Brit-Am Now no. 1325
March 30 2009, 5 Nisan 5769
Benjamin in Troy?
2. Walt Baucum:
Judah in Troy?
3. The Importance of Troy
(a) The Brit-Am Understanding
(b) Relevant Excerpts from the
Wikipedia article on Troy
4. Question on the importance of Jewish Sources and Jewish Belief in "Brit-Am"
5. Divine Providence Revealed in "Brit-Am Now no. 1325"?
Benjamin in Troy?
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1323
#1. Did the Tribe of Benjamin found Rome?
About if Benjamin found Rome?
If my thesis is right then the people that came out from the city Dor in Kaanan,
escaping from the battle against Benjamin in 1185-1183 BC. Did not want to flag
with their origin.
They called themselves Dorians and got strongholds for example in Sparta (see
the first book of Maccabes). Some of them went to the Rodophi Mountains in
Bulgaria (with few of the Bessi (Bessi means wolf) monks always on Siani??). The
Ladiokeans had together with the Korinthans lot of influences west of. But often
it seems to me that the wolfs (or the delfins )are the sign to look after.
If the legend is true that it was a princess in Latium that got twins without
marriage then in could have been bastards, not really accepted by the full
blood. Rome wanted later to be the biggest city on earth and the mother city.
That is the only explanation I have on why they had to wipe out Troy so
completely and even change name on the land to Illium. Because we know that in
Troy there was all the rest of the ideology of a ancient world accumulated there
and it seems as many of the princes of the river roads got their education
there. It seems also as Byzans (Mikligardur) was founded by Wolfs (Dorians from
Miletus) and the Heruls (Warwolfs) were for long times in service there, and
after them (515) the Berserkir (Bear-hide-dressed) from north. Even until 900
when Grettir Asmundarson comes from Iceland to be a Berserkur in Mikligardur.
Mikligardur is very Gotic name. So it seems as the Scytian area was strongly
related to the Byzans too.
Brit-Am Reply:
There are traditions that some of the Tribes and some of the Benjaminites left
the Land of Israel before the
Assyrian Exile. I personally doubt it and want strong evidence to support it.
The Romans are romantic.
The Romans were brave soldiers.
They established an impressive civilization and left their mark in the world.
This fits the prophecies concerning Edom as much as Israel.
More than what Rome achieved is expected from Israelites.
2. Walt
Judah in Troy?
Subject: Founders of Rome
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1323
#1. Did the Tribe of Benjamin found Rome?
Hi Yair. Today's Brit-Am was interesting re. founders of Rome believed by a
writer to have been Benjamin. Your answer, that you believed the founders to
have been from Japheth, with leadership by Esau-Edom was also interesting. E.
Raymond Capt says that Darda (Dardanus), the brother of Calcol (1 Chron. 2:6;
Chalcol of 1 Kings 4:31, i.e. Jews) founded Troy. His descendants ruled Troy
for several hundred years until it was destroyed by the Greeks. Aeneas, the
last of the royal blood of Zarah-Judah collected the remnants of his nation and
traveled with them to Italy. There he married the daughter of Latinus, king of
the Latins, and subsequently founded the great Roman Empire.
Aeneas' grandson, Brutus, migrated with a large party of Trojans to the Great
White Island of Britain. On the way to the White Island, Brutus came across
four other Trojan colonies in Spain and persuaded them to join him.
Capt's explanation seems to be the correct one (in my opinion only). I believe
that many Esau-ites migrated eastward into Asia (Ghengis Khan himself was
probably an Esau-ite). Almost as many reversed direction and migrated back
westward, many settling in today's Turkey. I was in Izmir, Turkey, for a year
and found that the Turks are not the brown color of American Indians, but are a
reddish brown, which would conform to Esau's being a "red" man.
This is from memory and I have not yet researched it----but I read somewhere
that the Mongols of Genghis Khan were two different peoples united, and if so,
it could be that the dominant class among them was Esau-ites. You might know
more about this from your vast readings. I had an instructor in graduate
school, Dr. Ozerden, a Turk, who also believed that the Mongols were a Turkish
tribe and Esau-ites. There were either 12 or 13 "Dukes" of Esau. Because of
the blessing of Isaac on Esau, his people were destined to be great.
Any thoughts on this????
Walt Baucum
Brit-Am Reply:
Capt in this case and it seems in most others took what he wrote straight out of
British Israel writings
that said the same thing.
I once spoke on the phone with Capt.
As an individual he seemed civil enough but in
his public live he associated his studies to groups of Jew-hating "Identity"
His books as far as I know are not anti-Semitic apart from one in which he
inserts an anti-Jewish paragraph
that does not need to be there, i.e. has little to do with the subject at hand.
[This is the same book his company tries to sell to the Jewish public!]
His books contain a good deal of information but it all seems to be taken from
This is fair enough but as far as I remember he does not acknowledge it.
[You for instance have written a very valuable work (Bronze Age Atlantis)
relying heavily on the researches of others
but you are
always careful to note where you got the information from.]
Capt is apparently quite successful.
Not so long ago the promoters of his works were advertising heavily on prominent
Jewish web sites
(Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, etc) which we found somewhat strange due to the
anti-Semitic tinge
his reputation has acquired.
The question of Troy is difficult. I have not yet studied the matter enough to
have a firm opinion
but at present doubt that they were Israelites.
Rome was not an Israelite Kingdom according to the Ephraimite Criteria we
Rome had the characteristics of Esau, e.g. a rich fertile land (Italy at that
and a culture of living by the sword.
Rome was also the enemy of Israelite nations, destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem,
persecuted Judah and was pagan by preference and not Hebraic.
Rabbinical Tradition identified Rome with Edom.
Esau is definitely to be found amongst European nations.
Esau may also be present in Asia.
We have dealt with these questions elsewhere.
In the Bible it is prophesied that Edom will be an arch-enemy of Israel.
Edom will be despised and destroyed.
This may have lead some readers of the Bible to downplay the importance of Edom.
Edom was destined to be a great nation.
It may that ESAU (Edom) and Israel were destined to divide the world between
Perhaps every important nation in the world not ruled by an elite from Israel is
ruled by descendants of Edom?
3. The Importance of Troy
(a) The Brit-Am Understanding
We trace the Lost Tribes to Western Nations.
This is justified by Biblical Passages and some aspects of secular researches.
Other explanations for the origins of the peoples in question exist.
We need to account for them either by showing that they may fit into our own
or they are mistaken, or they refer to a different non-Israelite segment of the
peoples in question.
Troy in ancient times was a city-state in what is now southwest Turkey.
Troy was besieged and destroyed by a confederation of Greek States. The events
leading up to the war,
the nature of the conflict and what happened as a result of it became a major
theme in Greek and Latin Literature.
One of the epics of Homer (the "Iliad") was built around it. This work was
attributed almost sacred significance in the Classical World.
It was often learnt by heart and recited publicly, commentaries were written on
it, and mystical meaning read in to it.
The Romans claimed to descended by refugees from Troy.
London in Roman Times may have been named "New Troy" [source needed].
Possibly out of a desire to emulate the Romans the Early medieval Britons, the
and Scandinavians all produced works tracing their ancestors to Troy.
Some early British Israel writers tried to combine the Trojan ancestries with
Israelite ones
and claim an Hebraic or Israelite origin for the Trojans.
Archaeology has revealed the presence of artifacts in the west similar to those
found in Troy
and elsewhere. These finds may not be that numerous but they do exist and
indicate a common
cultural or ethnic element linking Troy to places in Europe.
The site identified with Troy consists of several stratum indicating that
different peoples and civilizations
at various times had occupied the site.
Conventional dating linking the accounts in Classical Literature with
archaeological findings
gives dates from ca. 1230 to 1120 BCE.
Velikovsky placed it much later and in this case we tend to agree with him.
In our work "Lost Israelite Identity" we indicate that Israelites with the Tribe
of Dan playing a prominent role
at some stage did conquer all of Asia Minor (present day Turkey) and Greece.
They were not necessarily there for very long and did not contribute
significantly to the native stock.
Whether or not these events involved Troy is a subject requiring further study.
At the moment we remain skeptical.
(b) Relevant extracts from the
on Troy.
Troy (Greek: , Troia, also , Ilion; Latin: Tr ia, lium;[1] Hittite: Wilusa or
Truwisa) is a legendary city and center of the Trojan War, as described in the
Epic Cycle, and especially in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems attributed to
Homer. Trojan refers to the inhabitants and culture of Troy.
Today it is the name of an archaeological site, the traditional location of
Homeric Troy, Turkish Truva, in Hisarl k in Anatolia, close to the seacoast in
what is now ?nakkale province in northwest Turkey, southwest of the Dardanelles
under Mount Ida.
A new city of Ilium was founded on the site in the reign of the Roman Emperor
Augustus. It flourished until the establishment of Constantinople and declined
gradually during the Byzantine era.
In the 1870s a wealthy German businessman, Heinrich Schliemann, excavated the
area. Later excavations revealed several cities built in succession to each
other. One of the earlier cities (Troy VII) is often identified with Homeric
Troy. While such an identity is disputed, the site has been successfully
identified with the city called Wilusa in Hittite texts; Ilion (which goes back
to earlier Wilion with a digamma) is thought to be the Greek rendition of that
According to Greek mythology Troy was an ancient city in the Troad region of
Anatolia. It is presented anachronistically in legend as if it were part of the
Greek culture of city-states. Since the entire state comprised more than the
city of Troy itself, anyone from its jurisdiction, which was mainly the Troad,
might be termed "Trojan" in ancient literature.[2] An alternative classical
Greek and Latin term was "Teucrians", a name taken from an ethnicity of the
south Troad. Troy was known for its riches gained from port trade with east and
west, fancy clothes, iron production, and massive defensive walls. The major
language spoken there and the derivative cultures remain uncertain. Legend for
the most part ignores language and makes the presumption that Trojans were
fluent in Greek.
The Trojan royal kinship, in Greek eyes, traced its descent from the Pleiad
Electra and Zeus, the parents of Dardanus. According to Greek myths, Dardanus
was originally from Arcadia but according to Roman myths, he was originally from
Italy, having crossed over to Asia Minor from the island of Samothrace, where he
met King Teucer. Teucer was himself also a coloniser from Attica, and treated
Dardanus with respect. Eventually Dardanus married Teucer's daughters, and
founded Dardania (later ruled by Aeneas). Upon Dardanus' death, the Kingdom was
passed to his grandson Tros, who called the people Trojans and the land Troad,
after himself. Ilus, son of Tros, founded the city of Ilium (Troy) that he
called after himself. Zeus gave Ilus the Palladium. Poseidon and Apollo built
the walls and fortifications around Troy for Laomedon, son of Ilus the younger.
When Laomedon refused to pay, Poseidon flooded the land and demanded the
sacrifice of Hesione to a sea monster. Pestilence came and the sea monster
snatched away the people of the plain.
In Sardis [Lydia] a self-identified Heracleid dynasty ruled for 505 years until
the time of Candaules. The dynasty's founding myth legitimizes their rule by
asserting that one generation before the Trojan War, Heracles captured Troy and
killed Laomedon and his sons, except for young Priam. Priam later became king.
During his reign, the Mycenaean Greeks invaded and captured Troy in the Trojan
War (traditionally dated to 1193?1183 BCE, most recently dated to 1188 BCE).[3]
The Ionians, Cimmerians, Phrygians, Milesians of Sinope, and Lydians moved into
Asia Minor. The Persians invaded in 546 BCE.
Several far-flung tribes claimed descent from the Trojans: the Paeonians,[4] the
Elymi of Egesta,[5] and the west Libyan Maxyes.[6] The Trojan ships transformed
into naiads, who rejoiced to see the wreckage of Odysseus' ship.
Some famous Trojans are Dardanus (founder of Troy), Laomedon, Ganymede, Priam
and his children (including Paris, Cassandra, and Troilus), Tithonus, Corythus,
Aeneas, and Brutus. Kapys, Boukolion, and Aisakos were Trojan princes who had
naiad wives. Some of the Trojan allies were the Lycians, the Ethiopians led by
Memnon, and the Amazons, led by their Queen Hippolyta. The Aisepid nymphs were
the naiads of the Trojan River Aisepos. Pegsis was the naiad of the River
Granicus near Troy. "Helen of Troy" was born not in Troy, but in Sparta, of
which she was queen until she eloped with Paris to Troy.
Mount Ida in Asia Minor is where Ganymede was abducted by Zeus, where Anchises
was seduced by Aphrodite, where Aphrodite gave birth to Aeneas, where Paris
lived as a shepherd, where the nymphs lived, where the "Judgement of Paris" took
place, where the Greek gods watched the Trojan War, where Hera distracted Zeus
with her seductions long enough to permit the Achaeans, aided by Poseidon, to
hold the Trojans off their ships, and where Aeneas and his followers rested and
waited until the Greeks set out for Greece. Buthrotos (or Buthrotum) was a city
in Epirus where Helenus, the Trojan seer, built a replica of Troy. Aeneas landed
there and Helenus foretold his future.
Ancient Greek historians placed the Trojan War variously in the 12th, 13th or
14th century BCE: Eratosthenes to 1184 BCE, Herodotus to 1250 BCE, Duris of
Samos to 1334 BCE. Modern archaeologists associate Homeric Troy with
archaeological Troy VII.
Recent geological findings have permitted the reconstruction of how the original
Trojan coastline would have looked, and the results largely confirm the accuracy
of the Homeric geography of Troy.[9]
Besides the Iliad, there are references to Troy in the other major work
attributed to Homer, the Odyssey, as well as in other ancient Greek literature.
The Homeric legend of Troy was elaborated by the Roman poet Virgil in his work
the Aeneid. The Greeks and Romans took for a fact the historicity of the Trojan
War, and in the identity of Homeric Troy with the site in Anatolia. Alexander
the Great, for example, visited the site in 334 BCE and made sacrifices at the
alleged tombs of the Homeric heroes Achilles and Patroclus.
A small minority of contemporary writers argue that Homeric Troy was not in
Anatolia, but located elsewhere: England,[17] Croatia, and Scandinavia have been
proposed. These theories have not been accepted by mainstream scholars.
Troy VIIa, which has been dated to the mid- to late-13th century BCE, is the
most often-cited candidate for the Troy of Homer. It appears to have been
destroyed by war.[19]
The last city on this site, Hellenistic Ilium, was founded by Romans during the
reign of the emperor Augustus and was an important trading city until the
establishment of Constantinople in the fourth century as the eastern capital of
the Roman Empire. In Byzantine times the city declined gradually, and eventually
Such was the fame of the Epic Cycle in Roman and medieval times that it was
built upon to provide a starting point for various founding myths of national
origins. The progenitor of all of them is undoubtedly that promulgated by Virgil
in the Aeneid, tracing the ancestry of the founders of Rome, more specifically
the Julio-Claudian dynasty, to the Trojan prince Aeneas. The heroes of Troy,
both those noted in the epic texts or those purpose-invented, continued to
perform the role of founder for the nations of Early Medieval Europe.[23] Denys
Hay noted the widespread adoption of Trojan forebears as an authentication of
national status, in Europe: the Emergence of an Idea (Edinburgh 1957). The Roman
de Troie was common cultural ground for European governing classes,[24] for whom
a Trojan pedigree was gloriously ancient, and it established the
successor-kingdoms of which they were direct heirs as equals of the Romans. A
Trojan pedigree justified the occupation of parts of Rome's erstwhile
territories (Huppert 1965).
The Franks filled the lacunae of their legendary origins with Trojan and
pseudo-Trojan names; in Fredegar's seventh-century chronicle of Frankish
history, Priam appears as the first king of the Franks.[25] The Trojan origin of
Franks and France was such an established article of faith that in 1714 the
learned Nicolas Fr?et was Bastilled for showing through historical criticism
that the Franks had been Germanic, a sore point counter to Valois and Bourbon
Similarly Geoffrey of Monmouth traces the legendary Kings of the Britons to a
supposed descendant of Aeneas called Brutus. Snorri Sturluson, in the Prologue
to his Prose Edda, converts several half-remembered characters from Troy into
characters from Norse mythology, and refers to them having made a journey across
Europe towards Scandinavia, setting up kingdoms as they went.
4. Question on the importance of Jewish
Sources and Jewish Belief in "Brit-Am" matters
Ine og Eirik Stokke wrote:
Hello Yair!
In the article "History of Brit-Am"
we learn that you received much of your inspiration concerning
the lost tribes from your christian grandmother. I would like though to know
more about the jewish traditions concerning the lost tribes that has inspired
Brit-Am's work. My best friend, who is jewish, tells me that it is not unusual
among learned jews in Israel to believe that the lost tribes are placed in the
northern parts of Europe. Does this belief/tradition stem for the most part
from christian British-Israelism brought into Israel from Europe?
Best regards, Eirik Stokke, Norway.
Brit-Am Reply:
I do not know how much was due to my grandmother since I hardly
knew her.
I remember meeting her when I was about five years old and that is all.
I mentioned her involvement since it indicates something. Certain things
sometimes seem to run in the family.
For instance my brother Oren Davis just published a book about the importance
of names. Names, their meanings, and associations
play an important role in our own book "The Tribes". In other words the meaning
of names
has come to be important to both of us yet when we were growing up I do not
remember anybody ever mentioning it.
Even some of the early British Israel writers may have been influenced by Jewish
The factors that MOST contributed to the compulsion I had and still have on this
derive from the Hebrew Bible as I was taught to understand it from a Jewish
Many Jews do have an idea that the Lost Tribes are in the west. Or at the least
they are open to
the possibility.
Where these ideas come from it is hard to say.
In some cases they heard about it or saw a non-Jewish article dealing with it
and the notion appealed to them.
One old Rabbi I met seemed to have received a notion in that direction from the
motto "In God we Trust"
on the dollar bill. Another elderly Orthodox Jew told me he had thought of it
I once asked a noted Kabbalist who are the "Anglo-Saxons"?
He replied:
"Some say they are Israelites and some say Edom".
What or who he meant by "some" I have no idea.
Rabbis might be learned but like everybody else they are human and influenced by
what they hear, who they
are speaking to, what kind of day they have had, etc.
Without sources that can be referred to one cannot go very far.
There are Jewish sources that taken to their logical conclusion lean strongly
(in our opinion) in the Brit-Am direction.
In our books we quote from several of them (e.g. "Role to Rule and the Maharal
of Prague speaking
of the 'New World"). See also articles on our site.
e.g. Manasseh in Rabbinical Sources
This is just what we ourselves have come across in our learning which comprises
not even a tiny
speck of the vast amount of material that is available.
Nevertheless Divine Providence for some reason seems to have chosen us to lead
the way in this matter.
We hope that others will come after us.
If we can do it so can others.
5. Divine Providence Revealed in
"Brit-Am Now no. 1325"?
In the above items we spoke of things running in the family and Divine
There may be evidence of this in this very posting.
The first posting is from Didrik Ingileif from Iceland. Iceland is linked to
The third posting is from Eirik Stokke from Norway.
Norway and Iceland are part of Scandinavia.
The second posting is from Walt Baucum who is from Idaho, USA, and not from
Walt however has just had published an important work,
"Bronze Age Atlantis.
The International Nautical Empire of the Sea Peoples"
This book traces Atlantis to the coasts of Scandinavia, deals with Scandinavia
during the Bronze Age,
and speaks of the Scandinavian origins from Israel.
It follows that three out of the four above items closely concern Scandinavia
and they all arrived in one day!
At other times weeks, even months, can go by and Scandinavia hardly receives a
and nobody sends anything in connected with it!
Such apparent "coincidences" happen all the time to all of us.
We just have to open our eyes.
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