborn rights.
This feeling of innate inherited merit however did not blind Reuben to the
reality around him.
Neither did it cause him to resent the achievement of Joseph who in one sense
would be considered his rival.
Reuben had empathy both for the fate of Joseph and for the feelings of his
father and for the sake of Justice.
The Franch also have empathy for others.
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" has been the slogan of France since the French
3. Rob Jones: Russia and Georgia
From: Robert Jones <>
Shalom Mr. Davidiy,
I believe this war that just started between Russia and Georgia over South
Osettia is the first volley in the overall war that Ezekiel talks about in
chapters 38 and 39. with your new book on the Khazars coming out, Georgia was
the heart of their empire, and many descendents most likely from Manasseh and
Simeon most likely remain the ruling class over that nation. Notice the
President of Georgia's name is Saakashvili.
One thing I find very interesting is that other than Great Britain, Georgia
provides the most 3rd most in troops to Iraq in support of the United States.
Just a few weeks ago over 1000 US Marines were in Georgia training their
military in tactics. Not that this is a rare event by the American military,
what is surprising according to Debkafile, that Israeli military advisers are
also in Georgia and according to their sources was integral in the planning of
their attack on South Ossetia.
I don't think that the Russians have failed to see US and Israel ties with
Georgia. This may be just another excuse when they decide to attack Israel.
The last thing and something we all must watch, the Russians deployed the 58th
Army which is around 9 Tank and Infantry divisions. This is a very large force
which I'm sure will not go back to their barracks any time soon. This Army is
battle harden from their wars in Chechnya and could be the vanguard of the
Russian Army when they decide to head south toward Israel.
Rob Jones
4. If Georgia is
and my ancestors come from there who am I?
These geographic regions correspond roughly to the area just south of
and along the Caucasus Mountains between the Caspian Sea and the
Black Sea. The area of Magog includes Mechech and Tubal. This
region is present day Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan which are just
to the north of and border Iran. Older Biblical geographic maps have
this area actually extending to the south into northern Syria,
northern Iran and northern Iraq.
Georgia is where my mtdna [female mother-transmitted DNA] leads to so what does
this mean for me, as to being of the ten tribes? I mean, this part of your
article up above saying Georgia is part of Gog? I don't feel like I am any thing
to do with Gog or Magog, I feel Israeliteish.
Love you all.
Brit-Am Reply:
First of all we never said Georgia is Gog just quoted others on the subject out
of interest.
The Lost Ten Tribes and Khazars were in Georgia.
People who come to us we understand are mostly of Israelite descent.
We do not have to understand everything.
The Brit-Am approach is to trace the Lost Ten Tribes according to the Bible in
the light
of other sources especially Rabbinical ones.
After that the secular studies showing us paths of migration etc are there to
show how
Israelites could have arrived in the necessary areas. These studies are very
and of great interest but they do not have the same authority as our
Biblically-related studies.
As for DNA.
We respect and use it in our research as a subsidiary confirmation in some cases
but we are also
reserved about it.
Our impressions are that it can change, is influenced by the environment, and is
much much younger
than claimed. We ourselves however are still studying the subject and trying to
follow latest developments.
DNA studies and conclusions are changing all the time.
Suppose however that everything was as they say it was?
Suppose that mtDNA really did prove that your primary ancestress (mother of
mother of mother etc)
did come from Georgia?
What of all your other ancestors?
We cannot say what is the determining element.
We can only follow where our heart leads us and supplement it with whatever
relevant knowledge
is available.
God bless you
Some Hebrew Roots of Ancient Scandinavian Mythology
Scandinavian Mythical Names With Hebrew Meaning and Scandinavian Legends
of Hebrew Root :
In Scandinavian mythology the godess Freja had a daughter who
was very beautiful and whose name was Hnoss. Hnoss means treasure. Maybe
therefore Hnoss is related to Kaf-Nun-Samech ["CeNeS" meaning "gather in", or
"gather together", "accumulate"] and Gimel-Nun-Zayin ["GeNaZ" store away] .
GNaZIM has been translated into treasures in Esther 3:9 and in Esther 4:7.
[This is very feasible since the "H" and "G" sounds are frequently switched in
different parts of Europe. Even today, for instance, names such as "Hitler" are
pronounced as "Gitler" by the Ukrainains. Also the Northern peoples for a period
lost the sound "z" and used "s". The Hebrew "GeNaZ" or "Gnoss" could therefore
quite easily be rendered as "Hnoss" by the early Scandinavians.].
[Another important god-hero was named Balder son of Odin].
It is officially recognized that the name Balder probably is a
reminiscence of the West Semitic Baal.
Further Burr, whose name means "son", was believed to be the father of Odin.
The old word BURR is believed to be related to the word BARA which among other
things meant "to give BIRTH" or "to beget". Likewise in Hebrew we have "BaRA"
which not only means "to create" but also means "to beget", and the Passive (NIPHAL)
form of this verb means "to be BORN" in Eze. 21:35; 28:13; Ps. 104:30. The
Hebrew root BRA is the source of the Hebrew and Aramaic word BaR (son).
As for the name Odin I no longer believe that this name comes
from the Hebrew Adon. The name Odin is said to be related to the Icelandic word
odr which means "mania". Odin therefore I believe could have come from
Ayin-Tav-Nun which is an unused root in Biblical Hebrew, but it is kindred to
Ayin-Tav-Lamed (also an unused root which means "to handle violently"), and it
has relatives in Arabic. Related is also the proper name OTHNI ("lion of
Jehovah") which occurs in 1 Ch. 26:7.
According to the myths Odin owned two ravens named Hugin and
Munin. These names are apparently related to the Icelandic words HUGUR and MUNUR
which mean "mind" and "difference" respectively. Analogously in Hebrew we have
HeGeH and MaNaH meaning "thought" and "to separate" respectively. A Swedish word
that is related to HUGUR is HAG which means "thought" or "mind".
Odin belonged to that section of the gods known as "Aesir". In
"The Tribes" the Aesir are identified with the Israelite Tribe of of Asher.
Mimir, also known as Mim, was considered to be the wisest of the gods of the
tribe of Aesir. Apart from that he was also believed to be a water spirit.
(Consult for example Encyclopedia Britannica vol. 8, p. 146, 1995 edition.) The
name of Mimir is believed to mean the purling, murmuring or rippling one.
According to one story Mimir resided by a well that was known as the well of
Mimir or Mim. This makes me consider the possibility that the name of Mimir may
have come from the Hebrew word MaiM [spelt "mim"] since this word means water in
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