Brit-Am Now no. 1311
March 6 2009, 10 Adar 5769
1. Rabbi Shalom Arush: In Praise of the Land of Israel
2. Daniel
Duffield: A Possible Solution Seconded by Yair
3. Brit-Am May be the Most Important Cause on Behalf of "Joseph" at Present Available!
a. The Needs of Individual
Ephraimites and the Projected Need of Joseph.
b. The Reality that the Identity of "Joseph" is Unknown or Unaccepted by Most of Judah and Joseph.
4. Re the Quality of Brit-Am Now Subscribers:
Let's Give Ourselves a Pat on the Shoulder!
Podcast of Interview Concerning the future Tribal Identification of Individual "Ephraimites"
Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion)
 "Tistaveh" Exodus 27:20-30:10
7. Partial Replies to Charles
Brit-Am Answers in Short:
(a) Movement of
Ephraimites to the Land.
(b) The Jubilee.
(c) Judah and Joseph Together in the Land in Our Time?
(d) Judah as an Advance Guard for the Other Tribes.
(e) Is Brit-Am Playing a Role in all this?



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1. Rabbi Shalom Arush: In Praise of the Land of Israel
Extracts Only:
"Come on Home" by Rabbi Shalom Arush

Patience is the key to emuna [belief]. Rebbe Nachman tells us that the only place on the world where a person can attain true patience is in the Land of Israel.
The holiness of the Land of Israel is the home for the soul. Rebbe Nachman teaches that emuna leads to having one's prayers answered. All prayers rise by way of the Land of Israel. A person's prayers are strongest in the Land of Israel, to the extent that they can work miracles, above the limitations of nature.
Rebbe Nachman teaches that the Land of Israel is the place for children. Our forefathers were barren outside of Israel, but Abraham and Sara came here and had children.

The Talmud teaches that a person can fulfill his intellectual potential only in the Land of Israel.

The Torah teaches that Hashem's eyes never depart from the Land of Israel. Therefore, those who are privileged to dwell here enjoy a maximum measure of Divine providence over their lives.
The Land of Israel is the source of blessings, for all blessings are derived from here.

 2. Daniel Duffield: A Possible Solution Seconded by Yair
Thanks for all that you do.  I enjoy the newsletters and biblical commentary and learn a lot.
As I read the headlines related to Israel, I keep seeing that the world doesn't want Jewish construction and Jewish settlements in the disputed territories.  I wonder what the world would say if 10-tribers came to establish settlements.  I am sure that the world wouldn't want that either, but it would be a testimony to who G_d promised the land to.  I can visualize TV crews coming out to one of these 10-triber settlements and telling them that further Jewish building is prohibited at which point the settlers respond "We are not Jews, we are from the northern 10 tribes of Israel and G_d has called us back to settle in this land.  We have come here to join our brother Judah and live in peace.  We have returned to G_d, His Torah, and His land". 
I wonder if this will be the next phase of the Almighty's plan in bringing his children home.  Maybe it is time to start a 10-triber settlement in historic 10-triber land and maybe this is where we should direct the 10-tribers who have a burning desire to come home.  Until 10-tribers have this kind of opportunity to return, we should continue returning to G_d and His Torah.
Anyways, just some things I have been thinking about as I read news from Israel.
May the Almighty bless you and your work,
Brit-Am Comment:
Daniel Duffield may be on to something.
There could arise a possible scenario whereby construction in Judah and Samaria (the West Bank) would forbidden or become very difficult due to international and/or internal pressures.
 If in such a case a group of Ephraimites found a way to be able to come and begin building for themselves it could help the Jewish cause without infringing on any formal constrictions.

In other words there could arise a situation whereby the presence of Ephraimites would complement the needs of Judah.
Even now the presence of Ephraimites (from Manasseh, the USA) in Iraq is a blessing for Israel.
Ephraimites colonies in the areas on the periphery of Greater Israel (Jordan, Saudia, Eastern Egypt, Cyprus, south-east Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, etc) would also be welcome and might facilitate the acceptance of their Lost Ten Tribes origin as explained by Brit-Am.

In the same way as the world is against Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel so too is it against the settlement of "Anglo" and related peoples anyway but things could change.

3. Brit-Am May be the Most Important Cause on Behalf of "Joseph" at Present Available!
Concerning the "Return of Ephraim" our impression is that there are two issues at present:

a. The Needs of Individual Ephraimites and the Projected Need of Joseph.
b. The Reality that the Identity of "Joseph" is Unknown or Unaccepted by Most of Judah and Joseph.

a. The Needs of Individual Ephraimites and the Projected Need of Joseph.
On a national level there may arise a situation whereby many from Joseph need somewhere else to go to
and "Israel" would otherwise be an option. Even now in South Africa many of English and West European
"Afrikanner" descent are in a quandary.  A good number have already moved to Europe, North America, and Australia but this option
may not be open or necessarily welcome to all of them.
In the individual private sphere we have "Ephraimites" who identify in their hearts as "Israelites" (or in some cases even as
belonging to "Judah") and who do not want or cannot become formally part of Judah but feel a powerful need to live in
the Land of Israel.  They would like not only to live here but also that their right to do so as "Ephraimites" be formally recognized.
This is one aspect of the problem.
Individuals have problems: Individuals can also often come up with individual solutions suited to themselves but not necessarily applicable to
We cannot do much about this other than provide a Forum for Discussion. Neverthless this in itself may be what is needed at present.
It is a beginning.
(b) Regarding:
b. The Reality that the Identity of "Joseph" is Unknown or Unaccepted by Most of Judah and Joseph.
This is the main problem.
Until this is solved there is really very little to talk about.
Brit-Am is trying to do something in this area.
Brit-Am however is often reduced to a struggle just to keep going and cannot do what it could do if it had
even a little more funding than it presently receives. We could do a lot. We need to do a lot. Most of the fault for us
not doing what we could do is due to lack of support.
If "Ephraimites" are serious in their intentions they will support Brit-Am more than they do at present.
There are a few individuals who are serious and do help us and by virtue of these Heroes of Israel we are able
to keep going to some degree most of the time.

4. Re the Quality of Brit-Am Now Subscribers:
Let's Give Ourselves a Pat on the Shoulder!

Relatively speaking there may not be that many of us but look over the letters we receive
and compare them to those on other forums, even academic ones.
On the whole our participants are quality people.
Divine Providence is helping us.
So should you.


7. Partial Replies to Charles Kerem
The postings of Charles Kerem were posted in
Brit-Am Now no. 1309
#1. Charles:  Thoughts on Return to and Division of the Land
and in
Brit-Am Now no. 1310
#13. Charles Kerem: Ephriamites proving they are Ephraimites

Amongst other points Charles asked:

## my interest is in knowing if you felt there could in our time be a "beginning migration" of sorts of "true" (non-Jewish) Israelites to Israel. And, going beyond the aforementioned thought, I was also interested in knowing your view regarding whether or not the fact that each of the tribes of Israel were given a perpetual inheritance in the land has any validity, and whether or not the jubilee law brings anything to the table?  .....I am interested in knowing if you foresee any situation in today's world in which Jews and their brother Israelites, or let's say Judah and Israel, might again be together, living in peace as "one" people on the land? ...the thrust of my questions; can (or should) the Jews be likened to an advance guard so to speak, pioneers if you like, preparing the way for an eventual re-gathering in some form?  If so, it could be that your research and years of toil to spread the world about Israel's identity might ultimately play an important role in whatever is to unfold within the near-future. Yes?
Charles Kerem

Brit-Am Answers in Short:
(a) Movement of Ephraimites to the Land.
There definitely will be a movement of "Ephraimites" tot he Land of Israel PRIOR to the Messianic Age.
This will involve both "Periphery Areas" (Syria, Lebanon,  Jordan, etc) and parts of Samaria.
How, why, and when this will take place we do not know.
It is prophesied.
Indications are that not only is this something that will take place but also it is desirable that we work towards it.
We should ask the Alomighty to guide us in these and other matters.
(b) The Jubilee.
The Jubilee Year came around once every fifty years. In that year all Israelites would receive the inherited portions of
land given to their ancestors back if in the meantime they had sold or alienated them.
According to Law the Jubilee Year and its edicts can only be put into effect once all the Tribes (or a good representative portion of them)
are present in the Land.
The Land had been divided up by Joshua.
This was only a primary division. There were other lands in the North and East whose conquest needed to be consolidated
and subsequently these areas were re-divided amongst the Tribes (Malbim).
In the future the Land of Greater Israel will be divided amongst the 12 Tribes (Ezekiel 47).
This future division is different from that undertaken in the time of Joshua.
(c) Judah and Joseph Together in the Land in Our Time?
Judah and Joseph will be re-united and be one nation (Ezekiel 37) in the time of the Messiah
or just before it.
Until that time there will always be a degree of fiction between them (Isaiah 11:10).
This may sound contradiction to our answer in (a) above but what can one do?
(d) Judah as an Advance Guard for the Other Tribes.
Juah is preparing the way for the other Tribes.
See the Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of Hosea.
(e) Is Brit-Am Playing a Role in all this?
We believe Brit-Am is playing a role in all this and that all sincere Ephraimites should help
Brit-Am as much as they can.


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