Brit-Am Now no. 1254
12 November 2008, 14 Cheshvan 5769
1. New Recordings from New BAMBI
2. Was Abraham Lincoln Jewish?
3. Was Thomas Jefferson of Jewish Descent?


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1. New Recordings from New BAMBI

Psalm One Hundred and Nineteen (12) Lamed
(ca. 12 minutes)

Hosea Predicted Moslem Terror Against Ephraim! (1)
(ca. 50 minutes)

Hosea Predicted Moslem Terror Against Ephraim! (2)
(shortened version)
(ca. 10 minutes)

Ephraimite Criteria:
How do we know which peoples descend from Israel?
(ca. 32 minutes)

Joseph Still Lives through the Messiah son of Joseph Kol
(ca.5 minutes)

Kol HaTor-5:
Supplies, Warfare, Settlement and the Messiah son of Joseph
(ca.5 minutes)

Kol HaTor-6:
The Torah Learning of Judah is Reflected in the Scientific Advancement of Joseph
(ca.6 minutes)

Psalm One Hundred and Nineteen (13) Mem
(ca. 8 minutes)

Psalm One Hundred and Nineteen (14) Nun
(ca. 14 minutes)

2. Was Abraham Lincoln Jewish?
From: Max Rambow <>
I thought you might find this interesting.

Was Lincoln Jewish?
On the twelfth of February, 1809, nearly 200 years ago, a young, poor illiterate woman from Virginia, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, gave birth to a son, in a log cabin, built along the banks of the south fork of Nolin Creek, near what is now Hodgenville, Kentucky. 
That baby, whom she named Abraham, grew to become one of our greatest, and most tragic, national leaders.
Lincoln was a man of great spiritual conviction. Yet, and I find this fact fascinatingly instructive, Abraham Lincoln was the only American president not to have declared himself a member of any particular religious faith.  That fact has given rise to a great deal of interesting speculation. In fact, there are those who believe that Honest Abe was Jewish.  After all, his name was Abraham. His great-grandfather was named Mordechai. Lincoln was the only President not to have a formal religious affiliation.  He was neither raised in a church nor did he ever belong to a church.
And there's more... the town of Lincoln, in eastern England, whence his ancestors came, has an interesting Jewish history.
     A Jewish community was established there in 1159. During Crusader riots, the Sheriff of Lincoln saved the Jews by giving them official protection. St. Hugh, the great Bishop of Lincoln, taught love of Jews to his parishioners. His death was marked by an official period of mourning among Lincoln's Jews.
Rabbi Joseph of Lincoln was a scholar mentioned in the Talmud; Aaron of Lincoln was a financier whose operations extended all over the country. In 1255,  Lincoln's Jews were accused of ritual murder. Ninety-one Lincoln Jews were sent to London for trial and 18 were executed. Notwithstanding, the LincolnJewish community flourished until 1290, when they were forcibly expelled by edict.
Most Jewish historians assume that all the Jews of Lincoln left in 1290. But could it be possible that some remained, practicing their Judaism in secret...passing the family secret from generation to generation? The more we learn of the secret life of Spanish Jewry following the Expulsion of 1492, the more we must at least consider the possibility of the same thing occurring elsewhere.
When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, whole Jewish communities sat shivah. Rabbis all over the country eulogized the fallen President. Rabbi Isaac  Mayer Wise, the man who created Reform Judaism in this country, began his eulogy with the words... 'Brethren, the lamented Abraham Lincoln believed himself to be bone from our bone and flesh from our flesh. He supposed himself to be a descendant of Hebrew parentage He said so in my presence.'
Lincoln was often questioned about his religious beliefs. Time and again, he told of a special passage from Scripture that summed up his theology. It was the twentieth chapter of the Book of Exodus he recommended that every American study, learn and follow. In English it is usually referred to as the Ten Commandments.
Rabbi Jeff Kahn
Temple Har Shalom, Warren, N.J.

3. Was Thomas Jefferson of Jewish Descent?
From the New York Times:
"Michael Hammer, a geneticist at the University of Arizona, said he had compared the Jefferson Y chromosome with those in his database of Y chromosomes and found close matches with four other individuals. There was a perfect match to the Y chromosome of a Moroccan Jew, and matches that differed by two mutations from another Moroccan Jew, a Kurdish Jew and an Egyptian. Dr. Hammer said he would hazard a guess at Sephardic Jewish ancestry for Jefferson, although any such interpretation was highly tentative. Sephardic Jews are descendants of those expelled from Spain and Portugal after 1492."

Bennett Greenspan, president of Family Tree DNA, a DNA-testing service, said that among the 90,000 Y chromosome samples contributed to his database, K2 occurred in 2 percent of Ashkenazim, Jews of Central or Northern European origin, and 3 percent of Sephardim.

"Whether the non-Jews with K2 are descendants of Jews or come from an earlier migration into Europe is hard to say," Mr. Greenspan said, "but my sense is that it's separate migrations from the Middle East."

Even if Thomas Jefferson had had a Sephardic Jew in his ancestry in the 15th century, very little of that ancestor's genome would have come down to him along with the Y chromosome, given that in each generation a child inherits only half of each parent's genes.


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